
  • Baptism And The Communion23 [Acts 1:11] / Ephphatha Discipleship Training (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 9. 11. 15:04

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    Baptism And

    The Communion23

    [Acts 1:5] 


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course)



    / By Pastor Priscilla


    Baptism and the Communion 

    For John baptized with water,

    but in a few days you will be

    baptized with the Holy Spirit. 



    There are many ceremonies

    held in church, two of which,

    are baptism and the




    In that all the believers in Jesus

    as their personal saviour should

    take part in them, we are going to

    study those two ceremonies. 



    1. What is baptism? 



    Baptism, being a ceremony

    of entering the Christian community,

    means ‘to wash’, or ‘to cleanse’,



    and its feature is ‘to be sunk in’,

    or ‘to die and to be born again’. 



    1) Division of baptism 



    The Bible shows that there

    are two kinds of baptism.



    "For John baptized with water,

    but in a few days you will be baptized

    with the Holy Spirit."

    (Acts 1:5) 



    It is not a man but the Lord who

    gives the baptism of the Spirit.



    “I baptize you with

    water for repentance.


    But after me will come one who

    is more powerful than I, whose

    sandals I am not fit to carry.


    He will baptize you with

    the Holy Spirit and with fire.” 

    (Matt 3:11) 



    The baptism of water is given

    by the Lord’s servants, that is,

    the ministers. (Acts 10:47) 



    "Can anyone keep these people

    from being baptized with water?

    They have received the Holy

    Spirit just as we have." 



    What happens as we are

    baptised by the Spirit?



    In reply Jesus declared,

    "I tell you the truth, no one can

    see the kingdom of God unless

    he is born again."  

    (John 3:3 )



    "And that is what some of you were.

    But you were washed, you were

    sanctified, you were justified in 

    the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    and by the Spirit of our God.

    (1 Corin 6:11)



    While the baptism of the Sprit

    is given to the heart, the baptism

    of water is external and symbolic,



    and it is a kind of ritual for entering

    the Christian community. 



    2) The order of baptism 



    Which baptism should we receive first?

    We can see that both the baptism

    of water and that of the Holy Spirit

    are very important from the Bible.



    Three cases about the

    order are shown in the Bible. 


    [1] To receive both of the two

    at the same time.



    "As soon as Jesus was baptized,

    he went up out of the water.



    At that moment heaven

    was opened, and he saw 

    the Spirit of God descending

    like a dove and lighting on him."

    (Matt 3:16) 



    [2] The baptism of water

    followed by that of the Spirit 



    "On hearing this, they were

    baptized into the name

    of the Lord Jesus. 



    When Paul placed his hands

    on them, the Holy Spirit came

    on them, and they spoke in

    tongues and prophesied."

    (Acts 19:5-6) 



    [3] The baptism of the

    Spirit followed by that of water



    " While Peter was still speaking

    these words, the Holy Spirit came

    on all who heard the message. " 

    (Acts 10:44)


     "Can anyone keep these people

    from being baptized with water?

    They have received the Holy

    Spirit just as we have."

    (Acts 10:47 )



    But, more important is the baptism

    of the Spirit because it is not by water

    but by the Spirit that we are washed

    of sin and born again and renewed. 



    And, those who have been renewed

    after receiving the Spirit and believing

    in Jesus and have been born again

    should naturally proclaim they are 

    Christians, being baptized by water,



    and also should serve the Lord,

    being a member of the

    Christians community. 



    3) Time for baptism 



    There is no time assigned

    specially for baptism.



    It is possible at any time with

    receiving Jesus as the 

    personal saviour.



    But, in general, we have the

    ceremony of ‘having studied’

    some time after the start of

    attending church

    (3-6 months or so).



    The ceremony is intended

    to make the persons assured

    of their church life, and to help them

    settled and prepare for the baptism. 



