
  • The Cross And Salvation of Jesus Christ8 [Isa 53 : 6] / Ephphatha Church Discipleship Training (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 2. 4. 12:48


    NewZealand / West Side                  Moru


    The Cross And Salvation

    of Jesus Christ8

    [Isa 53 : 6]


    / Ephphatha Church

    Discipleship Training

    (Basic Course) 




    / By Pastor Priscilla



    Today, we're going to

    have a time to deal with

    Jesus' suffering on the cross

    in more depth in 4 parts.



    1. Jesus who was arrested.



    At the time of the

    Passover supper,

    the Lord gave bread

     and wine to his disciples.



    (This is a ritual used

    in the sacrament

    in memory of

    Jesus, as well.)

    (Matt 26 : 26-28)



    After praying

    in Gethsemane,

    Jesus was arrested




    by the armed men

    sent from the chief

    priests and the elders

    of the people.




    Before Jesus

    was arrested, he had

    wanted to obey

    God's will alone,



    so he had prayed earnestly

    enough to form the sweat

    on his forehead into

    the drops of blood.

    (Matth 26 : 39)



    While Jesus was praying,

    he wanted his disciples

    to keep watch and pray

    for him together,



    but his disciples

    got to sleep due to

    their physical fatigue.



    They had been sleeping 

    until Jesus returned to

    them after praying alone.



    And then Jesus

    was arrested. 

    (Matt 26 : 37-38)



    Imagine the situations

    at that time.



    Armed crowds sent

    by the chief priests who

    ran to arrest Jesus...



    When Jesus was arrested,

    the hasty actions of Peter

    who was hot-tempered

    and Jesus' tolerance...

    (Matt 26 : 52-54)



    His disciples who were

    so afraid that they

    abandoned Jesus

    and ran away at last...

    (Matt 26 : 56)



    Judas Iscariot,

    who betrayed Jesus

    with the purpose of

    testing him and informed

    the chief priests!  



    Do you think Judas

    expected that if Jesus

    is truly the Son of God,



    Jesus, the Savior,

    will perform the miracle

    of the Messiah at the last

    minute on the cross?



    There's something

    we must remember:



    We  should not test

    God or Jesus.



    2. Jesus who was

      taken to trial. 



    Jesus had been tried,

    as many as five times.



    1) Jesus who was

    taken first to Annas.

    (Jn, 18 : 13)



    2) Jesus who was

    taken to Caiaphas the

    high priest.

    (Jn 18 : 24)




    He called a meeting

    of the Sanhedrin,

    the highest Jewish




    and sentenced

    Jesus to death.



    3) Jesus who was taken

    to Pilate Governor of Rome

    (under Roman rule)

     (Matt 27 : 12)



    4) Jesus who was taken

    to Herod the tetrarch

    of Galilee.

    (Lk 23 : 8-10)



    5) Jesus who was

      taken to Pilate again.



    Herod eventually

    sent Jesus back to Pilate

    for final judgment.

    (Lk 23 : 11)



    Jesus had been tried

    five times, and had been

    humiliated and shamed

    many times!



    During the fifth trial,

    Pilate claimed that Jesus

    was sinless and innocent.

    (Lk 23 : 13-16),




    but the Jews asked him

    to release Barabbas instead

    of Jesus and cursed




    "Let his blood be

    on us and on

    our children!"

    (Matt 27 : 26)




    Eventually, Jesus

    was crucified instead. 

    (Matt 27 : 22-31)



    After all, centuries late

    r this terrible curse came

    true as they had said:



    The terrible massacre

    of Jews by Hitler resulted

    in a tragedy in which many

    of decendants were killed.



    Therefore, when

    there's something

    we have to do,



    we should decide

    and act carefully,

    asking the Holy Spirit

    for our discernment



    so that we can make

    the right decision.



    3. The suffering

    of the cross




    Imagine the suffering

    of Jesus on the cross,

    who had to suffer




    humiliation, shame,

    and insult for each one

    of us, a sinner!

    (Matt 27 : 33-34)



    Be sure to remembe

    r that at the moment

    when Jesus, the righteous

    in place of the sinner

    Barabbas, was bound

    (Matt 27 : 26),




    our sinful lives

    have changed from

    death to life and

    we have been freed

    from our sins.




    “Simon Cyrene” was

    a man who took his

    cross instead of

     Jesus by force.




    He was a man

    who was forced to

    participate in Jesus'

    salvation ministry




    to open the way

    to save sinners.

