
  • The Second Coming of Jesus And The Glory Of The Saints 24 [Acts 1 :11] / Ephphatha Discipleship Training (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2022. 3. 16. 09:52

    Calling                           Moru



    The Second Coming

    of Jesus And The

    Glory Of The Saints 24

    [Acts 1 :11] 


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course)




    / By Pastor Priscilla




    Today's Main Scripture



    "Men of Galilee," they said,

    "why do you stand here

    looking into the sky?



    This same Jesus,

    who has been taken

    from you into heaven,



    will come back in the

    same way you have

    seen him go into


    (Acts 1:11)



    Now, as the last chapter

    of the basic course,

    we will examine the

    second coming of Jesus



    and the glory of the saints

    that will be gained at

    that time in two units.


    1. God's Covenants 


    1) Christianity is a

    religion of covenant.



    If so, who did He make

    a covenant with?



    - God's chosen one.

    (Psal 89:3)



    2) Please read the

    following scriptures

    and write down the

    characteristics of

     God's covenants.



    (1) It is impossible

    for God to lie.

    He is unchangeable.

    (Heb 6:18) 



    (2) The word of our God

    stands forever.



    And it is God who

    fulfills those words.

    (Isa 40:8)



    (3) It is God who fulfills

    what He said.

    (Psa 33:9)



    2. The First Coming

    and Second Coming

    of Jesus



    The Scriptures record

    the great work that

    God fulfilled through

    His Son Jesus, the work

    of salvation for mankind.



    In order to fulfill the work

    of salvation for mankind,

    the second coming of

    Jesus is promised.



    (1) God's first covenant

    (Gen  3:15)

    (2) The First Coming

    (John 3:16)

    (3) The Second Coming

    (Rev 22:20)



    As such, the work

    of salvation in Christianity

    is fulfilled with the second

    coming of Jesus.



    Then read the following

    scripture and write down



    what the difference

    is between the first

    coming and the

    second coming.



    "So Christ was sacrificed

    once to take away the 

    sins of many people;

    and he will appear

    a second time,


    not to bear sin,

    but to bring salvation

    to those who are

    waiting for him."

    (Heb  9:28)



    1) The Lord after the

    Resurrection and




    The Lord

    came to this earth,

    died on the cross

    for the salvation,



    and was raised from

    the dead on the third day

    according to His promise.



    After that, He remained

    in the world for another

    40 days. (Confer:

    1 Corin 15:3-4,  Acts 1)



    And Jesus was taken up

    into heaven and he sat

     at the right hand of God.



    (1) What is he doing now?



    -Christ Jesus, is at

    the right hand of God

    and is also interceding

    for us. (Rom 8:34)



    And surely He is

    with us always, to

    the very end of the

    age. (Matt 28:20) 



    (2) What was the last

    covenant he made to us

     before his ascension?



    He said that

    after preparing

    a place for us God's

    children in heaven,



    he will come again

    and take us to the

    place where Jesus is.

    (John 14:2-3)



    (3) He said that he

    would come soon.

    (Rev 22:20)



    2) What is the result

    of Jesus' second coming?



    (1) The wicked will be

    judged and punished,



    and the righteous will

    be rewarded according

    to what they do.

    (2 Thessa 1:7-9)



    (2) Take your inheritance,

    the kingdom prepared

    for you. (Matt 25:34) 



    -Each one of us is given

    a reward according to

    what we do.

    (Rev 22:20)



    The greatest blessing

    that God has promised

    to us



    who believe in

    Jesus is that we will

     enter the kingdom

    of heaven.



    This covenant will be

    fulfilled on the day

    of the Lord's Second




    On the day the Lord

    comes, the world wil

    l be judged, but all

    saved saints will enter

    his kingdom



    and inherit it and

    attain great glory.



    Christianity is the faith

    to believe in the Lord

    and live in victory

    through His power.



    And it is also a religion

    of blessing in which

    future glory is




    We are living in a time

    when there are many

    such signs of His coming 

    back to the world according

    to the Scriptures.



    At this point, we

    should know that it

    is a blessing from God


    that we have accepted

    Jesus and become a

    community of believers. 



    The faith of each one of us

    that has now begun must

    go on unwaveringly

    to the end.



    This is because our faith

    is not only realistic,



    but also related to

    the eternal future

    of each one of us

    and  family.



    We should keep in mind

    that we are not of those

    who shrink back and

    are destroyed,



    but of those who

    believe and are saved.

    (Heb 10:36-39) 



    3. Summary 


    1) What kind of religion

    is Christianity?



     -Christianity is a religion

    of covenants between

     God and the chosen.

       (Inheritance and




    2) What are the

    characteristics of

    God's covenants?



     (1) Forever unchanging.


     (2) Must be fulfilled



    3) What are recorded

    in the Scriptures,



    and through whom is

    this great work of God




    (1) The work of salvation

    is recorded in the




    (2) This is fulfilled through

    the coming of Jesus.



    4) How many times

    is Jesus supposed to

    come into the world,



    and what is the difference

    between the first coming

    and the second coming?



    (1) Twice

    (2) First Coming


    (3) Second Coming

    (Fulfillment of Salvation)



    5) Where and

    what is the Lord doing

    after His resurrection

    and ascension?



    -He sits at the right

    hand of God, interceding

    for us and walking with us.



    6) What's his last covenant?



    (1) He will prepare a

    place for us.



    (2) He will come soon

     (Reward according

    to what we do.)



    7) What results will

    the Lord's second

     coming bring about?



    (1) Unbelievers

    will be judged



    (2) Believers will be

    rewarded (crown)



    So far, all of these

    contents have been

    delivered based 



    on the textbook

    of Pastor Seong-gil Kim,

    the author of discipleship

    training and nurturing!



    - The end -





    / By Priscilla







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