    And, as the belief goes on faithful

    for about 6 months to one year,

    they are baptized; the education

    for that period is to make them

    first equipped with faith.



    Both the baptism of water

    and that of the Spirit are

    together precious to us.



    Therefore, once we have

    received Jesus, we should

    become sound Christians

    through both of the two,



    and also, as member

    of the Christian community,

    we should be glad to serve the Lord. 


    "Peter replied,

    "Repent and be baptized,

    every one of you, in the name

    of Jesus Christ for  forgiveness

    of your sins.



    And you will receive the gift

    of the Holy Spirit.”

    (Acts 2:38)



    If the baptism

    of water only was given,

    then there should be the

    baptism of the Spirit,



    so that we may have the

    assurance of faith, and

    if he baptism of the Spirit 

    only was given, we should 

    be baptized by water soon,



    so that we, being a member of the

     church, can serve and minister

    to the church. 



    2. What is the Communion? 



    In memory of the

    Lord’s suffering on the cross,

    this is the holy ceremony which

    the Christians who follow

    the Lord should join. 



    1) Who made this ceremony,

    and when was done for the first time? 



    "While they were eating,

    Jesus took bread, gave thanks

    and broke it, and gave it to

    his disciples, saying,



    "Take and eat; this is my body.”

    Then he took the cup, gave thanks

    and offered it to them, saying,

    "Drink from it, all of you.



     This is my blood of the covenant,

    which is poured out for many

    for the forgiveness of sins.

    (Matt 26:26-28) 


    "For I received from the Lord

    what I also passed on to you:

    The Lord Jesus, on the night

    he was betrayed, took bread,



    and when

    he had given thanks,

    he broke it and said,



    "This is my body, which is for you;

    do this in remembrance of me."

     In the same way, after supper

    he took the cup, saying,



    "This cup is the new

    covenant in my blood; do this, 

    whenever you drink it, in

     remembrance of me.



    " For whenever you eat this bread

    and drink this cup, you proclaim

    the Lord's death until he comes."

    (1 Corin 11:23-26 )


    2) Who can take part in this ceremony? 


    Anyone can take part in the

    ceremony who believes

    Jesus as the saviour.



    But, since it is impossible to prove

    one’s faith, the church makes it a

    rule to have only the baptized join it. 



    3) When is communion held,

    and what is its meaning? 



    There is no day assigned

    specially to be held.



    Depending on each church, i

    t may be held once a year

    or even once a week.



    Important is its meaning. 



    "In the same way, after supper

    he took the cup, saying,



    "This cup is the new covenant

    in my blood; do this, whenever you

    drink it, in remembrance of me." 

    (1 Corin 11:25) 



    "I have set you an example that

    you should do as I have

    done for you. "

    (John 13:15) 



    As we join the ceremony,

    we should take it as a precious time

    of grace in which to be reassured

    of the grace of salvation



    and to be thankful for the grace

    of the cross, and to be

    reconvened of belief.



    And, also we may have to be glad

    to follow the Lord by tearing off

    ourselves for the brethren. 



    4) What attitude do we need

    to join the ceremony? 



    "Therefore, whoever eats

    the bread or drinks the cup of 

    the Lord in an unworthy manner 

    will be guilty of sinning against

     the body and blood

    of the Lord.



    A man ought to examine himself

    before he eats of the bread

    and drinks of the cup. "

    (1 Corin 11:27-28) 



    3. Conclusion 



    The people who received Jesus

    should receive the baptism of the Spirit,

    to be convinced of the faith and salvation,

    and should receive the baptism of water

    through faithful education to become

    a member of the church,



    and also should proclaim their 

    being a person of God in public 

    to members of the church.



    And, those who became Christians

    through baptism of water and 

    the Spirit should participate

    in the holy Communion in 

    memory of the Lord’s blood



    and flesh, that is, 

    the love of the cross, only 

     after becoming well prepared. 




    - The end -






    / By Priscilla







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