
  • Church Organization and Systerms19 [Eph 4 : 11] / Ephphatha DiscipleshipTraining (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 5. 3. 08:23


    Calling                           Moru



    Church Organization

    and Terms 19

    [Eph 4 : 11]


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course)




    / By Pastor Priscilla




    [Ephesians 4 : 11- 15]




    "It was he who gave

    some to be apostles,

    some to be prophets,




    some to be evangelists,

    and some to be pastors

    and teachers,




    to prepare God's people

    for works of service,




    so that the body of Christ

    may be built up until

    we all reach unity

    in the faith




    and in the knowledge

    of the Son of God



    and become mature,

    attaining to the whole

    measure of the fullness

    of Christ.




    Then we will no

    longer be infants,

    tossed back and

    forth by the waves,




    and blown here

    and there by every wind

    of teaching




    and by the cunning

    and craftiness of men

    in their deceitful of

     men in their deceiful





    Instead, speaking

    the truth in love,




    we will in all things

    grow up into him

    who is the Head,

    that is, Christ."


    (Eph 4 : 11- 15)




    (Ex : 1) 

    Special community

    -Military and Church





    Places such as the church

    and the military are

    groups that exist

    in this world




    as special communities

    with special and unique





    The military is a unique group

    of organizations that exist

    to protect the nation

    and people from enemies.




    And the church is a

    community of faith,

    an organized community

    referred to as a place with

    special characteristics.




    The church is a group

    of men and women

    of all ages with various





    and occupations

    and this makes it possible

    to maintain universality

    and diversity.




    In addition,

    it is a faith community

    in which the uniqueness,




    and uniformity centered

    on Jesus Christ are applied

    and coexisted at the

    same time in one unity.




    In this way, the church

    is a special community

    of diverse people.





    In particular,

    as we know, the church

    is the house God 

    where God resides,




    and the place where

    saved believers go

    to meet God.






    the church is the

    dwelling place of God

    of blessing




    where the saints can

    be protected and

    receive grace.





    the saved believers

    should never neglect

    the church life.




    This is for beginners

    of Christian life




    and is summarized

    in four units about

    the unfamiliar terms




    and organization

    of the church.




    1. Offices of the Church:




    There are many different

    offices and organizations

    in the church.




    1) Pastor




    Sinior pastor, 

    Administer pastor,

    Associate pastor,




    Training Pastor,

    (Minister), Youth Pastor,

    Secretary, Missinary,

    Evangelist ..etc.




    (1) Pastors refer to those

    who are  ambassadors

    on behalf of Christ,




    as though God were

    making his appeal

    through them.




    They ask the saints

    on Christ's behalf to be

    reconciled to God.

    (2 Corin 5 : 20)





    (2) Pastors must

    take care of their sheep

    with love and feed them

    the food of the spirit.

    (John 21 : 15) 




    However, without love,

    that is nothing as like

    a clanging cymbal.


    (1 Corinthians 13)




    (Ex : 2)






    By striking the rock at

    the request of the people

    in order to get water,

    not keeping his place




    in front of God, insisting

    on his righteousness

    with anger,




    Moses eventually

    failed to enter the

    Promised Land,

    'Canaan Land.'





    (Ex : 3)

    King Saul




    Let's take a look at the

    attitude of King Saul:




    He disobeyed God,

    and before the war

    priest arrived, he hastily

    took the priest's work

    with his own will.




    Finally he didn't keep

    his place and was

     abandoned by God.




    Therefore, the pastor

    should take care

    of the saints, should not

    be proud before God,




    and should keep his

    own place. 





    The Lord is the

    owner of the church. 

    However, even today,




    God appoints pastors,

    like Moses in the

    Old Testament times




    and guides His children

    through them.




    Therefore, we must

    never forget that the

    office of a pastor is

     on Christ's behalf. 




    Truly, a pastor

    chosen by God should

    should to the crowd

    and should not be





    stubborn, or proud.

    Also, he should not favor

    one saint over another.




    He should humbly

    serve God, while doing

    his best to love

    and care for the flock

    entrusted to him.




    So, on the other hand,

    how should we believers

    have a relationship

    with the servants

    of the Lord God?




    Pastors are those

    who pray for the saints,

    teach the Bible, and to

    make them awake




    and guide them to live

    according to God's will.




    Therefore, it is necessary

    to have a close relationship

    with pastors and get advice

    as often as possible,




    and it is important

    to discuss not only

    physical and spiritual

    problems, but also

    those of faith.





    In addition, we should

    work together with each

    other in the Lord's ministry.

    (Rom 8 : 28)




    (1) As saints, we should

    obey to our spiritual leaders.




    That's because they

    are those who stand

    guard for their saints.




    We must work together

    so that they can be totally

    doing well in their ministry,




    and also so that they

    can take good care of

     their lambs and sheep.




    Therefore, in the

    relationship with the pastors,

    we should work together




    to support the pastors

    to take responsibility

    for their office as joy.

    (Hebrews 13 : 17)





    (2) Elders, Senior deacons,





    (Ex : 4)





    in the Book of Judges

    in the Old Testament.

