
  • Anna, 12...-The First Prophetess of The New Testament [Lk 2:36] / Paul's Bible Characters
    G'PEOPLE 2023. 10. 24. 11:31

    New Zealand / West Side                                      Priscilla


    Anna, 12...

    -The First Prophetess

    of The New Testament 

    [Lk 2:36]


    / Paul's Bible Characters 


    / By Paul


    1. Personal information



    Anna is a Greek name that

    corresponds to the Hebrew word

      'Hannah,' which means 'grace',

    and also Anna means

    'the face of God'.



    She is the daughter of

    Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.



    The name 'Phanuel' comes

    from the place name 'Peniel'

    (Gen. 32:30) that Jacob gave

    to the place after he wrestled



    with the angel of God by the river

    Jabbok and obtained the name 'Israel'.



    Since ancient times,

    the tribe of Asher had been a tribe

    that produced wives of queens

    and high priests,



    and Anna is also considered

    a woman with both faith and beauty.



    At that time, Jewish virgins

    got married around the age of 14,

    so Anna's age would have been

    about 105 years old.






    God gave her the gift of prophecy,

    who worshiped night and day,

    fasting and praying.



    She was recognized as a

    prophetess in Jerusalem.

    (Lk 2:36)



    During the 84 years,

    she was a widow and

    never left the temple.



    Whenever something happened

    to the temple, she must have

    been a worker who always

    took the lead in the work.



    Although the spirit of prophecy

    was cut off for more than 300 years

    after Malachi in the Old Testament,



    by the Spirit of God, she became

    the first prophetess to testify

    of the first coming of Jesus



    to all those who were waiting for

    the redemption of Jerusalem.



    2. Historical Background



    Around B.C.100, Judea

    escaped from the colonial

    rule of Greece and spent an

    era of independence,



    then came under the colonial

    rule of Rome again and faced

    an era of confusion,



    and the Israelites were

    divided into three types

    and led a religious life.



    (1) The Pharisees



    In anticipation of a political

    Messiah, they were looking forward

    to a Messiah as an excellent leader

    who would free them from

    Roman oppression



    and make them a nation that

    would rule over all nations

    in the future.



    (2) The Sadducees



    The Sadducees were the

    ruling class who did not expect

    anything and tried to live only

    with the benefits and profits

    they faced in reality.



    (3) Devout people



    A small number of Devout

    people like Anna were expecting

    a Messiah who would save

    his people from their sins



    and lead them to eternal life,

    as prophesied in the Old Testament.



    In a political and religious

    and gloomy situation,



    Jews naturally developed

    an eschatological messianic




    and an atmosphere of eagerly

    waiting for the fulfillment of the

     prophecy of the Old Testament.



    At such a time,

    the Holy Spirit came upon

    two godly people, Simeon

    and Anna, and revealed that

    Jesus was the Messiah.



    When Simeon saw baby Jesus,

    he praised and prophesied,

    and Anna spoke Jesus

    was the Messiah.



    3. Characteristics of

    Prophetess Anna's life of faith



    1) She was a woman who

    lived a godly life of faith. 

    (Lk 2:37)



    She became a widow after

    7 years of marriage and lived

    a temple-centered life

    for 84 years.



    She had a fasting and prayer life,

    which was the characteristics

    of her life.



    Most devout people who

    practiced their faith with special faith

    fasted twice every Monday

    and Thursday.



    Prayers were offered regularly

    three times a day.



    The first was offered at 9:00 a.m,

    the second at 12:00, the third

    at 3:00 p.m.



    According to Josephus,

    this was the official prayer time,

    but there was another prayer

    time at dusk.



    Like this, she fasted twice a week

    and prayed four times a day,



    which was a special act of faith

    that ordinary believers could not do.



    This same thing can be seen

    continuing in the way Daniel

    served God wholeheartedly



    and prayed three times a day,

    even during his difficult captivity.



    However, the reason she was

    able to lead a regular life of faith

    every day for such a long time

    was because she longed

    for the Messiah.



    When people

    have a special motive,

    they earnestly seek God.



