Christians And The Law13 (Freedom Under The Law Of the Holy Spirit) [1 Tim 1:8-11] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2021. 2. 17. 16:32
New Zealand / West Side Moru
And The Law13
/ Freedom Under
the Law Of The
Holy Spirit
[1 Tim 1:8-11]
/ Anne's Faith Column
/ By Priscilla
The value and the role
of the law depend on
the attitude of the
person who uses it.
In the same manner,
according to how well
God's law is used
by Christians,
its value and role are
properly determined.
Indeed, Christians
must be able to rest
freely and peacefully.
under the law.
But in reality,
there are too many
Christians bound by
the law without
That's because
the law is difficult
to keep.
The law is good,
and it's not God's will
for us to be bound to
be bound by the law.
But, there are times
when we are bound
by the fact that we
have broken the law.
The problem is not the
law but our attitude and
our view of the law.
As an example,
the religious rituals
of Israelites are
difficult to keep,
because, there are too
many difficult procedures
in the law.
Originally in the Old
Testament, God let
them have the
Ten Commandments.
But, in order
to please God,
with the additional
rituals of the law,
they have become
slaves to the law that
can't be kept at all
as a human.
So they've been
trapped in the law,
and they can no longer
enjoy their lives.
In the New Testament,
the Ten Commandments
are abbreviated
to two things by the
teaching of Jesus:
'Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.'
And 'Love your
neighbor as yourself.'
This looks so simple
but it's as good as
the abbreviated
Ten Commandments.
However, it's still
a controversial issue
to place a priority
between the Mosaic
Law of the Old
and the grace of Christ
of the New Testament.
Therefore we can't say
which comes first,
the law or His grace.
We can enjoy the freedom
under the law only when
these are balanced
and harmonized.
1. Then how should we
understand the law?
1) Enforcing the law,
we must not condemn
or judge others.
2) If the law makes us
or burdened
with something
in our faith life,
we must check it and
get a solution from the
problem we are in.
3) The law and God's grace
must be in parallel.
They must be in harmony
and balance with each other.
Therefore, they
should not be biased
to either one.
We are easy to judge
or speak against others
by the rational standard
without grace.
The law without grace
is like an egg without yolk.
Like this, those who
are biased only by
God's law
have no compassion
and are cold so they
cannot experience
God's work.
On the contrary,
those who are biased
only by God's grace
are being ill-mannered
and loose in their faith life,
and get to think little
of the value of God's grace.
As a result,
in terms of fearing of God,
they are likely to become
self - centered believers.
Although they sin,
without repentance,
they are too generous
to themselves.
Those who go against
God's law may eventually
be rejected by God.
So like the front
and back of a coin
or like light and
both the law and
God's grace must be
in parallel, balancing
without clashing
each other.
The Bible says like this:
"Be strong and
very courageous.
Be careful to obey
all the law my servant
Moses gave you;
do not turn from it
to the right or
to the left,
that you may be
successful wherever
you go.
Do not let this
Book of the Law
depart from your
meditate on it
day and night, so that
you may be careful
to do everything
written in it.
Then you will be
prosperous and
successful. "
(Jos 1:7-8)
2. So how should
we treat the law?
1) Do not be bound
by the law!
If we are overly
conscious of the law,
it is easy for us
to lead a life of faith
that is never free
by relying on the law
and its form.
besides the law
taught by the Lord,
by being entangled
in man's secondary
we must not miss
tne essence of the law
taught by the Lord.
As David confesses
before God in Psalm 119,
'Christians have the law
but are not subject
to this at all.
I love God so I'm
willing to obey his word
and follow the law.
'This made God
pleased and David
was called 'a man
after His own heart'.
We can see why God
showed His specia
l love to David.
2) The law guides us
to the right way.
Just as we look
in the mirror to make
ourselves correct,
the law acts as a tutor
teaching us what is
right and what
is wrong,
or what is true
and what is sinful,
and eventually leads
us to Christ.
Therefore we must
never forget that the law
is God's consideration
for human beings,
and it is the standard
or the measure of life.
According to
Psalm 19:7-10,
"The law of the
LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes
of the LORD are
making wise
the simple.
The precepts
of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands
of the LORD are
radiant, giving light
to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD
is pure, enduring
The ordinances
of the LORD are sure
and altogether
They are more
precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter
than honey, than
honey from the comb."
(Psalm 19:7-10)
3) We under the law
can get freedom only
by the Holy Spirit,
not by our strength
or our ability.
The apostle Paul says:
'If you are led
by the Spirit, you
are not under law.'
(Gal 5:18)
Therefore, we
saints must always
pray for being filled
with the Holy Spirit,
and with all our hearts
we must acknowledge,
and accept the Holy Spirit
who has personality.
The Bible says,
when the Holy Spirit,
who is the Spirit of truth,
comes, we'll be able to
gain freedom in
the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, in Christ
the law is the
true doctrine.
If we follow the
glorious gospel of the
blessed God, we will
soon come to a state
where there is a law,
but we are
never bound.
'Because through
Christ Jesus the law
of the Spirit of life
set us free from
the law of sin
and death.'
In addition,
while enjoying
true freedom,
the law is what enriches
our lives and saves life,
and it will be the
measure of life.
Therefore, as a Christian
we are no longer
bound under the law,
Only under the
'law of the Spirit'
I hope we will all
be able to gain true
The Holy Spirit,
the Spirit of truth!
Please come!
Split the earth
and come!
We are no longer
oppressed by the law.
Help us to gain true
freedom under the law
of the Holy Spirit.
/ By Priscilla
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