
  • What is the Ten Commandments22 [Lev 18:3-5] / Ephphatha DiscipleshipTraining (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 7. 27. 10:41

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    What is the 

    Ten Commandments22 

    [Lev 18:3-5]


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course)



    / By Pastor Priscilla


    Today's Scripture 



    "You must not do

    as they do in Egypt,

    where you used to live,



    and you must not do as

    they do in the land of Canaan,

    where I am bringing you.

    Do not follow their practices.



    You must obey my laws

    and be careful to follow

    my decrees.



    I am the LORD your God.



    Keep my decrees and laws,

    for the man who obeys

    them will live by them.

    I am the LORD."

    (Lev 18:3-5)



    The Ten Commandments,

    given by God to the people

    of Israel through Moses,

    are the standard of life

    for us believers today.



    Originally, the Israelites

    were in slavery in Egypt

    for 430 years

    (Exodus 12:40-41)




    to the covenant



    God made with their

    ancestor 'Abraham',

    God brought them out

    of Egypt to Mount Sinai.



    God gave many words

    to them through

    Moses on the mountain,

    and the core content

    of this is the


    'Ten Commandments',

    and believers, who

    believe in God, needed

    a standard of life.



    Today we are in the

    same situation. 



    Before we believed

    in Jesus, we lived

    in the worldly way of life,



    but now that we believe

    in Jesus and have become

    the people of the

    kingdom of heaven,



    it is natural that

    we need standards to

    live as God's people.



    Of course, we are not

    saved by keeping the

    Ten Commandments,



    but now that we

    have been saved,

    this law is a precious

    standard for us.




    (Gal 2 :16, Rom 7:12)



    There are ten kinds

    of commands in the

    Ten Commandmentsl,

    but they are divided

    into two parts.



    1. Commandments to God



    It is very important

    for us who believe

    in God to know exactly

    how to serve God.


    1) Do not have other

    gods before God.



    "You shall have no other

    gods before me."

    (Exo 20:3)



    2) Do not make for

    yourself an idol.



    "You shall not make

    for yourself an idol

    in the form of anything

    in heaven above



    or on the earth beneath

    or in the waters below.



    You shall not bow down

    to them or worship them;

    for I, the LORD your God,

    am a jealous God,



    punishing the children

    for the sin of the fathers

    to the third and fourth

    generation of those

    who hate me,



    but showing love to

    a thousand generations

    of those who love me and

    keep my commandments."

    (Exo 20:4-6)



    These two commandments

    are not to worship other

    idols or demons while

    saying you believe in God.



    Write down the reason.

    (Ex : celebrity idosl,

    satan worship,

    angel worship,

    Maria worship etc.)



    To love more than God l

    (Children, material things,

    honor, pleasure etc.)



    "Acknowledge and

    take to heart this day

    that the LORD is God

    in heaven above



    and on the earth below.

    There is no other."

    (Deut 4:39)



    "They sacrificed

    to demons, which

    are not God--gods

    they had not known,



    gods that recently

    appeared, gods your

    fathers did not fear."

    (Deut 32:17)



    3) Do not misuse the

    name of the LORD.



    "You shall not misuse

    the name of the LORD

    your God, for the LORD

    will not hold anyone

    guiltless who misuses

    his name."

    (Exo 20:7)



    People also

    value their names

    and hate to have their

     honor trampled on,



    and when others

    trample their honor,

    they even report it as




    Therefore, the Bible

    tells us that believers

    in God should not trample

     upon the name of God.

    (Ezek 36:23, Philip 1:20)



    4) Keep the Sabbath day holy.



    "Remember the

    Sabbath day by

    keeping it holy."

    (Exo 20:8)



    (1) What did God tell

    them to keep holy?

    -Sabbath day



    (2) What should they

    do for 6 days to keep

    the Sabbath?



    "Six days you will

    labor and do all

    your work,"

     (Exo 20:9)



    (3) Who was told to keep

    the Sabbath day?



    "But the seventh day

    is a Sabbath to the

     LORD your God.



    On it you shall not

    do any work, neither

    you, nor your son or




    nor your manservant

    or maidservant, nor

    your animals,



    nor the alien within

    your gates."

    (Exo 20:10)



    (4) Why should we keep

    the Sabbath day?



    God made the heavens

    and the sea and everything

    in them and rested on

    the seventh day.



    "Therefore, God blessed

    and holy the Sabbath

    and made it a sign

    between God and them.;

    (Ezek 20:12)



    In the present world,

    the Sabbath day is the day

    we go to God's house

    once a week



    and meet God, and it

    means eternal rest

     that we will enjoy when

    we enter heaven.



    Therefore, believers

    must keep the Sabbath day.



    In the Old Testament times,

    God created the heavens

    and the earth and all things

    and kept the Saturday,

    when he rested.



    In the New Testament

    times, the Sabbath day

    is observed on the Sunday

    when Jesus Christ died

    and rose again.



    God not only told us

    to keep this day,

    but he also promised

    blessings to those who

    keep it right.



