
  • What Is The Apostles' Creed21 [Matt 16 : 15-16] / Ephphatha DiscipleshipTraining (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 5. 31. 09:55


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    What is the

    Apostles' Creed21 

    [Matt 16 : 15-16]


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course)




    / By Pastor Priscilla



    Today's scriptures:


    [Matt 16 : 15-16]




    "But what

    about you?"

    he asked.



    "Who do

    you say I am?"

    Simon Peter





    "You are the Christ,

    the Son of the

    living God."



    The Apostles' Creed

    is a confession

    statement that




    people who believe

    in Jesus as Savior

    gather and profess

    their faith in general.




    The Apostles'

     Creed is brief, but




     it is the testimony

    of the believers

    in the New and Old





    and it well implies

    the content of the faith

    that the saints should

    believe in.




    In addition,

    the Apostles' Creed

    is one of the old

    confessions of faith




    which has been

    professed by many






    those who believe

    in Jesus as Savior




    must not memorize

    the Apostles' Creed





    but become our

    true confession

    of faith.



    In this chapter,

    we will take a careful

    look at the contents

    of the confession of

    faith in three units.




    Each one of us

    must understand

    this correctly, apply it





    and profess our

    faith before God.




    1. The Apostles' Creed

    tells us about objects

    of faith.




    It is very foolish

    to believe without

    knowing who the

    object you believe




    in while living a

    religious life.




    The Apostles' Creed

    clearly and definitely

    professes the object

    of faith we should

    believe in.




    In today's scriptures,

    Jesus directly asks

    his disciples.




    “Who do you say I am?”

    (Matthew 16 : 15)




    This question leads

    to a clear confession

    of what we should

    believe in




    and tells us the 

    most basic idea and 

    core of Christianity. 




    It is in vain for us

    to build a foundation

    without discernment.




    Therefore, we need

    to know the sure object

    of our life of faith




    and get the first step

    right so that we may

    live a proper life of faith.




    Who is the one you

    must believe in and

    confess your faith?




    Write about God

    as revealed in the

     Apostles' Creed.




    (1) God the

    Almighty Creator




    "Lift your eyes

    and look to the




    Who created

    all these?



    He who brings out

    the starry host

    one by one,




    and calls them

    each by name.




    Because of his

    great power and

    mighty strength,




    not one of them

    is missing."

    (Isaiah 40:26)




    (2) God the Creator

     (Gen 1 : 1)




    (3) The father of

    our spirits

     (Heb 12 : 9)



    2) Who is Jesus

    you believe in?




    Write down about

    Jesus mentioned in

      the Apostles' Creed.




    (1) "You are the Christ,

    the Son of the

    living God."

    (Matt 16 : 16)




    (2) "Mary was found

    to be with child through

    the Holy Spirit."

    (Matt 1 : 18)


    (3) Jesus was conceived

    by the Holy Spirit,

    and born of the

    Virgin Mary.

    (Lk 1 : 27-31)




    (4) All the high priests

    and the people bound

    Jesus, led him away




    and handed him

    over to Pilate,

    the governor.

     (Matt 27 : 1-2)




    (5) After they crucified

    Jesus, the clothes

    were divided by lots.

     (Matt 27 : 35)




    (6) Jesus was dead

    and buried, and

     the third day



    He arose again

    from the dead.

    (1 Corin 15 : 4)




    (7) He ascended

    into heaven.

    (Acts 1 : 9)




    (8) He sat at the

    right hand of God.

    (Mk 16 : 19)




    (9) "He will punish those

    who do not know God

    and do not obey the

    gospel of our Lord Jesus."

    ( 2 Thessa1 : 8)




    3) Who is the one

    who comes into

    each one of you

    and gives you faith? 




    He is the Holy Spirit.

    “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”

     The Holy Spirit transcends

    time and space and works.




    Also, write down

    who is the object

    of our faith along

    with Heavenly Father




    and Jesus Christ in

    the Apostle's Creed.




    "But you will receive

    power when the

    Holy Spirit comes

    on you;




    and you will

    be my witnesses

    in Jerusalem,




    and in all Judea

    and Samaria,




    and to the ends

    of the earth." 

    ( Acts 1 : 8)




    This very Holy Spirit

    first makes us

    believe in Jesus,




    second makes us

    understand the

    word of truth,




    and third protects

    and guides us. 




    Also, no one can call

    Jesus the Lord without

    the Holy Spirit. 

    (1 Corin 12 : 3)




    "But the Counselor,

    the Holy Spirit, whom

    the Father will send

    in my name,




    will teach you all things

    and will remind you

    of everything I have

    said to you."

