
  • God’s Chosen People / Be Strong And Courageous! [Jos 1:3-6]
    SERMONS 2022. 5. 25. 09:54

    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru


    God’s Chosen People

    / Be Strong And


    [Jos 1:3-6]




    / By Priscilla



    "I will give you every place

    where you set your foot,

    as I promised Moses.



    Your territory will extend

    from the desert to Lebanon,

    and from the great river,

    the Euphrates-



    -all the Hittite country--

    to the Great Sea on the west.



    No one will be able to

    stand up against you

    all the days of your life.



    As I was with Moses,

    so I will be with you;



    I will never leave you

    nor forsake you.



    "Be strong and courageous,

    because you will lead these people

    to inherit the land I swore to

    their forefathers to give them.”

    (Jos 1:3-6)




    Today this Scripture tells

    me about God’s promise,



    that is not changeable.



    In verse 3, the boundaries

    are established by God and

    promised to Abraham

    and Moses.



    “On that day the LORD made

    a covenant with Abram and said,



    "To your descendants

    I give this land, from the river

    of Egypt to the great river,

    the Euphrates…”

    (Gen 15:18) 




    “The LORD our God said

    to us at Horeb,



    "You have stayed long

    enough at this mountain.



    Break camp and advance

    into the hill country of

    the Amorites;



    go to all the neighboring

    peoples in the Arabah,

    in the mountains,



    in the western foothills,

    in the Negev and along

    the coast, to the land

    of the Canaanites




    and to Lebanon,

    as far as the great river,

    the Euphrates.




    See, I have given you this land.

    Go in and take possession

    of the land that the LORD

    swore he would give to

    your fathers--to Abraham,

    Isaac and Jacob--




    and to their

    descendants after them.”

    (Deut 1:6-8)




    Furthermore, it had been

    promised to their forefathers

    that is to Abraham, Isaac

    and Jacob. 



    This is one of my

    favourite passages ,




    “I’ll give you every place

    where you set your foot,

    as I promised Moses.”




    What a tremendous blessing!

    -Truly God’s promised

    would be fulfilled! 




    Indeed, Joshua now

    at last was to lead

    the children of Israel to

     posses this promise land.




    He was never a perfect man

    but God chose him.







    Perhaps God knew that

    he trusted in Him faithfully

    and sincerely. 



    Looking back on his life,

    God had already been

    preparing Joshua as a

    good leader;



    He did not complain and

    just kept his position in life

    with patience



    and then God revealed

    Himself to him.



    Likewise, God always

    watches over his chosen people

    and when it is his right time,



    He calls the people as

    his instruments in

    all kinds of situations.



    When God called how did

    Joshua respond to Him? 



    Although he was a fighting man

    and had lots of hard training

      for 40years in the desert,



    he was still afraid when God

    commissioned him for the task,

    because he was a humble man.



    This situation taught me

    many lessons. 




    I realised that God has

    provided for my whole life

    in his master plan, now!



    Although, I didn’t understand

    his plan.




    However I realize the closer

    my relationship with God

    is the more I will understand

    His plan for me



    and the clearer it becomes.




    Today God’s challenge to

    Joshua included me. 




     "Be strong and courageous,

    because you will lead

    these people to inherit the land

    I swore to their forefathers

    to give them.”

    (Jos 1:3-6)




    This is most encouraging for me;




    “When you were called

    not many of you were wise

    by human standards;




    not many were influential

    not many were of noble birth.

    But God chose the foolish things

    of the world to shame to wise…s




    o that no one may

    boast before Him.”



    “Brothers, think of what you

    were when you were called.



    Not many of you were wise

    by human standards;

    not many were influential;

    not many were of noble birth.




    But God chose the

    foolish things of the world

    to shame the wise;



    God chose the weak things

    of the world to shame the strong.




    He chose the lowly things

    of this world and

    the despised things--




    and the things that are not-

    -to nullify the things that are, s

    o that no one may boast

    before him.”(1Cor 1:26-29)












    / By Priscilla






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