    "If you keep your feet

    from breaking the Sabbath

    and from doing as you

    please on my holy day,

    if you call the Sabbath

    a delight



    and the LORD'S holy day

    honorable, and if you

    honor it by not going

    your own way


    and not doing as you

    please or speaking

    idle words, then you

    will find your joy in

    the LORD,



    and I will cause you

    to ride on the heights

    of the land and to feast

    on the inheritance of

    your father Jacob."



    The mouth of the

    LORD has spoken.

    (Isa 58:13-14)  



    2. Commandment

    s for Man



    While we live in the world,

    we not only serve God,

    but we also have

    relationships with people.



    God has taught us

    how to relate to people.



    1) Honor your parents.



    "Honor your father

    and your mother,



    so that you may live long

    in the land the LORD

    your God is giving you."

    (Exo 20:12)



    "Because God is the

    Father of our souls,

    when believers in God



    do not do right with

    their physical parents,

    God hates their


     (1 Tim 5:8)



    2) Do not murder.



    "You shall not murder.

    (Exo 20:13)



    The Lord told us to

    love each other

    and even to love

    our enemies,



    saying that even hating

    someone is part of the

    sin of murder.

    (The Way of Discipleship)



    3) Do not commit adultery.



    "You shall not

    commit adultery.

    (Exo 20:14)



    The body

    God created is holy.



    Also, the home God has

    made for us is holy.



    Our bodies and our homes

    must not be defiled with

     prostitution and dissipation.



    God forbids these things

    because they are what cause

    the collapse of society

    and the nation.



    God tells us that

    He will judge everyone

    who commits adultery.

    (1 Cori 6:18, Heb. 13:4)



    4) Do not steal.



    "You shall not steal."

    (Exo 20:15)



    5) Do not give false

    testimony against

    your neighbor.



    "You shall not give false

    testimony against

    your neighbor.

    (Exo  20 :16)



    6) Do not covet your neighbor's.



    "You shall not covet

    your neighbor's house.



    You shall not covet

    your neighbor's wife,

    or his manservant or




    his ox or donkey,

    or anything that belongs

    to your neighbor."

    (Exo 20:17)



    Many people today

    tend not to think of their

    neighbors and only think

    of themselves.



    So they trample

    on others and seek only

    their own benefits.




    However, this is not

    the right path as a person,

    and in the end it cannot

    be a blessing or happiness.




    God wants us to love

    our neighbors and rather

    sacrifice ourselves for them.




    So let's have Jesus,

    the Lord, in us.



    -'Love your neighbor

    as yourself.' 



    'Love your neighbor

    as yourself.'

    (Matt 22 : 39)



    - A kernel of wheat must

    die to produce many seeds. 



    " I tell you the truth,

    unless a kernel of wheat

    falls to the ground and dies, 

    it remains only a single seed.



    But if it dies, it

    produces many seeds."

    (John 12:24)



    We should please our

    neighbor for our good,

    to build us up.



    "Each of us should

    please his neighbor

    for his good, to

    build him up".

    (Rom 15:2)



    But this is not just

    a heavy duty. 



    We should know tha

    t this is our own happiness

    and blessing.



    3. Conclusion 



    The Ten Commandments

    do not impose a heavy

    burden on us, but teach

    us how to serve God rightly



    and receive respect  and

    blessings from 'people'.



    "Therefore,  if we keep these

    commandments in our hearts

    and keep them in our lives,

    it will be a great blessing.



    Keep in mind that God wants 

    His children to fear Him 

    and keep His commands

     to be blessed forever.

      (Deut 5:29)


    4. Summary 


    1) Through whom did

    God give the Ten



    -It was given to the

    people of Israel through

    'Moses' on Mount Sinai.



    2) What are the characteristics

    of the Ten Commandments?



    God commanded His people

    to follow His laws and

    standards of living as

    His people.



    3) How can the Ten

    Commandments be

     broadly divided?



    (1) Commandments to God

    (2) the commandment to man



    4) Say the commandments

    about God, and please

    explain their meanings.



    (1) Do not worship other gods.

    (2) Do not make idols.



    (3) Do not misuse the name

    of the LORD your God.

    (4) Keep the Sabbath day holy.



    5) Say the commandments

    about people, and explain

    their meanings.



     (1) Honor your parents.

     (2) Do not murder.

     (3) Do not commit adultery.



     (4) Do not steal.

     (5) Do not give false witness.

     (6) Do not covet your




    6) Why do we keep the

    Sabbath day as

    Sunday today?



    -Sunday is kept to

    commemorate the day

    Jesus died and rose

    from the dead



    (the day the Holy

    Spirit came on)



    7) What is the relationship

    between the Ten


    and salvation?



    -The Ten commandments

    are the rules of the

      believers' life of faith.



    Salvation comes

    through faith in Jesus.



    (Exa : rich young man)



    "It is easier for a camel

    to go through the eye

    of a needle than for

    a rich man to enter

    the kingdom of God."







    The 2 commandments

    are the summary of the

    10 commandments

    that God taught

    through Jesus.



    In other words,

    the Ten Commandments

    describe the relationship

    between God and

    me vertically. (1-4)



    and horizontally

    the law of the relationship

    between neighbor

    and myself.




    "I will become a person

    who loves and serves God

    with all my heart



    and with all my soul

    and with all my mind,

    and serves my neighbor

    as myself.

    (Matt 22 : 37)







    / By Priscilla








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