    (Judges 13 : 5) 





    He had been a Nazirite

    set apart to God since birth,

    and no razor had ever been

    used on his head.





    The Israelites did evil

    in the eyes of the LORD,

    so the LORD delivered

    them into the hands

    of the Philistines.




    On the other hand,

    God prepared a man




    who was set apart to save

    Israel from the Philistine's hand

    again through the Nazirite




    at the designated time.

     (Judges. 13: 1-25)


    God selected “Manoah”

    from the tribe of Dan

    and sent the angel




    of the LORD to his wife

    to set her apart before





    For the son set apart to God,

    the angel of the LORD

    was sent to his mother




    in advance to make her

    not drink wine,

    strong alcohol, or eat

    anything unclean. 

    (Judges 13 : 7)




    (Ex : 5) 

    Pastor Jasil Choi



    During Pastor

    -'Jasil Choi's ministry,




    what was the reason for

    instructing female Training 

    pastors to wear hats

    along with the Lord's

    servant's attire?




    “The late Pastor

    'Choi Jasil,” whoes

    nickname is


    -'Pastor -Hallelujah',

    made ministers,




    especially female Training

    pastor pastors, wear hats

    on their heads at the

    time of ministry.




    When they wore hats

    on their heads, the behavior

    of God's servants were

    easily founded even

    from a distance,




    so it was to distinguish

    them from ordinary





    It meant each one of them

    should be a model of faith,

    as each had been called

    as a servant of the Lord,




    especially before the people,

    especially before the saints.





    Therefore, the ultimate

    purpose of wearing hats

    was to distinguish each

    one of them from the

    general public, to be alert

    and to be an example

    of others." 




    I heard Pastor

    Jasil Choi speaking about

    that at a regional association

    meeting when I used to

    live in my country.




    Now let's take a look at

    those who have offices

    of the church.




    (1) Who grants these

    offices to each one of them?




    -Jesus is the very one.

    (Co-working of God the

    Holy Spirit)




    "It was he who gave

    some to be apostles,

    some to be prophets,

    some to be evangelists,




    and some to be pastors

    and teachers, to prepare

    God's people for works

    of service,




    so that

    the body of Christ

    may be built up."

    (Eph 4 : 11-12)




    Therefore, those who

    live beginners' life of faith

    should strive to grow their

    faith with the help of those

    who have offices.




    As our faith grows,

    we should take specific

    offices and become those

    who serve other saints.




    (2) The attitude of those

      who receives offices:

    We should not hurry to

      give office to someone.




    It is very dangerous to give

    offices to the immature

    before God.




    This is because they

    can make too much trouble.




    They even make new believers

    lose their faith due to their

    coercive manner.




    When a religiously

    immature person obtains

    a position, it is easy to be

    acting too bossy.





    There are times when they

    exercise power in the

    name of the Lord,

    abuse offices,




    and criticize

    and antagonize the s

    ervants of God.




    And also there are times

    when they make new believers

    lose their faith and drive

    people around into difficult





    Therefore, both those

    who give offices and those

    who receive offices must

    carefully consider, pray,




    and humbly decide

    before God and people before

    making their decisions. 




    2. Organization

     of the Church




    There are many

    organizations in

    the church



    1) Sunday School: 




    (1) Kindergarten and

    elementary school: 




    Institution for education

    of faith for kindergarten

    and elementary school





    (2) Middle and high school:




    Institution for education

    of faith for middle

    (intermidate) and

    high school students




    (3) Youth adult: 




    Institution for young

    people's faith education

    and fellowship activities




    -We believers

    who have entrusted

    our children to these

    departments should

    support them




    so that our children

    can adapt well to and

    belong to each institution

    of the church.




    In particular,

    we should establish

    an organic relationship

    with teachers so that




    Sunday School teachers

    can provide correct faith

    education to the students

    in charge.




    Therefore, we should

    support them with prayer,

    cooperation and much


     (Deut 6 : 6-7)




    2) Men's Association

     and Women's Association: 




    In the church, various classes

    of people gather for Jesus alone.





    Therefore, these are

    organizations that organize

    gatherings of people of the 

    same gender or age group





    and allows them to get to

    know each other, help each

    other's faith, and participate

    in the activities of the church.




    They actively encourage

    church members to work

    and serve in the organization

    that suits each one of them.




    They do their best

    to inform them of the

    benefit of the faith

    in the way the saints





    and help each other

    through various activities.




    3) As a Layman :

    -District: Cell-Group

    Home cell group leader)




    What is 'cell-group?'




    This is a local faith community

    formed by about 6-12 people,

    and is formed to protect

    the believers' faith.




    This is a group to help the 

    fellowship and spiritual

    growth of the saints

    in a district, like a

    cell-connected link.




    Through this meeting,

    we will be able to study

    more of God's Word,




    and we will be protected

    to live a right and

    healthy life of faith.




    (Sharing testimony

    and requesting prayer

    for problems,




    Bible study, individual

    counseling and group

    counseling ...etc.)




    4) Choir or service other

    departments as needed:




    Whoever has faith

    can participate and serve

    in each department

    according to their talents.




