
  • Five Wise Virgins 24 [Matt 25:1-13] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 4. 2. 17:55

    New Zealand / West Side                  Moru


    Five Wise Vrgins 24

    [Matt 25:1-13] 

    / Anne's Faith Column 



    / By Priscilla



    Through the parable

    of the ten virgins

    waiting for the bridegroom,




    Jesus tells us about the

    attitude and virtues

    that the saints




    who are waiting

    for the Second Coming

    today should have.




    Like the five foolish

    virgins who lived a life

    of faith and did not

    see the time of the

    Lord's coming,




    I wonder how much

    we would mourn if

    we couldn't prepare oil




    and eventually couldn't

    even light a lamp to greet

    the bridegroom Jesus.




    As we live our faith,

    there are many times

    when we fall into dozens

    of temptations a day




    and our determination

    and passion for the

    Lord gradually

    fade away.




    What a tragedy

    will it be if the Lord

     comes at this time!




    In the past,

    members of the early

    church lived longing

    for the impending




    eschatology as the biggest

    event of their time,




    but, as the time

    gradually delayed,

    most of them gave

    up waiting.




    In addition,

    they fell into various

    heresies and deceptions

    that appeared at that time,




    forgotten being filled

    with the Holy Spirit,

    and left their lives of faith.




    Wasn't it because

    they did not listen

    to God's Word, did not

    keep in mind that

    the thoughts of God




    and the thoughts of men

    were totally different,

    and they were impatient?




    Like the members

    of the early church,

    are we living without




    breaking out of our

    habitual and formal life

    of faith even though

    we have faith!




    We look back at

    ourselves who are

    so lazy that we ignore

    or forget the words

    the Lord gives us

    every day,




    and who are unable

     to accept them carefully.




    In this way,

    I admit that our attitude

    of faith living in the

    present age is no

    different from that

    of the early churches. 





    I become ashamed

    when I guess what

    the Lord will tell us




    if we go in the same

    way as their religious





    Then, in order to

    become the five

    wise virgins,




    what attitude should

    we prepare for oil

    while living our

    Christian life?




    1. Jesus is saying that

    we must produce fruit t

    hat is worthy of repentance.





    the Lord tells us to

    look back on the past

    and to keep watch anew.




    This is not achieved

    by our will or strength. 




    Therefore, we

    must ask for the

    spirit of repentance

    in order to keep

    awake anew.




    2. In the Word and prayer

    life we must strive for

    continuous piety training

    before God.




    We must take time

    to meet the Lord

    through prayer,

    reading the Word,





    and putting it into practice

    at a certain time so that

    we can continue our

    godly life by relying on

    the Holy Spirit.




    3. We must become

    a person who can

    make a right judgment

      on God's time.




    Also, for this purpose,

    we must constantly

    pray to the Lord, thinking

    about how we can stand

    in the ranks of the

    five wise virgins




    who have prepared

    oil and become awake

    in spirit.




    In other words,

    each one of us must

    become a person




    who can make a right

    judgment on the time

    from God's perspective




    so that the spiritual

    eye of each one of us

    can be opened and not

    shaken or disturbed in

    any situation.








    Lord, each of us needs

    the work of opening

    our spiritual eyes.




    I pray to the Lord

    at this time, so that

    we may stand in the ranks

    of the five wise




    and discreet virgins,

    keeping a determined

    heart-like the parable

    of the fig tree,




    searching for the times

    and seeking the signs

    of the last days.











    / By Priscilla

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