
  • Christian Church Life15 [Heb 10 : 24-25] / Ephphatha Discipleship Training (Basic Course)
    E. C. D.T.C 2021. 3. 24. 15:52


    NewZealand / West Side             Moru



    Christian Church Life 15

    [Heb 10 : 24-25]


    / Ephphatha Discipleship

    Training (Basic Course) 




          / By Pastor Priscilla



    The scripture  reading:



    "And let us consider

    how we may spur one

    another on toward

     love and good deeds.




    Let us not give up

    meeting together,

    as some are in the habit

    of doing, but let us

    encourage one another




    --and all the more

    as you see the Day


    [Heb 10 : 24-25]




    Those who have received

    Jesus as the Savior

    should now consider

    the church life significantly,




    as if a newborn baby

    who came into the world

    is nurtured and is protected

    and serve in the house.




    That's because

    the church is the same

    as the house of the soul.




    We will be able to b

    e nurtured, be protected,




    and serve through

    the church which is

    the house of the soul

    and the watchtower.




    Therefore, today,

    we must go over five

    ways to see what the

    church does,




    and we strive to lead

     a proper church life.




    1. Who is the one who

    commanded us to

     establish the church?




    God had his people

    make the sanctuary

    he would dwell in.


    (Exo 25 : 8)




    (Ex : 1) 


    (David and Solomon) 




    David prepared materials

    for a long time to build

    a house of God and

    longed for it so earnestly. 




    But God knew his mind,

    but he said to him,




    "Through your child, Solomon,

    the temple will be built,

    because you shed too

    much blood in war."




    Jesus said to Peter

    in the New Testament.




    " You are Peter, and

    on this rock I will build

    my church,




    and the gates of Hades

    will not overcome it."

    (Matt 16 : 18)




    2. Why did God and

    Jesus ask us to

      establish a church?




    God listens to His

    children pray and ask Him.




    Solomon built a sanctuary

    where the Lord would

    dwell in forever,




    and God, who heard

    Solomon's prayer and plea

    (1 Chron. 8 : 13), was willing

    to receive the temple built,

    in Solomon longing for God.




    He promised that

    he would consecrate

    the temple, which Solomon

    had built, by putting

    his name there forever.




    And he said his eyes

    and his heart would

    always be there.

    (1 Kings 9 : 3)




    We can find the importance

    of the church in the

    scripture above.





    God has originally

    established his dwelling

    place in heaven. 

    (Psa 103 : 19)




    Nevertheless, God told us

    to build the place where

    he could dwell in on

    this earth to meet




    and fellowship with us, 

    his children in the world

    to meet the standards

    of our way of thinking.




    That is the house of God,

    the church today.




    Therefore, the Bible says

    that in the church that

    is the house of the living God




    and the pillar and

    foundation of truth,

    we believers will

    meet God.

    (1 Tim 3 : 15)




    And it tells us how to do

    in the church,

    the house of God.




    In the Old Testament,

    we can realize

    the heart of God




    who prepared a place

    to dwell in for the

    children of Israel,



    the chosen nation of God,

    through the tabernacle. 

    (Exodus 25 : 22)




    We come to church

    to meet God through

    worship and prayer,




    give thanks and

    praise to Him,

    give glory to Him,




    and receive the Word,

    the Holy Spirit,

    and grace from Him.




    Therefore, for the saints,

    the church is the sourc

    e of holy water. 




    This is where our souls

    receive God's grace

    and power, are

     renewed and blessed.




    The church where God

    promised to bless his

    people is the house of God.




    "'Make an altar of earth

    for me and sacrifice on it

    your burnt offerings




    and fellowship offerings,

    your sheep and goats

    and your cattle.




    Wherever I cause my name

    to be honored, I will come

    to you and bless you."

    (Exodus 20 : 24) 




    Therefore, we Christians

    should not neglect

     the church life.




    3. What grace did the

    following people receive

    through the church?



    (Ex : 2) 




    Hannah in the

    Old Testament

      (1 Samuel 1 : 9-20)




    -When Hannah made

    a vow to God because

    she could not give birth

    to a child and prayed

    to God with plea,




    God accepted her prayer

    opened her womb,

    and at last she gave birth

    to a son named Samuel,




    and she offered

    the son to God.

    She kept her promise

    as she had made the vow.




    (Ex : 3) 




    In the New Testament,

    the 120 saints

    of Mark's upper room




    with the apostles waited

    for the Father's promises 

    as instructed, and devoted

    themselves to prayer,




    so that each person

    spoke tongues and was

    filled with the Holy Spirit.

    (Acts 1 : 4) (Acts 2 : 4)




    4. What do we do at church?




    God is looking for

    a true-worshipper

    who longs for him today

    and wants to worship Him

    in spirit and in truth. 





    God first examines

    the motive and attitude

    of the believer's heart

    before worshiping.





    the Bible tells us

    that it is the time

    to worship in such

    attitude now. 

    (John 4 : 23)




    In addition,

    God has designated

    the places where his

    people should worship.




    So, in the Old Testament,

    the saints were guided

    into the place where

    they would live,




    and gave offerings to God

    there as directed. 

    (Deut. 12 : 5-6)




    1) Burnt offering.



    A sacrifice that completely

    burns the offering.

    (To give full devotion to God.)




