
  • A Cheerful Giver / True Generous Gift [2 Corin 9:5-7]
    SERMONS 2022. 5. 24. 12:57

     New Zealand / West Side                            Priscilla



    A Cheerful Giver

    / True Generous Gift

    [2 Corin 9:6-7]



    / By Priscilla


    He always watches

    over our behaviour

    and deeds.



    “So I thought it necessary

    to urge the brothers

    to visit you in advance



    and finish the arrangements

    for the generous gift

    you had promised.



    Then it will be ready

    as a generous gift, not as 

    one grudgingly given.



    Remember this:

    Whoever sows sparingly

    will also reap sparingly,



    and whoever sows generously

    will also reap generously.



    Each man should give

    what he has decided

    in his heart to give,

    not reluctantly



    or under compulsion,

    for God loves a cheerful


    (2 Cor 9:5-7)



    Likewise, God loves an 

    cheerful giver. 



    What is a truly

    generous gift? 



    In verse 7,

    Paul required for the saints

    with some principles of giving.






    “Each man should

    give what he has decided

    in his heart to give,


    we should give willing not

    grudgingly, for God loves

    cheerful givers.“ 

    (2 Corin 9:7)



    When we

    bring generous gifts

    into God’s store house.



    God blessed our barns

    and fills them with plenty,



    because originally

    Great blessings belong to

    those who learn to give.



    in ally the money is

    not ours but God’s.



    Because, we always

    remember that God is

    the source of blessing,



    we should

    manage the money

    for our whole lives as

    an act of stewardship.



    Great blessings belong to

    hose who learn to

    give generously. 



    When we open our hearts

    and give a generous gift

    to God cheerfully



    God who gives plenteously

    knows all these things




    and provides

    extra gifts (money) for

    all our needs. 



    After a lot of experience,

    I realize that God is willing to

    bless us with wealth(Deut 28:1-6)



    So, I want to obey God and

    give a generous gift cheerfully. 



    “If you fully obey the LORD

    your God and carefully

    follow all his commands

    I give you today,



    the LORD your God will

    set you high above all

    the nations on earth.



    All these blessings will

    come upon you and

    accompany you



    if you obey the LORD your God:

    You will be blessed in the city

    and blessed in the country.



    The fruit of your womb

    will be blessed, and the 

    cropsof your land and the 

    young of your livestock-



    -the calves of your herds

    and the lambs of your flocks.

    Your basket and your kneading

    trough will be blessed.



    You will be blessed when you

    come in and blessed

    when you go out.”

    (Deut 28:1-6)



    It is my pleasure for already,

    God has given us an

    indescribable gift. 




    I’ll give thanks to the Lord

    and show my love gifts














    / By Priscilla







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