
  • The Abundant Grace of Jesus Christ14 [1Tim 1:12-20] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 2. 23. 07:37




    New Zealand / West Side                      Moru



    The Abundant Grace

    of Jesus Christ14

    [1 Tim 1:12-20]

    / Anne's Faith Column 


    / By Priscilla




    "The grace of our Lord

    was poured out on me




    along with the faith

    and love that are

    in Christ Jesus."

       [1 Tim 1:14]



    Throughout our lives,

    there are many problems

    that endlessly arise due to

    our own flaws and the

    strong will within us.



    We feel embarrassed

    each moment at the

    'ego' that still lurks,



    and comes out of

    our inner being

    without dying.



    Whenever we feel this,

    we should lay down

    everything in life

    before Jesus Christ,



    but it's just embarrassing

    that we are still conscious

    of our egos, claiming



    that our deeds are

    right in everything.



    The more this happens,

    the more we feel whole

    heartedly that we need to

    bow down humbly

    before the Lord.



    Above all,

    the apostle Paul

    confessed that

      he was a sinner.




    the Lord Jesus,



    who once had been

    persecuted by Paul,

    gave him strength,



    considered him faithful,

    and appointed him to the

    service of Himself.



    The apostle Paul

    thanked with all his heart

    and soul and praised for

    the abundant grace

    and mercy of the Lord.



    Paul encouraged Timothy,

    his spiritual son to follow

    the prophecies once

    made about him,



    and fight the good fight

    in a good conscience,

    holding on to faith

    like himself.



    Paul confessed like this:

    "Christ Jesus came

    into the world to save sinners

    --of whom I am the worst."



    And he made a testimony

    that he was changed by

    the abundant grace

    of Christ Jesus



    and realized His great

       love to himself,

    the worst of sinners

    with His unlimited




    At this moment,

    we must once again

    look back on our

      own faith.



    God searches for faithful,

    God-fearing, and true

      worshipers on this earth.



    But, there are times

    when we have lack

     of fearing of God,



    and our attitude as a true

    worshiper becomes dull.



    This is when the

    religious crisis has come.



    When we are in the

    abundant grace of the Lord,

    along with faith, we can

    deny ourselves



    and follow only the Lord

    who atones for our sins.



    We can look to

    only the Lord,

    not ourselves and

     the worldly.



    But, when our fea

    r of God disappears,

    we turn to ourselves

    and the worldly.



    This is really a crisis of faith.

    We must keep in mind



    that our disloyal attitude

    of worship sometimes

    make serious trouble



    even to the worshiping

    community as well as




    When we are being

      unfaithful to the Lord

    since he is an invisible




    What will he say to us

    if he sees such an attitude?



    If the Lord sees us, who

    recognize what our religious

    problems are but try

    not to correct them,



    I wonder what he will say

    and how embarrassing

    he will be.



    Even though

    we admit our lives

     are in God's control, 



    we still act as if we

    were the sovereigns

    of our lives.



    There are times we show

    an attitude against the Lord.




    he generously forgives us

    who are still disobedient

    to the Lord.



    In Christ,

    we are changed new

    creations by his love.



    Whenever we feel the

    abundant grace of Jesus,



    we can't help but, sob out

    with his amazing love

    like the apostle Paul.



    Whenever we take one

    step before the Lord,



    we are so ashamed

    how many sins would be

    revealed before him.



    In the Bible, the

     apostle Paul says:



    "So I find this law at work:

    When I want to do good,

    evil is right there with me.



    For in my inner being

     I delight in God's law;



    but I see another law

    at work in the members

      of my body, waging war

    against the law of my

     mind and making me



    a prisoner of the law of sin

    at work within my members.



    What a wretched man I am!

    Who will rescue me from

    this body of death?"

         (Rom 7:21-24)



    Paul lamented so

    heartbreakingly for

     his weakness,

    that is, human




    He showed it under

    all the world.



    Also, we cannot deny

    that this confession

     is our own.



    How can we judge others

    without recognizing

     ourselves properly?



    Jesus, who knows

    the source of problems

    we can not solve

    for ourselves,



    sympathized our

    human weakness



    and came to this world

    to save us with the

     Incarnation of God.



    What an amazing grace

    of Christ Jesus!



    He redeemed us from sins,

    and carried the great

    burden of sins on

    behalf of us,



    and in our place

    he was bound.



    He moved us from

    death to life

    - How grateful this is!



    We've received great grace

    without price from the

    sacrifice of the Lord



    and have become

    'debtors of love'.



    In our faith life,

    I feel whole heartedly

    how difficult, important



    and precious to have the

    awake consciousness it is.



    In fact, we know that

    being gradually aware

    of this is in itself the

    progress of faith



    and the process of

    growing faith one

    step further.



    When thinking

    about Jesus



    who embraces us

    and comes to me

    with abundant grace,



    there is something

    we need to think about:



    Without the Lord's


    how can we condemn

    others carelessly?



    And also why can't

    we forgive others?



    If we realize that

    we are forgiven sinners,

    how do we rebuke others?



    And who can I not forgive?



    Therefore once again

    we should establish

    our attitude of faith.



    And in order to escape

    from the religious crisis

    that we might face,



    we should ask him

    to clothe us with the

    power of the Lord



    and become a dynamic

    and powerful believer.







    We put our ego down

    in front of you,

    being obedient



    and bowing down

    humbly before you.

     And we look to you,



    O Lord Almighty

    and your Almighty hand.



    Please correct the

     wrong habits of w orshiping

    in our lives of faith



    and condemning

    and criticizing others

    for their faults.



    Please guide us into

    the correct way of

    Christian life. 








    / By Priscilla


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