The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership / Ann's Review / By John. C. Maxwell / Probational Pastor Training Course) (2013)FAVORITE 2022. 6. 11. 10:38
New Zealand / West Side Priscilla
The 21 Irrefutable
Laws of Leadership
/ Ann's Review
/ By John. C. Maxwell
/ Probational Pastor Training
Course) Report (2013)
/ By Priscilla
Whenever I
heard the word ’leader’,
I felt so uncomfortable.
By reading this book,
I came to realize that
John Maxwell explained
effectively what he had
learned is really necessary
to my mission.
Especially since
I have been interested
in this book dealing
with the rules
and procedures that
can change life, this book
is extremely useful and
helpful and relevant.
Laws of leadership
based on real experiences
can’t be forgotten.
His 21 laws is his great
achievement gained from
spending his time
and sacrificing his life
with sweat.
Since he has lead this life
to become a leader,
his 21 irrefutable laws
suggested in his book
will be a good challenge
and will energise any
person who wants to be
a leader with confidence.
I am going to use all
21 laws as follows:
First, to
become a real leader,
I will develop leadership
as a lifetime learner.
Second, I have to make
sure that my calling is
to encourage
and educate church
leaders with these
21 irrefutable laws.
While making notes
of 21 laws to apply
in my life,
I was o impressed with
his skill to give strong
motivation to leaders.
Among those rules especially,
the following laws must be
very useful for my mission.
1. The law of process :
leadership develops
daily, not in a day.
2. The law of navigation:
anyone can steer the
ship but it takes
a leader to chart
the course.
3. The law of E.F. Hutton:
when the real leader
speaks, people listen.
4. The law of respect:
people naturally follows
leaders stronger than
5. The law of intuition:
leaders evaluate everything
with a leadership bias.
6. The laws of Magnetism :
who you are is who
you attract.
7. The law of connection :
leaders touch a heart
before they ask for a hand.
In the end, leaders
shouldn’t be lazy and
ignorant of developing
himself without rest.
I will doo my best to be
a fine leader and educate
a church leader in all my life.
With the new motto -
“Lead tomorrow,
Learn today.”
As God has given the
promise to me, I will
follow Paul
and be ready to sacrifice
to apply the 21 laws.
“Now that I have already
obtained all this or have
already been made perfect,
but I press on to take hold
of that for which Jesus
took hold of me.
And press on toward the
goal to win the prize for
which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
(Phi 3:12-14)
Prayer :
The Lord, you have given
this mind which I want
to be a right leader
as a servant for God,
please all special wisdom
to fulfil the whole of this vision
to educate and make leader.
- The End -
/ By Priscilla
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