
  • The Kingdom of God (Heaven)11 [Phil 3 : 20] / Ephphatha Church Discipleship Training (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 2. 28. 07:36


     NewZealand / West Side                 Moru


    The Kingdom of God


    [Phil 3 : 20]


    / Ephphatha Church 

    Discipleship Training 

    (Basic Course) 



    / By Pastor Priscilla


    "But our citizenship

    is in heaven.



    And we eagerly await

    a Savior from there,

    the Lord Jesus Christ."

    (Phil 3 : 20)



    We Christians have

    received God as our Father

    and Jesus Christ as

    our Savior.



    As a Christian,

    there are some things

    that we must know

    and take them our hope.



    These are about

    the kingdom of God,

    Heaven we will enter




    Therefore, today

    I want you to briefly

    learn the concept

    of the kingdom of

      God in six ways.



    1. As you read the

    following scriptures,

    please go over which

    place Christians

    belong to.



    We Christians are

    those who, because

    our citizenship

    is in heaven,



    await our Savior

    Jesus Christ who

    prepare places

    for us there.

    (Phil 3 : 20)



    And also we are

    those who do not

    rejoice that the spirits

    submit to us,



    but rejoice that our

    names are written

    in Heaven.

    (Luke 10 : 20)



    Therefore, even

    though we live

    on this earth,



    we must clearly

    recognize where we

    belong and live.



    In other words,

    we must live keeping

    in mind that



    we belong to Heaven,

    our citizenship is in




    and will have new

    names there.



    2. Please go over

    what Jesus, the Old

    Testament believers,



    and Christians

    in the early church

    looked forward to

    in their lives.



    (Ex : 1)

    Abraham, Moses



    1) Abraham: Although

    he lived as a foreigner

    and stranger

    on this earth,



    he lived

    his life, longing for

    Home, Heaven.

    (Heb 11 : 13-16)



    2) Moses: He refused

    to be known as the son of

      Pharaoh's daughter,



    and he chose to be

    mistreated along with

    the people of God



     rather than to enjoy

     the pleasures of sin

     for a short time.



    3. What did Jesus teach

    about in this world? 



    Jesus said, and 

    He preached the

     gospel everywhere. 



    "I must preach the

    good news of the

    kingdom of God

    to the other

    towns also,



    because that is

    why I was sent."

     (Luke 4 : 43)



    1) The Lord said

    to a burglar who was

     crucified along with him,



    "I tell you the truth,

    today you will be with

    me in paradise.

    (Luke 23 : 43)



    2) He told us where

    humans would go

    in the future.



    (Ex : 2)



    A rich man and

    a beggar named




    He told us that

    the rich man would

    go to Hell in the future,



    and a beggar Lazarus

    would go to Heaven.



    And also Jesus told us

    that through their endings,

    they could see hell



    and paradise each other,

    and that once they are

    put in their places.



    Heaven or Hell,

    they cannot come

    and go forever. 

     (Luke 16 : 19-31)



    3) Jesus said,



    "The Spirit gives life;

    the flesh counts

    for nothing.



    The words I have

    spoken to you are

    spirit and they

    are life."

    (John 6 : 63)



    4) Jesus preached to

    his disciples and said,



    "The kingdom of

    heaven is near."

     (Matthew 10 : 7)



    5) Jesus told the will

     of God to his disciples.



    Jesus has given us

    new birth into a living hope

    through his resurrection

    from the dead,



    and into an inheritance

    that can never perish,

    spoil or fade--kept in

    Heaven for us.

    (1 Pet 1 : 3-4)



    Therefore, Jesus

    taught his disciples

    about God's mercy

    in preparing a new




    and a new earth for

    the children of God to go.



    And Jesus clearly informed

    the direction of hope

    for the kingdom of God



    and what his disciples

    should look forward

    to in their lives.



    Also, God definitely

    punishes those who

     have evil motives,



    such as Cain who killed

    his younger brother

    Abel for jealousy.



    However, God prepares

    a new heaven and

    a new earth for the




    Therefore, if the

    world hates us



    Christians who hope

    for heaven for

     no reason,



    he tells us to live

    with conviction,

    not to consider

    it strange.

    (2 Peter 3 : 12-13)



    (Ex : 3)

    The apostle Paul



    In this regard,

    what did the apostle Paul

    look forward to in keeping

    his faith and working?



