
  • The My Way [Job 23:10, Mk 8:34]
    SERMONS 2022. 5. 29. 21:03

    NewZealand / West Side                                                       Priscilla


    My Way

    [Job 23:10, Mk  8:34]




    / By Priscilla



    Praise the Lord!



    Do you believe the

    Holy Spirit is with us now?



    Brother and sisters

    it’s my pleasure to be

    here to share



    the word of God under

    the title of “The Way” 



    “But  he knew that way I take,

    when he was tested me

    I will come form as gold.”

    (Job 23:10)



    I’m going to tell you

    my testimony that

    I was born -again.



    When I was to 10yrs,

    my father passes away.



    As soon as he passed away,

    I accepted Jesus Christ

    as my Saviour and

    as my Lord.



    I realized that I was

    close to God day by day.



    However, from age 17 to

    just before I was married.



    I wandered here and there

    without going to church




    Even thought I want to

    church as a nominal christian.



    I couldn’t have

    peace in my mind.



    I was really dry and thirsty

    in the spiritual world



    and I couldn’t solve the

    problem until I got




    At that time, I met people

    who was a non-christian

    as well as his family.



    To make matters worse

    his grand parents

    worshipped idols,



    and his mother was

    suffering from serious




    Nobody knew

    about her agony.



    I was shocked about that,

    in spite of knowing their

    struggle I made up my mind

    to get married to him

     in 1978.



    After married,

    the most problem was

    that she couldn’t do

    anything by herself.



    Only she had to be in her bed

    day and night for a long time.



    (e.g. She couldn’t have the meal

    and go to the toilet by herself.) 



    Of course

    my father -in-law

    had to serve her.



    All the time beside of her.

    It was not easy.



    But he couldn’t complain

    taking care of her. 



    Although I was trying

    to make her comfortable.



    She sometimes

    I was cried out

    with great pain.




    she was very depressed

    I was depressed too

    and felt broken hearted.



    Furthermore I was struggling

    with the problems and

    the power of darkness.



    I was really burnt-out.

    So, I had no more hope,

    no vision and do not wish

    to live to any more.



    But, surely our father God,

    doesn’t forget our petition

    with tears. 



    One day the Holy Spirit

    came to my mind to

    comfort me.



    I confessed my sins that

    I didn’t follow him

    a long time.



    On that day I felt refreshing

    and experienced born-again

    as God’s mercy.



    So, I reaccepted Jesus as

     my wonderful Saviour. 



    Sooner or later,

    I persuaded my parents

    -in -law and they agreed.



    After much prayer they

    believed in Jesus.



    Thanks to God!



    After that though her pain

    still persisted we were all 

    of our family really enjoyed

    good relationship



    and united one another

    in the Holy Spirit,



    for 14years,

    thought we were faced

    with a lots of problems.



    We overcame every situation

    because we could all

    rejoice in the Lord.



    The reason why,

    there was peace and joy

    at home.




    she passed away

    in my arms. 



    I’m sure she have

    gone to heaven.



    At last 15days after

    she passed a way



    I enter the

    theological seminary

    through the examination

    by God’s calling. 




    I missed my mother-in-law

    because I could find the truth 

    of God through her agony.



    We witnessed the grace

    of God in her life.



    Surely, she was a seed

    of meal as a sacrifice

    offering before God.



    As a result, our family

    became all christians

    including my husband.




    he became pastor

    as a servant of God!






    Now, when I look back

    through my life,



    God gave me a good training

    of observation through

    my circumstances. 




    I think that when

    I met the Holy Spirit

    it was 'turning point'

    in my life.



    I realized that only

    without Him,

    I am nothing. 



    I’m sure it was the best

    way to follow Jesus.



    Therefore, today God

    also tells me that




    “If anyone

    would come after me

    he must deny himself



    and take up his cross

    and follow me.” 

    (Mk 8:34)











    / By Priscilla






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