When I Endure What Is Hard To Endure1 [1 Pet 2:20-21] / Anne's Column of FaithCOLUMNS 2021. 1. 4. 20:45
New Zealand / West Side Moru
When I Endure What
Is Hard To Endure1
[1 Pet 2:20-21]
/ Anne's Column of Faith
/ By Pastor Priscilla
'But how is it to your
credit if you receive
a beating for doing
wrong and endure it?
But, if you suffer for
doing good and you
endure it,
this is commendable
before God.
To this you were called,
because Christ suffered
for you, leaving you
an example, that you
should follow
in his steps.
(1 Peter 2:20-21)
To love those who
cannot love is true love.
Love, which is patient
and can cover over sins
and transgressions,
is the reality of God.
Those who don't know
God are very generous
in loving their children
and also in a relationship
with neighbors,
I often find them show
more generosity, so now
it makes me rethink
and reflect on what the
life of a Christian is.
Jesus Christ has been
an example of all life!
While living on this earth,
he went through ups
and downs in our emotion,
and he suffered for us
and he has personally
showed the reality of love.
(1 Corin 13 :1-13)
God has confirmed his
love for us by sending
his one and only Son
to the world as a
ransom for the
salvation of mankind,
while Jesus has showed us
what obedience is by
accepting the suffering
the crucifixion.
But, when I think he
always guides me to
have a life that follows
the Lord with the truth,
hope and love
that can only be obtained
through him, in front of
unbelievers who do
not know Jesus,
I'm just ashamed of
the course of my life
that is not a perfect
There is no basis for
praise if I receive
a beating for doing
wrong and endure it!
But, if I endure and
overcome my sufferings
for doing good he
wants in the Lord,
I look forward to the
day when I will come
forth as gold.
“But he knows the way
that I take; when he
has tested me,
I will come forth
as gold.”
(Job 23:10)
And once again,
at this time, I confess
that our present sufferings
are not worth comparing
with the glory that will be
revealed in us.
The Bible say:
“In this you greatly rejoice,
though now for a little
while you may have
had to suffer grief
in all kinds of trials.
These have come
so that your faith-
-of greater worth
than gold, which
perishes even though
refined by fire--
may be proved genuine
and may result in praise,
glory and honour when
Jesus Christ is revealed.”
(1Pet 1:6-7)
The Creation of God
who calls things that
are not as though
they were!
He creates something
from nothing.
He formed the man from
the dust of the ground
and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became
a living being.
Almighty God!
God made dry bones into
a vast army; breath
entered them,
and they came to life
and stood up on their feet
--a vast army.
( in Ezekiel's vision)
Anything in the hands
of God will be revived!
The Bible say:
The Book of Ezekiel
(Ezek 37:1-14)
At this we are shocked
shivering and fully
surrender to
Almighty God,
and we all
will fear God.
The great God!
For the will of God I was
called. As a faithful manager,
I will make much of my
ministry following Jesus.
Beautiful chosen
instrument used
before God!
To be a good instrument
after God's own heart
and praised by God,
I will gladly respond to the life
of a Christian who pleases God
with more harmonious life.
"May the God who gives
endurance and
give you a spirit of unity
among yourselves as
you follow Christ Jesus,
so that with one heart
and mouth you may glorify
the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ."
(Rom 15:5-6)"
Thank you God for
letting me understand
the deep meaning
of patience.
Also, thank you more
for giving me the desire
to be patient even in a
harsh environment I face.
Want to follow in your steps
ㅡ quietly obeying today.
Faithfully yours !
/ By Priscilla
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