    (1) The apostle Paul

    ran with hope on

    the path of faith to

    win the prize for which

    God has called him. 

    (Philippians 3 : 13-14)



    (2) The apostle Paul

    was pleased to know

    that the crown of

    righteousness was

       prepared in the future.



    "Now there is in store

    for me the crown

      of righteousness,



    which the Lord,

    the righteous Judge,

    will award to me

     on that day-



    -and not only to me,

    but also to all who

    have longed for

     his appearing." 

     (2 Timothy 4 : 8)



    (Ex : 4)

     Early church




    Then, what did the

    early church members

    look forward to, living

    a life of faith?



    1) The saints came

    to hope for Heaven

    by receiving Jesus



    and the kingdom of God

    from the disciples of Jesus.



    (Ex : 5)




    "When they believed Philip

    as he preached the

    good news of the

    kingdom of God



     and the name of Jesus Christ,

    they were baptized, both

    men and women."

    (Acts 8 : 12)



    2) Even if the saints

    were publicly exposed

    to insult and persecution

    due to their faith

    as Christians,



    they endured them

    because of their hope

     for Heaven. 



    3) They kept a strong faith.



    Rather, they sympathized

    with those in prison



    and joyfully accepted

    the deprivation

    of their  property



    by the oppressors

    who persecuted them.

    (Heb 10 : 33-34)



    They maintained

     a strong faith 

    in any situation



    That's because they

    knew that they had better

    and lasting possessions

    in the kingdom of God

     to enjoy in the future.

    (Heb 10 : 33-34)



    4) When reading the

    above scriptures,



    what do you think was

    the goal of the faith

    of the early church




    in the Old and New

    Testament times?



    (1) Paradise 

    (2) Awarding to us

    (3) Inheritance 



    (4) Everlasting property 

    (5) The Kingdom of God

    (6) Crown of righteousness 



    Therefore, we must take

    their faith as an example

    and live by keeping

    the faith, hoping for

    the kingdom of God



    and looking forward

    to the glory to enjoy

    there in the future.


    3. Where is Heaven?



    It can be known

    through visions and

    revelations through the

    inspiration of the

    Holy Spirit.



    (Ex : 5)

    Apostle Paul's vision



    1) The apostle Paul

    has introduced to us



    Heaven that he

    experienced in

    his vision.



    Through this, we can

    see that Heaven is

    called Paradise and

    the Third Heaven. 


    (2 Corin 12 : 1-4)


    (Ex : 6)




    2) Also, John, who was

    moved by the Holy Spirit,

    spoke in the book of




    "At once I was in the Spirit,

    and there before me was

    a throne in heaven with

    someone sitting on it.



    And the one who sat

    there had the appearance

    of jasper and carnelian.



    A rainbow, resembling

    an emerald, encircled

    the throne."

    (Rev 4 : 2-3)



    4. What is Heaven?

    (Rev 21 : 4) 




    1) He will wipe every

    tear from their eyes.

    2) There will be

    no more death. 



    3) There will be no mourning.

    4) There will be no crying.

    5) There will be no pain.



    For the old order of things

    has passed away. 

    (Rev 22 : 1-5) 



    1) The river of the water of life,

    as clear as crystal, is

    flowing from the

    throne of God



    and of the Lamb down

    the middle of the great

    street of the city.



    2) On each side of the

    river stood the tree of life,

    bearing twelve crops of fruit,

    yielding its fruit every month.



    And the leaves of

    the tree are for the

    healing of the nations.



    No longer will there

    be any curse.


    3) The throne of God

    and of the Lamb will be

    in the city, and his

     servants will serve him.



    They will see his face,

    and his name will be

     on their foreheads.



    4) There will be no more night.

    They will not need the light

    of a lamp or the light

    of the sun, for the Lord

    God will give them light.



    5) And they will reign

    for ever and ever.



    5. Who will go

    into Heaven?



    1) Only those whose names

    are written in the Lamb's

    book of life can go

    into Heaven,



    however, those who are

    shameful or deceitful,

    or impure cannot go

    into Heaven.

    (Rev 21 : 27)



    2) Blessed are those

    who wash their robes,

    that they may have

    the right to the

    tree of life



    and may go through

    the gates into the city.

    (Reve 22 : 14) 



    Therefore, for all of us saints,

    this world is like a stranger

    or a pilgrim. 



