How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth? / By Gordon D. Fee& Douglas Stuart / Ann's Review / Probational Pastor Training Course (2013)FAVORITE 2022. 5. 13. 15:35
New Zealand / West Side Priscilla
How To Read The Bible
For All Its Worth?
/ By gordon D. Fee &
Douglas Stuart
/ Probational Pastor
Training Course (2013)
/ Ann's Review
/ By Priscilla
The Bible is the
God’s revelation
and the
document written
by human authors
using languages
could be understood
and historical examples
could be dealt in the
historical and cultural
Then, the Bible could
be understood with
a little consideration.
Because God has be
revealed to us not to be
concealed but to
be shown.
“…but this happened
so that the work of God
might be displayed
in his life." (John 9:3)
That is to mention the wisdom
of humanity is not the key
to understand the Bible.
As Bible is holy, so it
should be emphasized
by the guidance of
the Holy Spirit to figure
out firmly the meanings
of the Scripture.
Because the holy thing
should be discriminated
by the holy and can be
understood only with
the help of the Spirit
to realize the origina
l meaning of God.
“but God has revealed it
to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things,
even the deep things of God.
For who among men knows
the thoughts of a man except
the man's spirit within him?
In the same way no one
knows the thoughts of God
except the Spirit of God.
We have not received
the spirit of the world
but the Spirit who is
from God,
that we may understand
what God has freely
given us.
This is what we speak,
not in words taught us
by human wisdom
but in words taught by
the Spirit, expressing
spiritual truths in
spiritual words.”
(1Cor 2:10-13)
Otherwise, many readers
have tried to discover
the secret words of God
rather than the words
of the Scripture
and the the meanings
of historical background.
(E.g. allegorical
that is focus on the
spiritual meanings).
That is because people
might have forgotten
the document of
God’s revelation
in those days
otherwise might not be
accustomed to show
expressions of the variety
of revelation in the Bible.
-it needs the special research,
but should be caring about
the understanding the
mystical words
or moral ethics of
ignoring these facts.
Therefore, we need to
understand how the old
people figured them
first of all what is meant
to know what they
were talking about
is at the present.
To accomplish those,
the authors in this book
emphasized that the
readers should
the message with
the different types
of the literature
(the genres)
that make up the Bible.
Because, they played
an important role of
putting God’s revelation
on the bowl.
This is intended to let
people know the contents
of the Bible accurately
as the Bible shows.
To do that this book
presents the variety
of methods through
13 chapters.
I really hope the readers
to have the opportunity
to understand the
literature in the Bible.
The authors in this book
stressed about those are
the fundamental ways
to understand God's words
and need to be read to the
Bible readers and interpreters.
Finally, I realize hope
the readers truly want to
be anxious about reading
the Bible to experience about
the full revelation.
In my opinion.
I got to know that
the words revealed
by God showed in our thought
and minds, and also learned
that should be made research
to deliver God’s will by r
evelation forever.
In addition,
we should wish to receive
the gifts of wisdom
and knowledge
to the Holy-Spirit to
be set on our hearts
to be interpreted.
Oh, God please let us
open our spiritual eyes
to distinguish the truths,
and then let us see the
extraordinary things to
interpret the Bible well.
Please the Holy-Spirit
helps us to follow God’s will.
/ Probational Pastor
Training Course
- The End -
/ By Priscilla
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