    (Matt 27 : 32)




    And before Jesus' death,

    the two robbers who were

    crucified together chose

    their lives with their

    own free will,




    and it can be seen

    that the endings

    of the two lives were

     totally different.




    This makes us surely

    realize what to choose

    at the very last inute

    in our lives,



    and it tells us that

    we must put it

     into practice.




    Jesus is Almighty God

    and also God's one

     and only Son.




    But on the cross,

    the Lord faced God

     the just judge.



    Jesus, who was

    God's one and only Son,

    cried out in front of God

    who kept completely silent



     "My God, my God,

    why have you

      forsaken me?"



    However, Jesus as a

    sinner was abondoned

    and neglected from

    God the judge!



    In order to forgive

    our sinful lives, the

    Most Honorable one was

    willing to take the way

    of suffering, which



    was to demonstrate

    his own love for us




    It was the love that

    anybody could not do

    at all except Savior.



    Therefore, the priceless

    love of Jesus who

    sacrificed himself




    and redeemed our sins

    on the cross should

    never be regarded

    as vain!



    4. What is the reason

    for the suffering of

    our Lord Jesus?



    1) To become a

    fellowship offering.





    Worldly people may

    think that Jesus was

    deserving of punishment



    and that paid the

    fair price, but the

    Lord carried the burden

    of our sinful lives

    to save us.



    Jesus was pierced

    for our transgressions,

    he was crushed for

    our iniquities.



    And he was whipped

    to heal our sickness

    and punished to give

    us peace.

    (Isa 53 : 4-7, 12)



    In the Bible,

    we see John called Jesus

    the Lamb of God who

    takes away the sin

    of the world.

    (Jn 1 : 29)



    In this, we must not

    overlook that he was

    willing to take the burden

    of our sins,



    and that he died on tne

    cross in order to be a

    sacrifice of atonement 

    (Rom 3 : 25)



    Therefore, we must keep

    in mind that Jesus came

    to end the broken

    relationship between

    God and man, and

    make peace.  



    Jesus was taken to the

    judge instead of

    each one of us,



    who were to be

    despised and rejected,

    to pay the penalty for

    each one of us

    only to die,



    to be tried,

    punished, and killed

    (2 Cor 5 : 14-15).



    Those who acknowledge

    and believe in Jesus




    as Christ will become

    righteous, will be

    saved from God's





    and will have eternal

    life in Heaven.

    (Rom 4 : 25)



    Therefore, through

    Jesus, we have become

    reconciled to God



    and become holy ones

    without defects

    and being rebuked.



    Now we can go

    boldly befre God.



    So, we should live

    humbly and give

      thanks to the Lord.



    Also God is willing to

    give the blessing of

    Salvation to those who

    with the heart  believe

    in Jesus




    and  who with the mouth

    acknowledge him.

    (Rom 10 : 10)




    That is, we are moved 

    from death to life.

    (Jn 3 : 16,  5 : 24, 6 : 54)





    the scripture says,



    "if you believe

    in the Lord Jesus Christ,

    you and your household

    will be saved".




    Let's sincerely thank

    Jesus for opening

    the way to Salvation.

    (Acts 16 : 31)




    5. Concluding: 



    God and Jesus,

    who prepared the

    salvation ministry

    for sinners, have

    different roles



    and different ways

    of showing love.




    I will stand before God

    the Judge, and I will

    never forget that




    Jesus sacrificed

    on the cross instead

    of me to save me. 

    (Gal 2 : 20)      






    Our Lord Jesus! 




    Thank you

    for allowing us to

    have a gracious time

    studying the cross

    and salvation of Jesus,



    and also enabling us

    to realize your wonderful

      love more deeply.



    At this moment,

    I clearly remember

    the voice of the Lord

    who spoke to me,



    "My child!  I gave my body,

    soul and mind to you,

    but what have you

    done for me?” 



    How shall I respond

    if the Lord asks me

    above while looking

    at the center

     of my heart?



    I can't forget the

    moment I came to

    the cross with only

    one heart to receive

    the Lord, acknowledge

    him as my Savior,




    and meet him with

    the thrill of my first love.







    I rely on you, who will

    hold my hand and

    lead me to the end.




    And also allow me to

    follow in your footsteps

    with obedience

    and humility,




    and be your

    beloved disciple!




    I pray in

    Jesus' name.








    / By Priscilla










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