
  • Training Ourselves To Be Godly 18 [1 Tim 4:6-10] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 3. 5. 20:17


    New Zealand / West Side                      Moru


    Training Ourselves

    To Be Godly 18 

    [1 Tim 4:6-10]

    / Anne's Faith Column 



    / By Priscilla


    "If you point these things

    out to the brothers,




    you will be a good minister

    of Christ Jesus, brought up

    in the truths of the faith

    and of the good teaching

    that you have followed.




    Have nothing to do

    with godless myths

    and old wives' tales;

    rather, train yourself

    to be godly.




    For physical training

    is of some value,



    but godliness has value

    for all things, holding

    promise for both

    the present life and

    the life to come.




    This is a trustworthy

    saying that deserves

    full acceptance




     (and for this we

     labor and strive),




    that we have put our

    hope in the living God,

    who is the Savior

    of all men,




    and especially of

    those who believe.

    [1 Tim 4 : 6-10]




    In order to teach

    and lead others as

      a minister of the Lord,




    we must first learn

    the word of God's truth

    and dwell in the work

    of confidence.




    To do this, we must

    not neglect the training

     ourselves to be godly.




    So, what is the mission

    as a good minister

     of Christ Jesus?




    Today's scripture says:




    "Have nothing to do

    with godless myths

    and old wives' tales;

    rather, train yourself

    to be godly."




    To be a servant of the Lord,

    you must be nurtured only

    with the words of faith and

    good instruction,




    and have self-reflection

    to look back on your-

     -self all the time.




    Years of faith are also important,

    but if the training yourself

    to be godly is not on the

    basis of our faith,




    we can have a self-centered

    and assertive faith with

    strong black-and-white logic.




    We may be formalists

    who are biased toward form,

    convention, or appearance,




    or legalists that only

    emphasizes law and

    condemns others

     based upon law.




    In addition,

    there is a tendency to

    disrespect God's grace

    due to excessive errors,




    or to be biased against

    secularism easily.




    In addition,

    the essence of faith

    may be forgotten, justified,

    or rationalized by being

    swept away by the trends

    of the world




    and forever deviated

    from the truth or

    essence of the gospel

     spoken by the Lord.




    There is a form of godliness,

    but as its power become weak,

    it is likely that the prejudice




    and arrogance of the saints

    can be rather poisonous

    in the truth of the Lord.

    We should fear it and

    should not let it be.




    It is the most dangerous

    to reinterpret the words

    of the Bible freely,

    regardless of age or sex,

    without the basis of faith

    or godliness.




    At this time,

    we must prevent ourselves

    from the tendency or errors

    in advance that are into


    in the Word by sharing

    meditation with each other,




    and take care of each other

    in order not to go astra

    y spiritually.




    First, we must realize that

    we need to deny ourselves

    constantly in order to

    qualify ourselves to be

    God's good ministers. 




    However, on

    the other hand,

    we must ask the Holy Spirit

    to become  personalities




    that can properly qualify

    ourselves to be leaders

    rather than to become leaders




    The Psalm 29 : 18 says :




    "Where there is

    no revelation, the people

     cast off restraint."




    To do this, we should

    always read and meditate

    on the words of each day

    on a regular basis so as not

    to be prejudiced in faith.




    Those who say that

    they will receive God's calling

     and become ministers

    of the Lord are

    advised to kee.p




    'Today's scriptures' i

    n mind  and to set their

    minds straight and

    to accept the scriptures

    above willingly. 




    These are essential

    scriptures to consider

    carefully for those who

    are preparing for

    spiritual leaders by

    receiving God's calling. 




    If we recognize

    the reality of the

     love of Jesus,



    who is a Holy One

    and came to this earth

    in the very nature

    of a servant




    and sacrificed

    Himself for us,




    we must humbly lay

    our will before Him,

    submit to Him with

    gratitude not duty,




    and we must serve Him

    with joy all the time.  




    The Lord said that

    'a blind man cannot

    lead a blind man'.




    Therefore, there can be

    absolutely no contradictory

    behavior, such as trying

    to lead others while

      you are going astray.  




    In addition,

    there should never be

    a way to put 'Jesus Christ'




    ahead of you as a means

    for your purpose and

    motivation for





    Since all these things

    are detestable before God,

    we must eradicate these

    things and completely

     abolish them.




    Instead, we must

    wash up our hearts

    which are full of toxins




    with the holiness that

    the Holy Spirit grants us,

    put on the clothes of

    pure righteousness,





    dress up our hearts

    in godliness, and approach

    the Lord like brides

    in linen cloth.




    As John the Baptist

    once confessed:

    'He must become greater




    and I must become less',

    that is, when He comes




    and works in me, I must

    confess to the Lord like

    John the Baptist with

    the determination to kill




    and destroy myself

    so that He may work in me.






    let's earnestly hope

    to become true disciples




    who follow the Lord

    with such new eyes

    and hearts of awareness.




    Also, let's train ourselves

    to be godly, dress up

    like brides waiting for

    the bridegroom, and

    greet the Lord happily.












    We've realized

    we must train ourselves

    to be godly.




    Please grant each one

    of us the power to

    our willingness,




    and lead us to follow

    you more humbly, only

    with joy, and with













    / By Priscilla








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