    2) Sacrifice.



    A sacrifice that sheds

    blood for the atonement

    (for a sin offering)




    3) Contribution.




    A sacrifice to give

    the first product to God.

    (It belongs to the priest. )




    4) Sacrifice to fulfill a vow. 




    (Ex : 4)


    (Jephthah's vow)





    - A case of a daughter

    who was sacrificed

    in a sudden vow of 

    a father who pleaded

    with God during a crisis.

    (Jud 11 : 29-40)



    5) Freewill offering. 




    -To commemorate

    each celebration.

    (Thank offerings.)




    "When you make a vow

    to God, do not delay

    in fulfilling it.




    He has no pleasure

    in fools ; fulfill your vow.




    It is better not to vow

    than to make a vow

    and not fulfill it.




    Do not let your mouth

    lead you into sin.




    And do not protest

    to the temple messenger,




    "My vow was a mistake."

    Why should God

    be angry at what you say

    and destroy the work

    of your hands?




    Much dreaming and

    many words are meaningless.

    Therefore stand in awe of God."

    (Ecclesiastes 5 : 4-7)




    However, in the New Testament,

    Jesus was angry when he saw

    that the merchants made

    business and  made

    the synagogue a 'den

    of robbers.





    That's because the synagogue

    is the place where

    God's eyes are open

    and God's ears attentive

    to the prayers offered

    and is called a house of prayer.

    (2 Chronicles 7 : 15)

    (Matthew 21 : 13) 




    Therefore, keep in mind

    that the church is the

    house of prayer to God. 

    (1 Kings 8)




    Ultimately, the mission

    of Christians on earth

    is to keep and practice

    God-given commandments.




    1) Making disciples.




    2) Baptism in the name

    of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 




    3) Teaching and making them

    keep what was commanded.




    "Therefore go and

    make disciples of all

    nations, baptizing them

    in the name of the Father




    and of the Son and

    of the Holy Spirit,




    and teaching them

    to obey everything

    I have commanded you.




    And surely

    I am with you always,

    to the very end of the age."

    (Matt 28 : 19-20) 





    (Ex : 5) 

    (The Church at Antioch) 




    When serving the Lord

    and fasting,



    the Holy Spirit instructed

    to set up Barnabas and Saul

    separately for the work

    that the Holy Spirit

    called them to do.




    So after they fasted

    and prayed, they placed

    their hands on them

    and sent them off.

     (Acts 13: 1-3)




    5. Let's love the church

    and become close to it in life.




    God has told us

    to honor God's house,

    the church.




    See how the outcome

    is different for those

    who love the temple

    and those who do not.




    1) Pray for the

    peace of Jerusalem:

    "May those who love

     you be secure.

    (Psalm 122 : 6)




    2) Observe the Sabbaths

    and have reverence for

    God's sanctuary.

    He is the LORD.

    (Leviticus 19 : 30)




    3) Dedicate offerings

    of thanksgiving joyfully

    for the work of the

    temple of treasury,

    the house of God. 

    (2 Chronicles 29 : 6-8)




    4) All who hate Zion

    will be turned back

    in shame.

    (Psalm 129 : 5) 




    -It means that those

    who hate the consecrated

    sanctuary where God

    exists will be shamed.




    The church is not a place

    for those who have

    time left go, but a place

    for those who serve




    God go to meet God

    to worship and receive

    grace and blessings.




    The church is the

    shadow of heaven




    and a model of the

    kingdom of God

    that we will enter

    in the future. 




    However, many people

    neglect to go to the

    temple of God

    for many things

    in the world.




    After all, such a life

     dries their souls.




    That is why the Bible

    advises the Saints through

    today's scripture




    to try to gather more

    in the last days. 

    (Heb 10 : 24-25)




    1) We should consider

    how we may spur one

    another on toward

    love and good deeds.




    2) We should not give up

    meeting together, as some

    are in the habit of doing,

    but let us encourage

    one another--




    and all the more as

    you see the Day





    The house of God,

    the church, is a refuge,

    shelter, and place

    of blessing for us

    the saints.





    we should come and

    go not only on specific days,

    but also give thanks to God,



    pray, and look around

    the house of God with

    the love of the church.




    6. Summary 




    1) What places should

    the born-again believers

    consider important

    and why?




    -The church is an

    important place

    because it is the

     house of the soul.




    There, our souls can

    be nurtured and be





    2) Who established the church? 

    - The Old Testament (God),

    The New Testament (Jesus)




    3) Why did God ask us

    to build a church?




    God had the house of God

    built in order to meet

    with his children in a

    place on earth.




    4) In the Bible, who those

    who have received blessings

    and grace through the

    church were?




    -In the Old Testament

     (Hannah / Son -Samuel) 



    -In the New Testament

    (The case of the baptism

    of 120 Saints in Mark's

    upper room)




    5) What do we do at church?




    (1) Worship  (2) Atonement 

    (3) Prayer (4) Nurture 

    (5) Mission




    6) What does he say to

    those who love the church?  




     (1) Prosperity 

     (2) Blessings




    On the other hand,

    what are the consequences

    for those who neglects

    the church?  



     (1) shame  (2) fear




    7) What does the Bible

    ask us to do today?  




    -We should love each other

    and do good deeds,

    and try to meet

    with each other!







    / By Prisciilla










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