
  • Be A Servant And Humble Yourself4 (Lessons For Spiritual Leaders) [Matt 23:1-12] / Anne's Column of Faith
    COLUMNS 2021. 1. 9. 19:21


    New Zealand / West Side                     Moru



    Be A Servant And

    Humble Yourself4

    / Lessons For Spiritual


     [Matt 23:1-12]


    /Anne's Column of Faith


    / By Pastor Priscilla


    Jesus rebuked

    teachers of the law

    and Pharisees because

    they were hypocrites.



    And he taught his disciples

    not to do what they did,

    for teachers of the law

    and Pharisees didn't  practice

    what they had preached.



    And also Jesus taught

    his disciples to be servants

    and humble themselves

    in order to be faithful

     disciples and true teachers.



    It is the hypocrisies of

    some leaders that

     I must not imitate.



    As a leader, when I

    don't do to others what

    I would have them

    do to me, I'm a

    hypocrite, too.



    Without any effort at all,

    asking for the reward

    is the appearance of

    an unfair leader

    and teacher.



    Whoever humbles

    himself will be exalted,

    and whoever wants to be

    first must be a servant of all.



    Therefore , in order to be

    a true leader recognized

    by the Lord, above all,



    I must not  be caught

    by my own desires

    and forget the faithful

     and true leadership.



    I must keep in mind that

    my eyes are only on the

    Lord, and I have to give up

    such hypocritical attitud

    e to be His disciple.



    I should be a lamp lighting 

    the children of darkness

    as a sacrificial leader.



    When I become a lamp

    that burns and gives light

    for the good news

    of the kingdom,



    I can praise God

    by sacrificing me to Him

     as a burnt offering.



    There is one Christ Jesus,

    who is a true Rabbi , a leader, 

    the greatest, and the

    Most High!



    Therefore, today the Lord

    tells me that my eyes

    are on Him and I must

    advance with Him.



    The Lord said,

    "I am the vine; You

    are the branches."



    As a branch of the vine,

    in fact, even at this moment



    when I receive the word

    of the Lord, as one of the

    leaders before the Lord,



    I am so ashamed that

    I would rather cover my eyes.




     My inner being really

    loves the Lord



    and wants to live by His will,

    but I often go against His will.



    Lord, please help me out!

    At this time today,

    the Lord comes

    and speaks to me!



    "When you are weak,

    then you are strong."



    Sometimes I give a formal

    and ritual prayer to the Lord.



    And also there's a time to 

    rationalize myself in doing wrong

    and keep on babbling when I pray.



    And these hypocrisies make feel

    ashamed and ashamed.



    Sometimes I also become

    spiritually depressed.



    But, how many times

    have I pretended to be

    filled with the Holy Spirit

    in front of others!



    In fact, before I know it, 

    it seems that such  hypocrisies

    permeated my soul

    and subconscious.



    My appearance from

    my sinful nature makes

     me ashamed of myself.



    However, the Lord's

    compassion and love,

    which accept



    and love my reality

    with so much lack,

    are stronger than death. 



    I'm sobbing with

    His love today,



    and He has sacrificed

    Himself to pay for my sins.



    So I make sure that

    I must follow Him.



    'Let us, then, go to him

    outside the camp,

    bearing the disgrace

    he bore.' (Heb 13:13)



    If so, what should

    I do to win  the true

    appearance of a leader?



    1) As a leader, when

    I lead a life of faith,

    I  need to check my

    attitude honestly

    and thoroughly.



    2) I have to check

    if there's a hypocrisy

    in my life of faith.



    Don't I pretend to be holy?

    or Don't I show off what I do?

    If I do, I must ask the Lord

    to  change me.



    Therefore, I have to watch

    myself not to feel arrogant

    spiritually in my life of faith.



    3) I must continually

    ask the Lord to guide me

    in order to be a desirable leader

    who is a humble servant. 






    Lord! Guide me into

    faithful leadership



    and lead me to follow you

    without any hypocrisies

    and with pure heart.








    / By Priscilla




     Anne's Review


    / By Priscilla


    In fact, at the very

    moment when we feel

    proud of being closest

    to the Lord,



    we can get lazy in spirit

    and the spiritual arrogance

    of faith can come to us 

    before we know it. 



    In other words,

    when we think we've

    reached the top as a leader,

    we become full of




    Like this, the spiritual

    arrogance is easy to come

    into our souls.




    So we have to watch

    ourselves not to feel

    arrogant spiritually 

    in our lives of faith.






     / By Priscilla








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