
  • Lord O! How Great Is Thy Faithfulness! / “Yahweh” -What A Wonderful, Marvellous Name! [Exo 3:14]
    SERMONS 2022. 6. 28. 08:49

    New Zealand / West Side                                                    Moru


    Lord O! How Great Is 

    Thy Faithfulness!


    / “Yahweh” 

    What A Wonderful,

    Marvellous Name!

    [Exo 3:14]



    / By Priscilla


    Today the Bible say



    “God said to Mose, 

    “I’m who I am."


    This is what you are to say

    to the Israelites.


    “I am has sent me to you.” 

    (Exo 3:14)



    What a wonderful, 

    marvellous name! 



    God is 

    prefect and Almighty.

    His name is “Yahweh” 



    We never know Him 

    nor encounter the

    self-existence one 

    before redemption, 



    but now we realize

    He is really the creator

    and sovereign Lord!  



    In fact, He has caused

    his wonders to be 

    remembered for the Lord

    is gracious and compassionate.



    He wanted to show His people

    the power of His works. 



    Indeed, the work of 

    His hands are faithful



    and just; all His precepts 

    are truth-worthy. 



    When I reading the Bible,

    in this passage, 



    God revealed himself to me

    and encouraged me. 



    Although I am weak and sinful,

    I know that He is my Saviour,



    the living God, the presence

    of God and my “Abba Father!"







    He provided redemption

    for his chosen people 

    including me,



    and He also ordained His 

    covenant forever.



    Holy and 

    awesome in His name.



    He wants me to have more

    relationship with him,



    because the steadfast love

    of the Lord never ceases, 



    His mercies 

    never come to an end.



    How great is thy faithfulness! 



    The Bible say



    “But now, 

    this is what the LORD says



    -- he who created you, 

    O Jacob, he who 

    formed you, O Israel: 



    "Fear not, 

    for I have redeemed you;



    I have summoned you

    by name; you are mine. 



    So, I will be with

    you forever…!

    (Isa 43:1-20)




    He tells me today, 



    “He who created you Israel 

    He who formed you o, Priscilla!



    Fear not! I have redeemed you

    I have summoned you by name, 

    because you’re mine!" 



    Lord O how

    great is thy faithfulness! 



    I adore you and

    I worship you forever! 









    Let us pray



    Heavenly Father helps

    us love this day is gladness

    and in peace.



    We exalt you

    wish our whole heart. 



    We thank you

    for your guidance 

    through the Holy Spirit.



    Though we do not know 

    our future we always

    want to serve you. 



    Help us respond instantly 

    to your will guide us

    in your presence. 



    Bless this our time 

    we spend together today

    and bless today 



    we ask you all this

    in wonderful Jesus name. 









    - The End -







    / By Priscilla






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