
  • Conflicts Experienced ByThe Saints And A Life Of Obedience To God 15 [Jam 4:1-10] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 2. 23. 19:10


    New Zealand / West Side                                   Moru


    Conflicts Experienced By

    The Saints And A Life Of

    Obedience To God 15

    [Jam 4:1-10] 

    / Anne's Faith Column 




    / By Priscilla



    The saints,

    during their lives,



    experience spiritual

    conflicts due to the

    greed that constantly

    arises in their minds



    and the influences

    of the world around them.



    This is why

    the Scripture says 

    as follows:



    "When you ask,

    you do not receive,

    because you ask

    with wrong motives,



    that you may spend

    what you get on

    your pleasures."

    (Jam 4:3)



    Living in this world,

    in fact, we humans

    feel a lot of conflicts

    because of the greed.



    Thus, how many times

    have we been in conflict

    because we haven't

    received God's answer



    and we haven't

    overcome our

    own greed?



    In order not to

    be deceived by

     the world



    or to be swept away

    by the world's trends,

    we must check our own

    personal actions



    or attitudes of our minds

    and be careful not to

    ask God with greed

    before God.



    "For the love of money

    is a root of all kinds

    of evil."

    (1 Tim 6:10)



    "Pride goes before

    destruction, a haughty

    spirit before a fall."

    (Pro 16:18)



    Therefore, we must

    never forget that



    greed and evil desires,

    trickery and deceit,

    bluff and vanity, pride

    and  arrogance, and lust



    and ambition are all

    not from God,

    and that they are

    misdeeds that God hate.



    The sinful nature

    of human beings

    leads us to commit sins

    if we can, while it

    surrounds the world



    and makes us constantly

    deceived and cooperate

    with the power

    of darkness.




    Apostle John urges

     us as follows.



    "Do not love the world

    or anything in the world.



    If anyone loves the world,

    the love of the Fathe

    r is not in him.



     For everything

    in the world

    --the cravings of

    sinful man,



    the lust of his eyes

    and the boasting of what

    he has and does--



    comes not from the

    Father but from the world.



    The world and its

    desires pass away,



    but the man who does

    the will of God lives

    forever.  (1 John 2:15-17)    




    However, the more

    we try to get closer

    to God, the more we

    tend to do what the

    Lord hates.



    Rather, the more

    we try to reduce

    the greed, selfishness,

    honor, or ambition



    that sometimes

    arise in our minds,

    the more we fall

    into a pit of sins.



    So 'Apostle Paul'

    having the same

    nature as ours, 



    honestly confessed

    his feelings to God

     as follows:



    "I do not understand

    what I do. For what

    I want to do I do

    not do, but what

    I hate I do.



    And if I do what

    I do not want to do,

    I agree that the

    law is good.



    As it is, it is no longer

    I myself who do it,

    but it is sin living

    in me.



    I know that nothing

    good lives in me,

    that is, in my

    sinful nature.



    For I have the desire

    to do what is good,

    but I cannot carry

    it out.



     For what I do is

    not the good I want

    to do; no, the evil



    I do not want to do

    --this I keep on doing.



    Now if I do what I do

    not want to do,

    it is no longer

    I who do it,



    but it is sin living

    in me that does it.



    So I find this law

    at work: When I want

    to do good, evil is

    right there with me.



     For in my inner

    being I delight in

    God's law;



    but I see another law

    at work in the members

    of my body, waging

    war against the law

    of my mind



    and making me

    a prisoner of the law

    of sin at work within

    my members.



    What a wretched

    man I am!



    Who will rescue me

    from this body

    of death?



    Thanks be to God

    --through Jesus Christ

    our Lord! So then,

    I myself in my mind

    am a slave to God's law,



    but in the sinful nature

    a slave to the law of sin.

       (Rom 7:15-25) 



    In addition, to us

    who are in endless pain,

    the apostle Paul finally

    presents us with the

    correct answer

    he has learned.



    "Therefore, there is

    now no condemnation

    for those who are in

     Christ Jesus,



    because through

    Christ Jesus the law

    of the Spirit of life

    set me free from

    the law of sin

    and death.



     For what the law

    was powerless to do

    in that it was weakened

    by the sinful nature,



    God did by sending

    his own Son in the

    likeness of sinful man

    to be a sin offering.



    And so he condemned

    sin in sinful man,



    in order that the

    righteous requirements

    of the law might be

    fully met in us,



    who do not live

    according to the sinful

    nature but according

    to the Spirit.



    Those who live

    according to the sinfu

    l nature have their minds

    set on what that nature




    but those who live

    in accordance with the

    Spirit have their minds

    set on what the

     Spirit desires.



     The mind of sinful man

    is death, but the mind

    controlled by the Spirit

     is life and peace;



     the sinful mind is

    hostile to God.



    It does not submit

    to God's law, nor

    can it do so.



    Those controlled

    by the sinful nature

      cannot please God.



    You, however, are

    controlled not by

    the sinful nature



    but by the Spirit,

    if the Spirit of God

    lives in you.



    And if anyone

    does not have the

    Spirit of Christ,

    he does not belong

    to Christ.



    But if Christ is in you,

    your body is dead



    because of sin,

    yet your spirit is

    alive because of




    And if the Spirit of him

    who raised Jesus from

    the dead is living in you,



    he who raised Christ

    from the dead will

    also give life to your

    mortal bodies through

    his Spirit, who lives in you.



     Therefore, brothers,

    we have an obligation-



    -but it is not to the

    sinful nature, to live

    according to it.



     For if you live according to

    the sinful nature, you

    will die;



    but if by the

    Spirit you put to

    death the misdeeds

    of the body,

    you will live,



    because those who

    are led by the Spirit

    of God are sons of God.

      (Rom 8:1-14)



    In the end,

    if we are in Christ,

    all conflicts and

    problems will

    be solved.



    In order not to

    throw ourselves into

    the world, first of all,

    we must live a

    consecrated life.



    To this, the apostle

    Paul once again

    presents a clear

    answer to us.



    "Therefore, I urge you,

    brothers, in view of



    God's mercy, to offer

    your bodies as living

    sacrifices, holy



    and pleasing to God-

    -this is your spiritual

    act of worship.



    Do not conform

    any longer to the pattern

    of this world, but be

    transformed by the

    renewing of your mind.



    Then you will be able to

    test and approve what

    God's will is--his good,

    pleasing and perfect will."

       (Rom 12:1-2)



    We must not turn aside

    to the right or to the left,



    and we must live

    sensitively to the flow

    of the world



    as shrewd as snakes

    and as innocent as doves.



    If so, what should

    we do to keep our

    minds and find peace?



    1) We must live a

       balanced life.



    Above all, in order to

    be able to properly

    practice God's words

    and actions,



    it is necessary

    not to be biased to

    either side,



    but to make a

    'balanced life' first.



    2)  We must keep our

       spirit clean.




    When we fully receive

    God's good will

    and maintain a

    clean spirit,



    we will lead a life

    of real victory while

     living in the world.



    Therefore, we must

    ask the Lord constantly

    so that we may

    remain in Jesus,



    and he may

      remain in us.



     For this, we should

    always ask the

    Holy Spirit so that



    we can no longer be

    discouraged in our

    struggles with




    and that we

    can only be united

     with Christ.






    Thank you Lord.

    Like the apostle Paul,



    who learned the whole

    thing of life, help me

    to gain freedom

    in you the Lord



    and live a life of

    completely obeying

    God without any

     further conflicts.



    This will be done,

    not by might nor

    by power but by

    the Spirit of the Lord. 



    Let us be with you.











    / By Priscilla









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