Look Ahead! 86 [Gen 23:1-20] / Abraham Set A Good Example of Faith / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2022. 7. 12. 00:51
New Zealand / West Side Moru
Look Ahead!
Abraham Set A Good
Example of Faith 86
[Gen 23:1-20]
/ Anne's Faith Column
/ By Priscilla
Notice Abraham, who obtained
the cave of Machpelah after making
a covenant with the Hittites,
hoping to pay a fair price for
Sarah's burial place!
Life comes from dust
and returns to dust.
Sarah was brought to God's
embrace before Abraham.
The heart of love can be read
from Abraham mourning
for the loss of his wife.
At that time, it was difficult
for an alien to stay in a foreign land
but we can feel that Abraham's
abundance was due to
God's blessing
and that other tribes wanted
to do him good through his faith.
This is because their friendly
attitude toward Abraham
can be seen from them.
There are times when we are
left hesitated by the choice
of whether to accept a favor
that unbelievers offer us
without any conditions.
However, even under
such circumstances,
Abraham was not shaken
at all and did not repeat
his human errors of the past,
and he told them that
he would pay a full price
for the burial site.
"Sir, listen to us.
You are a mighty prince
among us.
Bury your dead
in the choicest of our tombs.
None of us will refuse you
his tomb for burying your dead."
(Gen 23:6)
As can be seen from
the above scripture,
the unbelievers already
knew that Abraham was a
mighty prince and offered
him a favor.
However, Abraham's religious
maturity is shown in his actions
when he refused their favor
and chose to pay the full price.
What is surprising is that
through his trials and
tribulations of the past,
he had become a person
who could discern everything
and look ahead.
He was a God-centered
person who tried to completely
root out the source of help
by human bonds between
believers and non-believers,
which could later become
entangled with each other and
cause bilateral difficult problems.
It is clear that setting a good
example without personal greed
as a believer in God is an attitude
that we must keep and maintain
as Christians today.
We must discern the attitudes
of believers and unbelievers
who want to show affection
around us,
and we must wisely clarify
that we either accept or reject it.
Thus, in advance, we must
completely eliminate any
elements that are intertwined
with each other or may be
tempting to us.
This is because if we take a
mutually ambiguous attitude,
we can easily be put to the
temptation in trivial things.
In Christ, we should keep
Christian norms, laws, and morals,
and we should never do harm to
others while trying to seek profit
without being blinded by greed.
Also, when doing good,
you should give with joy
and should not enter into
resentment or temptation,
and the person receiving help
should not go beyond the limit
and take advantage of others
or be excessively greedy.
We can both live a life of faith
without regret and build up
virtue only when we treat
each other with love just
as we serve Jesus.
How should we behave, then?
1) In the community of faith,
there are times when we force
or impose excessive burdens
on others.
On the other hand,
there are times when we expec
t too much of things that will be
a burden to the other person.
We must completely
eradicate such practices.
2) We need to carefully classify
and accept the debt of love that
the other person wants to give us.
3) We must become believers
who act while looking far ahead
with the eyes of faith.
Help me to live a life of faith
that I am not ashamed of in
front of people all the time.
And help me to become
an exemplary disciple of
Christ who builds up virtue.
Make sure that I should not
make people around me difficult
and cause resentment.
Lead me not to dishonor
Jesus for my actions!
May the Holy Spirit always
remind me to take responsibility
for my actions.
- To Be Continue -
/ By Priscilla
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