Do Not Be Against God 119 [Hos 13:9-16] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 5. 22. 22:13
New Zealand / West Side Moru Do Not Be Against God 119 [Hos 13:9-16] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla To reject God is exactly to reject the only hope in life. "A wind from the LORD will come, blowing in from the desert; his spring will fail and his well dry up. His storehouse will be plundered of all its treasures." Just as the Israelites dared to be against God and led the way to destructi..
The Only Savior118 [Hos 13:1-8] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 4. 29. 20:36
New Zealand / West Side Moru The Only Savior118 [Hos 13:1-8] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla Due to their satisfaction and abundance of their lives, the Israelites became proud and arrogant, and God lamented that they had already forgotten God, the Savior, and immersed themselves in worshiping idols. In any situation, we God's children must only believe in and serve God and be convinced tha..
Dishonest Scales117 (Don't Rely On Riches) [Hos 12:7-14] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 4. 17. 17:29
New Zealand / West Side Moru Dishonest Scales117 / Don't rely On Riches [Hos 12:7-14] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla The LORD God is the Almighty God who led the Israelites, who were enslaved, out of oppressive Egypt through Moses. The Israelites did evil, insolence, and injustice before God, and trusted, treasured, and loved wealth more than God. They practiced defrauding with dishonest s..
The LORD God Almighty116 / God Who Repays Us According To Our Deeds [Hos 12:1-6] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 3. 27. 06:18
New Zealand / West Side Moru The LORD God Almighty116 / God Who Repays Us According To Our Deeds [Hos 12:1-6] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla Today's scripture tells us that God Almighty is Sovereign LORD, and he not only rules over all things, but also controls human life. God urged the Israelites to return to him. He is the LORD God Almighty, and repays them according to their deeds'. The..
God's Love For Us Ties of Love! 115 [Hos 11:1-12] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 3. 21. 08:50
New Zealand / West Side Moru God's Love For Us Ties Of Love! 115 [Hos 11:1-12] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla God, who led Israelites with the ties of love, endlessly urged the people, who did not realize His love and distanced themselves from Him, to return. Nevertheless, it can be seen through today's scripture that God lamented that the people did not return in the end with their hearts..
Break Up Your Unplowed Ground 114 / It Is Time To Seek The LORD [Hos 10:9-15] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 3. 13. 08:08
New Zealand / West Side Moru Break Up Your 114 Unplowed Ground / It Is Time To Seek The LORD [Hos 10:9-15] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla After threshing at the time of harvest, numerous rice straws can be seen in the rice field. A bountiful harvest enables cattle to eat rice straw abundantly as tasty fodder, too. However, for that bountiful harvest, the land must first be plowed. Farmers ..
True Peace 113 [Hos 10:1-8] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 3. 8. 09:10
New Zealand / West Side Moru True Peace113 [Hos 10:1-8] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla " Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones." (Hosea 10:2) Through today's scripture, we are told that the prosperous people of Israel became deceitful, and the glory of God departed from them and eventually reached t..
A Life That Bears Fruit Through Obedience 112 (Consequences of Disobedience) [Hos 9:10-17] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2023. 3. 2. 18:53
New Zealand / West Side Moru A Life That Bears Fruit 112 Through Obedience / Consequences of Disobedience [Hos 9:10-17] / Anne's Faith Column / By Priscilla Today's scripture warned that as a result of disobedience, Israelites would be thrown out of God's hand and be in danger of breaking the relationship with God. Why were Israelites cast out of the hand of Almighty God? It was the result of th..