    Or, when you encounter

    a special grace, you constantly

    give thanks to God.



    The former is the case

    of Prophetess Anna,  and

    the latter is the case of Daniel,



    who became the prime

    minister of Babylon.



    For us believers today,

    it is a devout attitude of faith

    that is difficult to practice.



    Prophetess Anna was

    a woman who prayed for her

    whole life to send the promised

    Messiah for her people



    and country as a

     warrior of intercession.



    2) She became the first prophet

    who testified of Jesus as the Messiah. 

    (Lk 2:38)



    At that time, a small group

    of devout people were praying

    together in Jerusalem,

    waiting for the Messiah.



    But among them,

    the Holy Spirit descended

    on Prophetess Anna



    and revealed that the baby

    Jesus was the Messiah.



    Why did the Holy

    Spirit tell only her? 



    It was because of her

    earnest hope for the Messiah.



    Anyone can have faith,

    and anyone can have hope. 



    But God always has someone

    to choose from them.



    The motive for that choice

    is faithfulness based upon faith.

    Trust is revealed through faithfulness.



    So, the scripture  says:



    "My eyes will be on the

    faithful in the land, that they

    may dwell with me;



    he whose

    walk is blameless will

    minister to me."

    (Psa 101:6)



    As can be seen from the

    scripture above, a life of faith

    requires both faith and faithfulness.



    Prophetess Anna waited her

    whole life for the first coming

    of Jesus and was finally

    able to meet him.



    Today, the Holy Spirit tells us

    to live a faithful life of faith

    while waiting for the Second

    Coming of Jesus for the

    rest of our lives.



    Just as Prophetess Anna

    was very excited when she saw

    Jesus and testified to her

    fellow believers



    that the Messiah had come,

    we must live our lives of faith,



    waiting for the opportunity

    to testify of Jesus' second

     coming with overflowing joy.



    3) Prophetess Anna is a woman

    of faith who experienced

    the God of preparation,

    The LORD Will Provide.



    In the old days when

    there was no social security

    like today,



    orphans and widows

    were the most pitiful class

    of people in society.



    Moreover, since there were

    almost no means for a single

    woman to live, the way to live

    must have been really difficult

    for Prophetess Anna.



    However, she did not go out

    into the world to provide food,




    and shelter, nor

    did she live by relying on

    her beauty or youth.



    She only went to God

    and relied on Him to continue

    her religious life centered

    on the temple.



    At this time, God

    comforted her aching heart

    and loneliness, and gave

    her the gift of prophecy



    so that she could be

    admired as a prophetess.



    In the course of life,

    we usually have to pass through

    the dividing trails of wealth

    and poverty, faith and

    the world,



    and holiness

    and desire three times.



    Many people choose to

    rely on the world and




    However, Prophetess Anna

    did not choose the world. 



    She lived for 84 years,

    experiencing the God

    of preparation.



    Anna was able to see

    what others could not see

    and was given the power

    from God to proclaim it

    to the world.



    This was the

    supply of all her life.



    We can realize through

    Prophet Anna that spirituality



    and power are given to

    those who seek the bread

    that leads to eternal life,



    and that their daily bread

    is supplied from those who

    seek the bread of the flesh.



    Through Prophet Anna,

    God let us know that he would

    never turn away from those

    who were willing to seek Him.



    "And without faith it is

    impossible to please God,



    because anyone who comes

    to him must believe that

    he exists



    and that he rewards those

    who earnestly seek him."

    (Heb 11:6)



    We can see that she lived a life

    that proved the scripture above.



    The fact that the widow lived

    a temple-centered life of faith

    for 84 years tells us what

    faith really is.



    It shows that faith is not

    just for the blessings, health,

    or success, but more than that,

    it is a life that fears God.



    Through Anna the prophetess,

    God makes us realize that

    when our hearts reach God,



    the problems in our lives can

    be solved of themselves.



    In addition,

    God's gifts and abilities

    that we do not even know

    are given to us, making us



    people with spiritual authority

    who can testify to the truth.




    - To Be Continue - 






    / By Paul












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