
  • He Swore An Oath To The Lord11 [Ps 132:1-18] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 2. 8. 20:16

    New Zealand / West Side           Moru


    He Wore An

    Oath To The Lord11

    [Ps 132:1-18]

    / Anne's Faith Column



    / By Priscilla


    David was a man

    after God's own heart.



    His relationship with God

    was very close and intimate.



    He showed his faith

    by swearing an oath to God,

    and God also showed

    his will to him.



    We can know this through

    the records in the Bible.



    Then shall we find out

    how David became a man

    after God's own heart?



    God already trained

    him in the heart of

    a shepherd while he

    carried out the mission

    of being with sheep,



    fighting against fierce

    wolves in the wilderness

    when he was a little boy.



    And God gave him

    the ability to attack Goliath,

    and God chose him as king.



    That was because

    his heart and zeal for

    God came up

    before Him.



    Like this his hope

    was always in God.



    He served God with

    all his heart and soul

    enough to touch

    God's heart.



    As a little boy shepherd,

    relying on the Lord

    Almighty, he boldly



    went out against the

    Philistine giant and

    shouted like this

    to 'Giant Goliath'



    who despised

    and scared David.



    "You come against me

    with sword and spear

    and javelin, but I come



    against you in the name

    of the Lord Almighty,



    the God of the armies

    of Israel, whom you

    have defied. 

    (1 Sam 17:45)



    What a brave man

    and how faithful

    to God!



    We can see

    that his faith was great

    enough to impress God.



    His deed has been

    a monumental case

    to be remembered

    not only in his




    but also to the present

    and will be in the future.




    in today's text,

    David says:



    "I will not enter

    my house or go to

    my bed till I find

    a place for the Lord."



    His attitude of faith

    and his heart is touching

    enough to cry.



    He never forgot that

    he had made a vow

    and what he had

    sworn to God



    and he tried to

    keep all of them.



    God must have been

    moved and pleased

    with his heart for Him.



    After he was anointed

    asking, however,



    we can not deny that

    he was a human just

    like us, who had

     a human weakness.



    But surprisingly

    he never retaliated

    against those who

    tried to harm him.



    Especially even in the

    relationship with the

    'King Saul', who tracked



    his son-in-law David

    constantly to harm him,



    he was a really

    obedient person



    who put the judgment

    in the hands of

    Almighty God.



    Also he showed kindness

    even to Jonathan's son.



    ('Jonathan' was the

    son of King Saul and

    David's close friend.)




    He was correctly

    the one who kept

    his vow or oath.



    Through Nathan

    the prophet, when

    he realized that



    he committed 

    a great guilt that

    couldn't be forgiven

    before God,



    immediately he hid

    his face and knelt

    down to repent.



    And he confessed

    the guilt that he

    committed in a broken

    and contrite heart.



    Longing for God all

    the time, he asked

    the Lord to be with

      him always.



    Even though

    he was a king, as a

    believer who asked

    the Lord to turn His

    face toward him,



    he was a so-called

    'believer of deeds'

    who struggled to see

    the Lord face to face.



    All these good deeds

    were so pure that

     God was so moved?



    Crisises and hardships

    made him hide

    in the caves,



    and caused him

    to praise the Lord

    with all his heart



    and soul at night, with

    the psalms written

    in his inspiration.



    God was willing to

    take all his praise

    with pleasure



    and God also swore 

    an oath to bless David

    and his descendants.



    Like this, God has

    established his covenan

    t to take responsibility



    for our lives through

    the terms of his covenant.



    And he has been fulfilling

    his covenant ever

    since then.



    In the Bible,

    the eyes of the Lord

    range throughout

    the earth



    to find good and faithful

    workers in whom

    are the spirit.



    We may make a vow

    or an oath to the

    Lord so easily



    and then we may

     forget that.



    However, the faithful

    God is sure to remember

    that, and in his own way

    he urges us or makes

     us remind that.



    Therefore if you

    remember your

    vow to God?



    1) Go back to the

     drawing board!



    I want you to cut off

    thoughts or ideas to be

    removed and go back

    to the first moment

    you met the Lord.



    2) Long to meet the Lord!



    I really want you to be

    united with the Lord,

    and set a time to pray,



    and have a burning

    desire to meet him

    spiritually in prayer.



    3) Put God first in your life.



    Try to keep what you

    vowed to God like David.



    4) Ask the Holy Spirit!



    Finally, ask the Holy Spirit

    on your knees to be full

    of the word of truth.







    / By Priscilla








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