    When we leave this world,

    we will enter the

    Father's Kingdom,

    our home, and our

    eternal blessed land

    of inheritance.



    And without any

    suffering, sickness,

    tears, and death,



    we will enjoy the

    blessings of eternal life. 



    In addition,

    we will be rewarded

    with comfort, glory,



    and deeds for our labors

    in order to serve and keep

    our faith on this earth.



    Therefore, we saints

    have endured suffering

    in our lives, not sparing

    any effort for the Lord.



    "Behold, I am coming soon!

    My reward is with me,



    and I will give to everyone

    according to what

    he has done."

    (Rev 22 : 12)



    "Blessed are you

    when people insult you,

    persecute you



    and falsely say

    all kinds of evil

    against you

    because of me.



    Rejoice and be glad,

    because great is your

    reward in heaven,



    for in the same way they

    persecuted the prophets

    who were before you.

    (Matt 5 : 11-12) 



    "I consider that

    our present sufferings

    are not worth comparing

    with the glory that will

    be revealed in us."

    (Romans 8 : 18)



    Jesus came to

      them and said,



    "All authority in heaven

    and on earth has been

    given to me."

    (Matt 28 : 18)



    How comforting

    these scriptures are!



    Therefore, the apostle

    Paul calls us boldly.



    "But thanks be to God!

    He gives us the victory

    through our Lord

    Jesus Christ.



    Therefore, my dear

    brothers, stand firm.

    Let nothing move you.



    Always give yourselves

    fully to the work of the Lord,



    because you know that

    your labor in the Lord

    is not in vain."

    (1 Corin 15 : 57-58)



    "I have fought the good fight,

    I have finished the race,

    I have kept the faith.



    Now there is in store for me

    the crown of righteousness,

    which the Lord, the righteous Judge,

    will award to me on that day-



    -and not only to me,

    but also to all who have

    longed for his appearing."

    (2 Tim 4 : 7-8)



    6. What should be

    the goal of our faith?



    We must strive to

    qualify for the person

    who will look forward

    to the prizes of heaven

      and receive the crowns.



    1) The crown that

    will last forever.



    - Those who go into

    strict training.

    (1 Corin 9 : 25)



    2) The crown of life

    - Those who endures trials.

    (James 1 : 2)



    3) The crown of righteousness.

    - Those who keep the faith.

    (2 Tim 4 : 8)



    4) The crown of glory

    -Those who are faithful.

    (1 Peter 5 : 4)



    7. Summary 


    1) Where do Christians



     (1) Those who belong

    to heaven



     (2) Those whose names

    are written in the book

    of life (from the kingdom

    of heaven)



    2) What was the faith

    in the Old Testament

    and early church




     (1) They considered

    the heaven as their home

    and lived looking up

     to Heaven.



     (2) Heaven's reward



     (3) They endured the lives

    of pilgrims looking forward

    to the one who gave them

    the hope of Heaven.



    3) What was the essence

    of the Lord's teaching?  



     (1) Repent.

    Heaven is near.

     (2) Hell

     (3) Eternal life



    4) What was the essence

     of the apostles' teachings?



     (1) New heaven

    and new earth



     (2) Those who will inherit

    the heavenly inheritance 



     (3) Prize (crown)

     (4) Rewards 



    5) Where is Heaven?

      -The third heaven



    6) What is Heaven?



     (1) There will be no

      tears or sadness. 

     (2) There will be  no death.



     (3) There will be no pain.

     (4) There will be no night.



     (5) We will eat the fruit

    of life at the riverside

     of the water of life.



    (yielding twelve crops

      of fruit every month)



    7) Who will go into heaven? 



    (1) Those who are written

    in the Lamb's book of life.



    (2) Those who have been

    washed away from their sins

    by the Blood of Jesus.



    8) Tell us about your

    view of faith in Heaven.



    I'm thinking of what he said,

    “Repent! Heaven is near.”



    That heaven has already

    come to the kingdom

    of heaven



    and to me living

    on this earth.



    However, it is

    not yet complete.



    Those who possess

    heaven to come in the future

    have no regrets on this earth.



    Therefore, with the

    impending eschatology,



    I will prepare for oil,

    set my posture in the heart

    of ten virgins waiting

    for a bridegroom to come soon,



    and live while looking

    forward to heaven.








    / By Priscilla










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