     Food and vehicle service,

    worship guide, and donation

    -receiving service.




    Cleaning and various

    services dedicated to 

     worship in the temple




    5) Vestry


     (Elders, senior deacons,





    This is an office

    holders' meeting as like 

    Trust board Meeting

    and may be held

    once a year




    depending on the nature

    of the church's organization.




    It is an organization

    where they discuss

    important issues

    of the church




    and serve and help

    ministers in their





    Depending on the

    denomination, there are

    places where there are





    3. Common terms

    used in the church:



    1) Amen :




    'Amen' is a Hebrew word

    with meanings such as

    'That's right.', 'I agree.'

    and 'I believe so.'




    It is an expression

    as a confession and

    answer of faith at the

    end of a prayer




    or hymn during worship,

    or when reading

    or listening to the

    Word of God. 

    (Deut. 27 : 16)




    Meanwhile, the meaning

    of 'Maranatha' is

    as follows.




    'Amen. Come,

    Lord Jesus'

    (Rev 22 : 20)




    There are those

    who worship God's truth

    by changing it into lies.




      However, 'Maranatha'

    means that God is the

    one we must worship,




    and the one "who is

    forever praised."

     (Rom 1 : 25)




    Likewise, "Amen” is

    an expression of confessing 

    faith of each one and also an

    expression of grace or longing.




    2) Hallelujah: 




    "Praise the LORD. How good

    it is to sing praises

    to our God, how pleasant

    and fitting to praise him! "

    (Psalm 14 : 7)




    The word 'hallelujah'

    means 'praise the LORD'

    and is most often used

    by us believers when

    praising God.




    In particular, when

    giving thanks to God,

    this term is used most often

    by giving the meaning

    'to glorify God'.




    3) Immanuel:




     As one of the names

    of our Jesus, it refers

    to his identity.




    It means, "God with us."




    "The virgin will be

    with child and will give

    birth to a son,




    and they will call

    him Immanuel" 




    -which means,

    "God with us."

    (Matt 1 : 23)




    4. What should be careful

    in the life of the church?




    The church is one

     faith community,




    which is centered

    on Jesus, not 






    Therefore, we must know

    that in the church, there

    is a human relationship

    with the crowd gathered




    in the providence

    of God and is a special

    community of faith

    that we cannot avoid.




    However, one thing

    we must keep in mind

    is that the church is our





    but on the one hand,

    it is like a battlefield.




    Since the church

    is the  place where people

    of various classes gather,




    sometimes we become

    discouraged and disappointed

    at seeing the behavior of fellow

    believers and even abandon

    our life of faith.





    Furthermore, we should be

    noted that something

    unexpected may happen

    in the relationship among the

    church members. 




    Also, ws should be careful

    about this as we may hurt

    each other and our

    faith may fail.




    There is one thing

    we must keep in mind.:

    The organizer of the

    church is God.




    We go to church

    in order to meet God

    and Jesus as children

    of God, not to see

    people's behavior.




    Therefore, we should

    never be discouraged

    and should stand firm

    in our faith.




    Rather, we should think

    about the Word of Lord

    and should try to

     understand others.




    By overcoming

    the crisis of faith, we all

    should work together to

     benefit our life of faith.




    (1) "We should be devoted to

     one another in brotherly love.




    Honor one another

    above yourselves."

    (Romans 12 : 10)




    (2) Let's look to Jesus!




    "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,

    the author and perfecter

    of our faith, who for the joy

    set before him endured

    the cross, scorning its shame,




    and sat down at the right

    hand of the throne of God.




    Consider him who endured

    such opposition from sinful men,

    so that you will not grow

    weary and lose heart."

    (Heb  12 : 2-3) 




    What would Jesus do

    in our situation?

    We must imitate the

    attitude of Jesus.

     (Heb 12 : 2-3)









    1) What offices are there

    in the church and who

    established these offices

    for what?




    -(1) Pastor, assistant

    pastor, elder, senior deacon.




    -(2) Jesus established

    these offices.




     (To make the saints

    perfect and serve the

    body of Christ)





    2) What kinds of organizations

    are there in the church and

    what is their purpose?




    (1) Sunday School 

    (Kindergarten, Middle 

    and High School,

    Young Adult, 




    (2) Men's Association

    and Women's Association,

    Choir, and Vestry etc.




    These organizations

    are built up to maintain

    and revitalize the whole

    body of the church.




    It is necessary to pray

    and wisely build up

    virtue without forming

    a faction, criticizing pastors

    or separating the church.




    3) What is the

    meaning of Amen?




    That's right. I believe so.

    (Confession of faith and

    expression of answers)




    4) What is the meaning

    of 'Hallelujah'?




    “Praise the LORD.”

    “Glory to God.”

    (Expression of





    5) What is the meaning

    of Immanuel?

    -God is with us. 




    6) What should be careful

    in the life of the church?




    Because some

    of fellow believers can

    make us lose our faith,




    we should look to the Lord

    alone and live the church life.




    To do this, above all,

    we must lead a consistent

    life of faith centered on

    the Word of God.









    / By Priscilla







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