
  • Spiritual Gifts / Summary
    앤의추천글 2022. 6. 27. 22:49


    Spiritual Gifts 

    / Summary



    / By Priscilla


    The Bible never calls

    the talents charismata.



    Charismata have been

    given to the pastors during

    serving their missions

    for the Lord.



    To give Spiritual gifts

    is the blessing of Holy Spirit.



    For example,

    The healing gift can be given

    to the person who can feel

    sympathy with the people’s




    That’s the

    time for spiritual gift

    to work for the Lord.



    The Holy Spirit can give

     the true spiritual gift

    at any time,



    the spiritual gifts can be

    gained not by man’s will,

    but by the Holy Spirit’s will. 



    The church leaders should

    be as man of good judgement

    with an individual gift,



    and encouraged the people

    to have courage and work

    in right positions in the church. 



    The spiritual gift is a gift given

    to the person born in poor

    from the Holy Spirit.



    Therefore, the Spiritual gift

    can be getting the most out

    of the people who can sacrifice

    themselves by putting that

    trust in love. 



    The person who has spiritual gifts

    is ready for the word even through

    he doesn’t have natural talent.



    Even though they have strong

    spiritual gift if they are not ready

    to sacrifice their comfortableness,

    reputation and fame, etc,

    the God uses them less. 



    The spiritual gift given from

    the Lord we should make use

    of to glorify the God.



    And eagerly

    desire the great gifts. 



    “But eagerly

    desire the greater gifts.



    And now I will show you the

    most excellent way..”

    (1Cor 12:31)



    The spiritual gifts presented

    from the Holy Spirits are vivid

    and powerful and active, 



    Although the ability of

    the Holy Spirit cannot create

    another ability through

    the Holy Spirit, 



    the Holy Spirit has given

     himself to us, and shows

    his representative.



    Human can’t give themselves

    to the others except time

    and endeavour.



    But only the Holy Spirit

    can fulfil us. 



    The Holy Spirit is the present

    to us doron we have to thank

    Lord for the Holy Spirit

    existing inside us. 



    “For this reason I remind

    you to fan into flame the gift of God,

    which is in you through

    the laying on of my hands.”

    (2Tim 1:6)



    Whenever we move,

    he moves.



    Remember pheumatika

    and charismata came

    from the holy spirit.



    Lets thank the Lord for

     giving priceless blessing. 




    - The End - 








    / By Priscilla

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