
  • Moses, 11...who Is More Humble Than Any one else on The Face of the Earth! / Paul's Bible Characters
    G'PEOPLE 2023. 9. 5. 15:34


    New Zealand / West Side                                      Priscilla


    Moses, 11...

    ...who Is More Humble Than 

    Any one else on The

     Face of the Earth!

    [Num 12:3] 


    / Paul's Bible Characters 



    / By Paul



    If you look at the religious

    figures in the Bible,



    you can see that most of them

    became great figures in history

    through obedience and faith

    in difficult circumstances.



    (Abraham, David and

    the 12 disciples)



    However, as for Moses,

    God changed his life from

    the highest position to the

    lowest position



    and raised him up again

    to do wonderful things. 



    He was

    indeed a man of faith

    who received special

    guidance from God.



    Humans experience trauma,

    depression, despair, and

    abandonment in their lives,



    depending on the severity

    of their circumstances.



    From this point of view,

    we can guess that the shock

    to Moses' life must have been

    quite severe when he fell from



    the leadership status of

    a prince to the low status

    of a mere shepherd.



    Nevertheless, he faithfully

    spent the most important

    40 years of his life tending

    sheep in the fields.



    And he received God's call

    and lived the last 40 years

    of his life as a servant of God,

    carrying out His work.



    He was a special figure who

    had lived his life in three

    different environments.



    Even though he went through

    a bigger change than anyone else,

    Moses faithfully fulfilled

    God's will in his life.



    We, too, must imitate Moses

    and strive to become Christians

    who can overcome the changes

    that may come to us.



    1. The 40 years in Egypt were

    the best period of Moses' life.



    Moses was the third child

    born to Amram and Jochebed,

    descendants of the tribe of Levi,



    among the Israelites who

    were slaves in Egypt.



    He had an older sister, Miriam,

    and an older brother, Aaron.



    Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt,

    ordered all Hebrew-born

    male children to be killed,



    and Moses was an unlucky

    child born at that time.



    Moses, who was destined to die

    as soon as he was born, was

    put in a box made with faith



    and love by his mother,

    Jochebed, and put the box

    among the reeds along

    the bank of the Nile.



    In the end, Moses was led

    by Pharaoh's daughter

    and became her son,



    and his real mother, Jochebed,

    became a nurse and raised her

    son with her own hands.



    What an amazing 

    providence of God this was!



    The name of Moses means

    the one who was drawn

    out of the water.



    He entered the royal court

    at the age of about 3 or

    4 and could learn all

    the studies of Egypt.



    1) Moses grew up to be a

    great person with all the

    virtues of a worldly leader.



    (1) In (Exodus 2:11), the word

    'gadal' meaning 'grown up'

    means 'to be great'



    or 'to be highly regarded',

    so Moses participated

    in various state affairs



    and major and minor affairs

    of the country as a prince of Egypt.



    You can see that he became a

    person with high achievements.



    (2) Until he reached the age of 40,

    he must have participated in

    the war to conquer Ethiopia



    and led the victory,

    and he must have achieved

    extraordinary results in building

    a castle for King Pharaoh.



    (3) He knew how to command,

    manage, and handle people,



    which means that he himself

    was sensible, dignified,

    and virtuous.



    Finally, he was nominated

    as the next king to succeed

    the throne, overtaking

    the prince of Pharaoh.



    (4) To become a worldly leader,

    you must reach the highest level

    in life centered on your soul



    and body,

    receiving education

    and training centered on

    academics, bravery,

    and achievements.



    2) Worldly leaders try to

    solve problems in the

    world's way.



    One of Moses' anguish

    was the fact that he

    was a Hebrew.



    Just as we all live with

    our own secrets, this must

    have been his own secret



    that he had wanted to forget,

    and hide from others.



    Regarding whether to become

    a king or a slave, Moses




    and accepted the identity God

    had granted to him according

    to his own conscience.



    He felt the pain of his fellow

    countrymen's persecuted life

    and tried to help them

    to save them.



    However, the problem was

    that he chose the method

    of violence in order to defeat

    the abusive forces with

    his own strength.



    The worldly victory can be

    proved in the way of violence,



    but the religious victory

    is proved by the work of God.



    For the first 40 years of

    Moses' life, he lived a successful

    life in the world by making

    the most of the ways of his

    soul and body.



    However, it was the life

    that could not have any

    influence on spiritual things.



    2. The 40 years of his life as

    a shepherd was the best

    period of faith and soul

    for Moses.



    Before God called Moses

    and gave him a mission,



    He granted him a period

    of learning about God

    in the Midian wilderness.



    Moses came to know God

    in nature, and through this,

    he learned humility,



    and as he learned life

    while tending sheep, he

    realized that he was an alien.



    After being identified as a

    Hebrew because of the murder

    of an Egyptian, he fled to

    the wilderness of Midian



    and began his life as

    a shepherd.



