When There Is An Obstacle In Front of You! [Mark 9:23]SERMONS 2022. 7. 20. 08:05
New Zealand / West Side Moru
“When There Is An
Obstacle In Front of You”
[Mark 9:23]
/ By Priscilla
“If you can?” said Jesus.
“Everything is possible
for him who believes.”
(Mark 9:23)
Two weeks ago,
Pastor Joen shared
the words with the title of
"Can Jesus Count On You
For Miracle?"
(Jn 6:1-5)
So we have learned thru
message for 3points
1) Attitude,
2) purpose,
3) where is the
miracle begins?
we should not give the devi
l an opportunity but continually
be armed with your heart.
But Guard your
heart and mind.
(Prov 4:23)
I want to introduce
about the attitude and
heart of blessed man.
Do you remember that
we should not complain
and disappoint to face the
obstacles but entrust God
in any difficult situation?
We have learned with
good example of the life of Isaac
First, he was absolutely
obedient to God.
Second, he did not complain
even with the difficult
Third, Isaac has an
absolute trust in God.
In fact, there is no such problem
to be solved easily in this
world we live in.
Also, even there will be
no such preference to the
Children of God who have
accepted the Lord as Saviour.
Rather they are more like
the target of the forces of darkness
and will suffer more persecution
and all kinds of disturbances.
The reality is that life is tough
and repeating infinitely which
seems to pass through a tunnel
of invisible darkness.
Things in the world are not
so easy as you take them to be.
Satan does not pay attention
anymore when the children
of God live a meaningless life.
However, one day there
is a person who is born-again
and decides to put the past
behind him and start new life
as a Christian.
Since then, Satan causes
all sorts of problems not
to lose the one who
belongs to him.
Likewise, it is the reality that
once a child of God has faith
and removed the obstacles
in the matter; more obstacles
will come back with bigger
threat continuously.
There are many options,
and then which should
you choose?
It is true that “selection” is
such a burden as like
homework for us.
However, God encourages
and gives comfort to His
children and says
“Take courage;
I have overcome the world.”
God does not want His children
to be disappointed or have fear
with the obstacles and problems.
It is because God already
has been paid enough in His heart
and love as “the price of suffering”
and He wants His immortal love
that He has shown to humankind
not to be in vain.
the “never ending problems”
is the evidence that you are
much loved by God.
If so, what attitude do
we have to live with?
1. We should be filled with t
he Holy Spirit as the river
of grace to overflowing.
When the grace is depleted,
all of the motivation of life
will be disappeared
and you will lose
your patience with temper.
In addition, if you lost grace,
your faith will be disappeared
and it is easy to be disappointed
in faithful life at all.
Therefore, we should know
that the river of grace is
dried up when your
joy is gone
and may feel that you will
easily get annoyed and
angry without knowing why.
This is a sign to realize
and ask for help of the
Holy Spirit.
[Testimony 1]
Watchman Nee
He published well-know book
entitled “The Spiritual Man.”
He wrote a book while at a
young age but he had to stop
writing many times due to be
entrapped and jealousy
by others.
Also, he received countless
attacks from Satan because
his writings were dealing
with not general but
spiritual things.
His work was very hard
and difficult.
to make matters worse,
Satan began to attack his body
and he experienced difficult
hardship with extreme pain
and nervousness.
He was sick enough and
unable to write an article.
Then one day,
he was too tired so went
to bed and fell asleep.
He was rowing a small boat
across the Yangtze River
in his dream.
Then, suddenly the great
mountain has appeared
as a big obstacle
in front of him,
which was beyond his ability to
remove so he prayed to God.
“Lord! I cannot go beyond
the high mountain that
submerged in the middle of
the river by earthquakes.
It is impossible to fight with
the huge obstacle on my own so
please make that mountain
Then he heard a loud voice
of God from his inner-self.
“Child, do you want me to
disappear the mountain
in front of you?
