
  • God Is Our Provider! / Give To Me That Kind of Inheritance [Jos 14:11-14]
    SERMONS 2022. 5. 30. 14:54

    NewZealand / West Side                                                       Priscilla


    God Is Our Provider! 

    / Give To Me That Kind

    of Inheritance

    [Jos 14:11-14]


    / By Priscilla



    What a lovely passage!

    This passage is a big

    challenge for me.



    And it is  one of my

    favourite Scriptures.



    Caleb was a really positive,

    faithful and godly man.



    I found that he was

    a humble man as well.



    “I am still as strong today

    as the day Moses sent me out;

    I'm just as vigorous to go out

    to battle now as I was then.



    Now give me this hill country

    that the LORD promised

    me that day.



    You yourself heard then

    that the Anakites were there



    and their cities

    were large and fortified,

    but, the LORD helping me,

    I will drive them out just

    as he said.”



    Then Joshua blessed

    Caleb son of Jephunneh

    and gave him Hebron

    as his inheritance.



    So Hebron has belonged

    to Caleb son of Jephunneh

    the Kenizzite ever since,



    because he followed the 

    LORD, the God of Israel,


    (Jos 14:11-14)



    In verse 11,



    God is the 

    source of blessing!



    Today, this Scripture tells 

    me about God’s blessing.



    he claimed he was still

    as strong that very day

    as the day Moses sent

    him out;



    He was just as vigorous

    to go out to battle at that

    time as he was them. 



    He had faith in the

    presence of God



    and his inheritance

    in fulfilment of God’s

    earlier promise.



    So, he said he felt as strong

    and vigorous at 85 as he

     was at 40- it’s very 




    When he trusted God.

    God sent his power to him-no

    matter what, no matter where…




    he probably always

    praised the Lord.



    I just imagine that

    he sang praise to the Lord

    as long as he lived



    because he was stronger

    and had experienced many 

    miracles and wonders.



    He already knew that

    God is Almighty! 




    in the Bible it says,



    ”God is faithful, he will not

    let us be tempted beyond

    what we can bear.



    But, we are tempted.



    He will also provide a way 

    out so that we can

    stand up under it.



    So, God says no temptation

    has seized us except what

    is common to man. 



    “No temptation has seized

    you except what is

    common to man.



    And God is faithful;

    he will not let you be

    tempted beyond what

    you can bear.



    But when you are tempted,

    he will also provide a way out

    so that you can stand

    up under it.”

    (1 Cor 10:13)






    “God Brough out his people

    with rejoicing, his chosen ones

    with shouts of joy



    and he gone them the lands

    of the nations and they fell heir

    to what others had toiled for-“

    (Ps 105:43-44)




    God of the Sovereign Lord

    and ‘in ancient of days’.

    He is ‘Yahweh’



    and He is our provider!



    'Jusus' said to us today!



    "Therefore I tell you,

    do not worry about your life,

    what you will eat or drink;

    or about your body,

    what you will wear.



    Is not life more important

    than food, and the body more

    important than clothes?



    Look at the birds of the air;

    they do not sow or reap

    or store away in barns,



    and yet your heavenly

    Father feeds them.



    Are you not much more

    valuable than they?



    Who of you by worrying can

    add a single hour to his life? 



    And why do you worry

    about clothes?



    See how the lilies of

    the field grow.



    They do not labor or spin.




    Yet I tell you that not even

    Solomon in all his splendor

    was dressed like one of these.




    If that is how God clothes

    the grass of the field,

    which is here today



    and tomorrow is thrown

    into the fire, will he not

    much more clothe you,

    O you of little faith?



    So do not worry, saying,

    'What shall we eat?'

    or 'What shall we drink?'

    or 'What shall we wear?’



    For the pagans run after

    all these things,



    and your heavenly Father

    knows that you need them.



    But seek first his kingdom

    and his righteousness,

    and all these things will be

    given to you as well.



    Therefore do not worry

    about tomorrow,



    for tomorrow will worry

    about itself.



    Each day has enough

    trouble of its own.”

    (Matt 6:25-34)










    / By Priscilla








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