    (John 14 : 26)




    2. The Apostles' Creed

    teaches us two things

    to believe and respect. 




    If there is something

    that we often ignore

    today, read and write

    the following scriptures

    about what it is.




    'I will build my church,

    and the gates of

    Hades will not

    overcome it.'

    (Matt 16 : 18)




    'Only encourage

    one another and

    strive to meet


    (Heb 10 : 25)




    We modern people

    live so busy lives. 




    So, we tend to

    stay away from the

    church or leave the

    church community




    and have only

      personal faith.




    But the Lord wants 

    us to live a church

    -centered life.




    (1) The apostles and

    believers confess their faith

    in a life centered on the

    church community.




    Therefore, we must keep

    in mind that we must live

    a church-centered life

    that God wants us to, not

    a world-centered life.




    (2) I believe in the

      communion of saints.

    (Heb 10 : 24-25)




    Since the church

    is a collective, there

    are some difficulties




    in interpersonal

    relations or systems

    in some cases,




    but for those reasons,

    we should not avoid

    the church or have a

    bias toward the





    Moreover, faith is

    not led alone, it is the

      life of a community. 




    The congregation,

    not alone, should

    unite with one another

    to form communal





    God works

     through man.




    Therefore, the saints

    should take care of

    one another,




    serve one another

    with counsel and

    comfort encourage

    love and good deeds,




    and strive to meet

    together more often

    as the day of the

     Lord comes near.




    Therefore, we mus

    t become a church of

    a community of faith

    that we build up





    3. The Apostles' Creed

    tells us important truths

    that we must believe in.




    1) We profess that

    Jesus shall come to

    judge the quick

    and the dead.

    (Acts 17 : 31)

    (Rev 20 : 11-15) 




    Also, there is an

    inevitable judgement 

    awaiting humans. 

    (Heb 9 : 27)




    2) All our sins can be

    forgiven by believing in 

    Jesus and only in the

    name of Jesus.

    (Acts 10 : 43) 




    3) 'I believe in the

    resurrection of

     the body.'




    This refers to the


    of the dead. 




    Read the

    following scripture

    and write down

    the events




    that will take place

    on the day of the

    Lord's coming.




    "For the trumpet

    will sound, the

    dead will be raised





    and we will

    be changed." 

    (1 Corin 15 : 52)




    (Ex) : The last

    of the 10 steps

    of salvation





    4) 'I believe in life





    - This is the profession

    that we will live with

    the Lord forever.




    "Jesus said to her,

    "I am the resurrection

    and the life.




    He who believes

    in me will live, even

    though he dies;




    and whoever lives

    and believes in me

    will never die.




    Do you believe this?"

    (John 11 : 25-26)




    "There will be

    no more night.




    They will not need

    the light of a lamp




    or the light of the sun,

    for the Lord God

    will give them light.




    And they will reign

    for ever and ever."

    (Rev 22 : 5)




    And to say

    “Amen” is a

    profession of





    that the above facts

    are truly true.




    4. Conclusion 




    To summarize the

    above confession

    of faith, 




    the first is

    the profession

    of the object of faith,




    the second is

    the profession




    of what the life of the

    saints should be like

    in the present world,




    and the third

    is the contents

    of the hope to be

    fulfilled in Jesus

       Christ in the future.




    Now, if you have

    received Jesus as

    your Savior,




    you should be

    able to boldly say




    this confession of faith

    that Jesus' disciples,

    the apostles and saints

    professed, anytime,

    and anywhere.




    1) God:

    My good Father,

    God the Almighy




    2) Jesus:

    The Lord of my life,

    the ruler of my life,

    the Lord of my soul,

    the Savior, and the





    3) The Holy Spirit:

    The one who guides us

    to the truth,  makes us

    know God and Jesus,

    and makes us fulfill

    God's will.




    5. Summary 




    1) Who made the

    Apostles' Creed

    and what is its





    (1) This is a profession

    and the subject is

       God the Holy Spirit.




    (2) This confession

    of faith was chosen

     by the apostles.




    2) First, what do we

    profess through the

    Apostles' Creed

    and what is the





    -The object of faith is God.

    God is the Almighty,




    the Maker of heaven

    and earth and all things,

    and He is my Father.




    3) Seconly what do

    we profess through

    the Apostles' Creed

    and what is its





    -Jesus the Savior

     (see 9 things)




    4) Thirdly what do we

    profess through the

    Apostles' Creed

    and what is its





    -the Holy Spirit-

    The Word of truth, and

    Protection, and





    5) Can you confess

    this faith as yours? 










    / By Priscilla








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