Or you can simply row a boat
across over the mountain
by raising the water level
of the river?”
He thought it would be better
to make the mountain be sinking
under water and across the river
and there is no need to make
the mountain disappear.
He woke up while he was
giving answers to God.
He decided to continue to
write articles without fear
as the Holy Spirit helps to
row a boat to get across
the river and mountain.
He realized that his writing
cannot be done by his own will,
nor effort but depends on God
as he crossed the mountain
without damaging the nature.
He would not lose his heart
from any obstacle such as
slander or jealousy that comes
around him if he relies on
the Holy Spirit
then the river of grace
will overflow from his heart.
Thereafter, the obstacles
still came to him continuously
but he entrusted God only and
faced them without despair.
He was able to write over
a long period of time and
finally completed successfully
by the grace of God.
As a result, his book
became as the precious
guide that assists to open
the eyes in spiritual
world today.
“No temptation has seized you
except what is common to man.
And God is faithful; he will not
let you be tempted beyond
what you can bear.
But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out
so that you can stand up under it.”
(1 Cor 10:13)
2. Do not interprete and
over-analyze the obstacles.
If you look at the problem only,
the problem becomes large
and finally, only problem
is shown to you.
As the result, rather worry
and anxiety come in mind
with a rush and fill the mind.
So, what we have to know is that
“Worries” does not mean that
it is solvable with problem
by itself.
Therefore, one who is especially
blessed should be able to look at
Almighty God who is greater
than the problem
whenever you are felt
hard by the problems
and obstacles.
That is faith!
The faith is to wait knowing
that invisible thing will become
to pass as the visible thing.
If we cannot solve our problem
even if we did our best in faith,
then boldly, we should entrust
the problem in the hands of God.
If we partly rely on God and act
according to our plan, we
away from God's plan
and become to make
a mistake.
[Ex] Sarah
The famous woman who
appeared in the Old Testament,
Sarah was barren.
But she received promise
of child from God.
So, she has lived holding
the promise of God.
But passing by 10 years,
she began to see the problem
and finally, she was overrun
by the problem.
In order to solve the problem,
she gave her maidservant
to Abram and made her
give birth to a baby.
Later, how did she regret her
mistake after getting Isaac,
her own son?
The child by human decision,
Ishmael and the child
by promise of God, Isaac.
How badly have their descendants
been fighting each other so far?
when we met an obstacle,
Let’s ask the Holy Spirit
to give us the wisdom first.
And let’s try to find the cause
of the problem and let's find out
what is the God's will through
the problem, even it takes time.
Let’s trust in God and wait
without doubt believing that my
hope and dream should be done.
3. Please shake the fear and
do not turn away.
Rather, face on reality boldly
with a challenging spirit.
"Dear friends, do not be surprised
at the painful trial you are suffering,
as though something strange
were happening to you.
But rejoice that you participate
in the sufferings of Christ,
so that you may be overjoyed
when his glory is revealed."
(1 Peter 4:12-13)
Naturalized Chinese woman
A long time ago I attended
the Yoido Full Gospel Church
in Korea as a Home cell
group leader.
There was a Chinese
couple living in the
same apartment.
I led her to the Christ
and we became to have
fellowship in faith.
One day, a Chinese wife
has consulted me about
her husband.
Her husband seems to be
an angel in usual.
But when he was drunk,
he beats her because of
disorderly acts under the
influence of alcohol.
By her prayer request,
I began to pray with other
cell group leaders for 21 days
every morning as a
Daniel’s prayer.
During the first week, her
husband began to beat his wife
more severely because of
appearing of inferiority
and anger in his mind.
And she should avoid him
and hid from room to room
holding the door with
trembling in fear.
And following day, she
attended in prayer meeting
and appealed to God in
prayer with tears.
And during second week
of Daniel’s prayer,
her husband's behavior
was so guttering worse,
drunken husband asked
her to bring the cold water
and after drinking, he
threw the cup towards the
back of her head.
