
  • The Lord Will Provide Because You Have Obeyed Me! 85 [Gen 22:11-24] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2022. 7. 12. 00:29


    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru


    The Lord Will Provide

    Because You Have

    Obeyed Me! 85

    [Gen 22:11-24]

     / Anne's Faith Column 


    Take a look at God's perfect plan!

    After God tested Abraham,

    God was delighted with

    his obedience,



    and God prepared a ram for him,

    and Abraham could sacrifice it

    as a burnt offering instead

    of his son, Isaac.



    And we can also find

    God's amazing plan to bless

    Abraham's seed in today's




    The blessing achieved

    through Abraham's absolute

    obedience to God was great.



    Through his deeds and faith, 

    he was not only  saved,



    but also the  Messiah

    (Jesus Christ),



    who would save mankind

    from his seed, was born

    as promised.



    It can be seen that this was

    achieved by obeying God's word,

    but it was entirely by God's

    favor and grace.



    Today, as Gentiles,

    the light of the gospel has

    come to us, and we are deeply

    grateful for His grace,



    thinking of God who has

    moistened and revived our souls

    and our hearts with His grace.



    Through the relationship

    between Abraham's obedience

    and God's pleasure, we need

    to empty our minds completely



    so that we

    can read the main points

    of God's Word, God's plan,

    and God's heart.



    Abraham's anguish and

    determination to offer

    his son Isaac



    to God is the same

    as God's willingness to sacrifice

    his one and only Son, Jesus Christ,

    for the salvation of forsaken humans.



    God who gives man free will! 

    Abraham's attempt to sacrifice

    his son Isaac was the most




    and dramatic moment for him

    to receive the title of 

    ‘Abraham, the father of faith’.



    God is so good that he provides

    in advance a ram for a burnt offering

    instead of his son 'Isaac' to be

    sacrificed for him!



    God is so good that he trains us,

    and he also provides a way out for us.



    God is so merciful that he waits

    for us to overcome the temptation.



    God the Father who generously

    gave his one and only  Son,

    Jesus Christ, to us!



    God the Father, who changed

    Abraham's name like the father

    of the nations and wanted him

    to change according to his name!



    Therefore, we need a new

    awareness of the good Father

    and an attitude of listening to the will

    and words of God who wants to give

    new meaning to our names today.



    'God who works in us to will

    and to act according to

    his good purpose.'



    We fully realize that we must

    become people who completely

    entrust everything to the Lord, 



    just like Abraham, the father

    of faith, within the environment

    that has been granted to us.



    Then, in what attitude

    should we follow God

    the Father?



    1) Each of us should have

    God's Word centered life

    and entrust our lives

    completely to God.



    2) We must entrust our

    inner world to the guidance

    of the Holy Spirit so that

    we may not neglect our

    spiritual management



    and so that we may follow

    and obey God's Word.



    3) In using our time,

    we must live by applying

    the time to think of the

    Lord in our daily lives.








    You know what each of us needs,

    and you provide and prepare

    for us at every moment!



    Therefore, we fully entrust

    everything to you, the Lord.






    Help me to become a precious

    child who listens to the Word of God

    and obeys the Word without

    any doubt, depending on you!



    Thanks and praise to you,

    the Lord who is so good to us.



    - To Be Continue - 






    / By Priscilla





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