
  • Perseverance Must Finish Its Work 20 [Jam 1:1-8] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 3. 11. 09:31


    New Zealand / West Side               Moru



    Perseverance Must

    Finish Its Work 20

     [Jam 1:1-8]

     / Anne's Faith Column 


    / By Priscilla



     "Perseverance must finish

    its work so that you

    may be mature and

    complete, not lacking


     (Jam 1 : 4)




    Whenever we face

    trials of many kinds,

    we should consider

    it pure joy.




    That's because

    the testing of our faith

    develops perseverance.




    In fact, it is more

    important than

    anything else for our

    believers to persevere

    under trial to the end.




    This is why God

    sometimes allows these

    trials of many kinds

    to keep us from lacking.




    Therefore, when

    the trials come to us,




    we should truly rejoice

    because it is clearly

    recorded in the

    scripture as follows.




     Blessed is the man

    who perseveres

    under trial,




    because when he has

    stood the test, he will

    receive the crown of life




    that God has promised

    to those who love him. 

    (Jam 1 : 12)




     Like this, through James,

    we can confirm the

    word of promise that

    God gave to his children,




    and we can only

    rejoice in hopes.




     God loves us humans

    so much that there

    are times when he

     interferes with us.




     Sometimes when we

    become indolent

    or spiritually arrogant,




    he allows trials for us

    through circumstances. 





    He even trains us

    every moment so that

    we may take root of faith

    by breaking the egos




    in the depths of our hearts

    through those around us. 




    Also, even when we

    have lack of wisdom

    in our lives,




    God wants to be deeply

    involved in our lives




     And he says,




    "Don't boast of your

    understanding and

    don't trust your will." 




    Despite the fact

    that our entire life

    is in God's control




    and must be obedient

    in front of our loving

    and tolerant father

    in heaven,




    like immature children,

    we have lived insisting

    to bear the burden

    of our own life since

    the ego was formed.




    Then, in today's scripture,

    in order to persevere

    under trial to the end,

    what should we do?




     1. We must rely on God. 




    Do not doubt at all,

    but we must trust him

    with one single mind. 




    No matter what situation

    may come to us, we mus

    t not be shaken on the

    basis of faith.




    The Bible says

     as follows:




     “But when he asks,

    he must believe and

    not doubt, because

    he who doubts




    is like a wave

    of the sea,

    blown and tossed

    by the wind.




     That man should

    not think he will

    receive anything

    from the Lord;




     he is a double

    -minded man,

    unstable in all

    he does.”

    (Jam 1 : 6-8)




     2. In our lives we must

    be clothed in being filled

    with the Holy Spirit.




     Even though

    we have faith, if we

    are not filled with

    the Holy Spirit,




    we cannot see

     Almighty God,




    and face the limit

    of our ability and are

    often frustrated. 




    When our spiritual

    condition is distracting,

    how many times have

    we underestimated




    and distrusted the Word

      and working of the Lord! 





    This is because we

    have lack of spiritual

    training, are not armed

      with the Word of God,




    and eventually

    become double-minded

    due to inner conflict.




     3. We need to examine

    our attitudes of faith,

    our lives, and our

    inner beings.




     In order to correct

    our inner condition,

    which has become loose

    and off guard at

    some point,




    we must ask the

    Holy Spirit for help and

     stand firm in the Lord.




    If we face trials worthy

    of the perseverance

    to make us mature

    and complete,




    we should consider

    it pure joy. 




    And we will have

    to rely on the Lord

    to overcome the trials,

    going step by step

    toward the Lord.












    We want to be changed

    into more orderly lives

    in the guidance

    of the Holy Spirit. 




    With your wisdom,

    help us to persevere

    under trial to the end. 










     / By Priscilla










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