She fell down on the floor
with bleeding blood
and called to me.
I took her to the hospital
at 2:00 a.m and doctor
sewed the wound.
The incident became
an opportunity to challenge
her faith and made her faith
depend on the Lord.
So, while she pray hard
enough in a prayer meeting,
the Holy Spirit has touched
her heart.
Then the change began
to occur in her mind.
She has hated her husband
whenever he beats her and
waited him to be changed.
By the way, the Holy Spirit
gave her the spirit of repentance
and she became to realize that
she has a strong Ego and not
being changed, not forgive
her husband, only avoid
the situation… etc.
So, she decided her
mind to resemble Jesus.
“My problem is not the
husband’s problem but the
problem from my formal
Christian life.
Maybe, is not my husband
suffering because of me?”
Eventually she cried a lot
when she realized that he is
the offering of a sacrifice
for her to be changed.
She confessed that the
problem was not with him
but with her and experienced to
become a born-again Christian.
I was delighted with the day
she was born-again and gave
comfort and encouragement
with the following Scriptures.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation; the old
has gone, the new has come!"
(2 Cor 5:17)
“I have been crucified with
Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ lives in me.
The life I live in the body,
I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave
himself for me.
(Gal 2:20)
Now, once she repented
and got the confidence,
she decided not to escape
but she faced her violent
husband to practice love
no matter what happens.
Time after time, there was
the unexpected miracle
happened on the last day
of 21 days of Daniel’s prayer.
As usual day, the husband
was going to beat her again
and she started kneel
in prayer.
Then, he shouted as soon as
he beat her arms several times
because he felt pain as
he beats the rock.
He tried two or
three times more.
But he complained of pain
and requested her to
massage his hands.
On the 21st day,
the last day of Daniel’s prayer,
she testified that God is alive
because He heard the prayer.
Her husband was completely
sober and confessed,
“I’m really sorry for you.
I do not know what
I did to you.”
Then, he promised that he
would stop drinking.
Even now, I can remember
that moment of the last day
of the 21st of Daniel’s prayer
was filled with the testimonies
of the miracles of God
and we all gathered to share
and rejoiced over a victory.
Since that day, he stood
by his promise to stop drinking
and they opened a Chinese
restaurant after a few
months later.
They invited us, and
Pastor Paul and I have
glorified God
that they were live in
peace and joy.
On that day, we, all payers
have experienced that nothing
is impossible if we do not
avoid obstacles
but approach with courage,
accept the opponent with
great love and grace of God.
We will overcome
all of the problems.
We convinced that the obstacles
are already disappeared
when we rely on the Holy Spirit
and deal with them with
courage and faith.
In addition, the leaders
who prayed together to receive
the power and protection
in spirit had learned
that I am no longer the one
doing it, but the power of God.
Since at this moment through
the years, such experiences
in the field have become as
the motivation that gives me
the strength to go on.
God is the same and works
yesterday, today, and forever.
Even today, the faithful God
wants His children to have
the courage to overcome
the world.
He sent His Spirit who is
the Counselor and Comforter
so that His children may be
filled with the Holy Spirit.
So, let’s rely on the Holy Spirit
to overcome every upcoming
issues and obstacles.
let’s hope and become
a courageous child of God
to win myself in trials,
and win the world
as well.
“Not by might nor by power,
but by my Spirit of God.”
(Zechariah 4:6)
Let us pray together
My Lord, “Today we already
learned about 3things
by your grace
under the title of
“When there is an obstacle
in front of you.”
by the Holy Spirit.
1. We should be filled with the
Holy Spirit as the river of
grace to overflowing.
2. Do not interprete and
over-analyze the obstacles.
3. Please shake the fear
and do not turn away.
Rather, face on reality boldly
with a challenging spirit.
“This is
Not by might nor by power,
but by my Spirit of God.”
(Zechariah 4:6)
We give thanks
glory to our God!
/ By Priscilla
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