    After being identified as a

    Hebrew because of the murder

    of an Egyptian, he fled to

    the wilderness of Midian



    and began

    his life as a shepherd.



    As a result, the two words

    representing him, who lived

    as a shepherd for 40 years



    in the middle of his life, were

    'an alien and humility'.



    1) The one, who knows

    that life on this earth is the

    life of an alien, has a

    longing heart for eternity.

    (Exo 2:22)



    He expressed the reason

    Moses' first son was named

    Gershom as below,



    "I have become an

    alien in a foreign land."



    The principle of nature is that

    everything returns to where

    it comes from.



    (Ex: Water comes from the sky,

    so it becomes steam again

    and returns to the sky,



    the body comes from the earth,

    so it returns to the earth when it dies,

    and the soul returns to the sky

    because it came from God.)



    This land is not a permanent

    residence, but like an alien,

    we passed through Egypt,



    and now we are going through

    the wilderness and heading

    to a place we do not know,



    and eventually we will go

    to heaven in the future.



    Moses experienced

    a dramatic life from a prince

    to a shepherd and realized

    that his life was nothing

    in the great nature.



    Life of man is not found

    in a royal palace built by man,

    but is found in nature purely

    created by God,



    and when we realize that

    we human beings are nothing

    but creatures built by God,



    we feel lonely and come

    to learn nature.



    2) Those who know how

    to assimilate to nature can

    find and resemble God's

    character in nature.



    "Now Moses was a very

    humble man, more humble

    than anyone else on the

    face of the earth."

    (Num 12:3)



    Among the nature that

    people have, there is

    'meekness' and 'humility.



    Meekness is an innate

    character of man, while humility

    is the nature of man changed

    by God's grace.



    Therefore, a meek heart

    follows the will of man with

    a human nature, while

    humility is a heart



    that follows

    the will of God with the

    nature of the Holy Spirit.



    Moses did

    not have meekness

    in nature but he was

    hot-tempered and




    All that Moses could see

    in the field all day was sheep,

    grass, wells, sky, and mountains.



    (1) Silence: 



    There are wind, lightning,

    storms, floods, and

    earthquakes in nature.



    They can occur anytime.

    However, they just stay silent.



    (2) Obedience:



    By obeying God's providence,

    no matter how severe the

    changes are, all things can

    keep themselves as

    they were built.



    (3) Beauty:



    All things are

    satisfied and delighted. 



    Feeling calm and relaxed

    is the greatest beauty.



    It is nature to show calmness

    even in times of drought or crisis.



    Through this, Moses learned

    nature in God's providence, 

    and he was assimilated

    into nature.



    He became a humble man

    when assimilated into nature.



    3. His 40 years as a servant of God

    was the best period of his

    ministry for Moses.



    Born in the flesh, Moses walked

    the path of a leader with

    a desire for the world.



    However, Moses,

    who was born as a soul in nature,

    learned from nature that life

    was only an alien's path



    and that human beings

    must have humility in

    God's providence.



    Moses, who was finally

    called by God and was

    born again as a servant of God,



    realized that he had to fulfill

    the role of a faithful servant

    in all God's house



    and lived as an

    obedient spiritual worker. 

    (Heb 3:5)



    Likewise, like Moses,

    we Christians experience

    three births of body,

    soul, and spirit.



    God has entrusted us

    with a mission on this earth,

    and through spiritual birth,



    we can realize what it is

    and lead our lives to fulfill

    the true will of God.



    The providence predestined

    by God in the life of Moses

    was in the end neither

    a prince of Egypt



    nor a shepherd in the

    Midian wilderness,



    but the life to fulfill his

    mission as a leader to lead the

    Israelites out of Egypt.



    Even though he could not

    come to the destination

    where he wanted to go,




    who realized God's will,

    was able to devote his life

    to this ministry.



    1) As a servant in all God's house 



    Moses worked hard to fulfill

    his mission, but in the end,



    God did not allow him to

    enter the land of Canaan

    and enjoy rest and blessings.



    Why did God allow Moses

    to go up to Mount Nebo

    and look only at the land of 

    Canaan, the promised land,



    and then die there in the

    land of Mohab?



    We may be sorry to think

    about what God did to Moses.



    However, God tells us through

    Moses that there are things

    we must do, and there are

    things we must never

    do as believers.



    This means that Moses

    acted rudely in front of God.



    (1) As soon as he saw the

    people worshiping the golden

    calf, Moses threw down the



    stone tablets of the Ten

    Commandments and

    broke them.

    (Ex 32:19)



    God commanded Moses to

    chisel out the stone tablets

    and bring them back.



    (2) Moses took a Cushite woman

    and made her his wife.

    (Num 12:1)



    God punished Miriam,

    the complaining sister,

    with leprosy even at this time.



    (3) God rebuked Moses for

    striking the rock twice with

    his staff in Kadesh Barnea. 

    (Num 20:10-11)



    'You did not believe me

    and did not show my holiness,

    ' God rebuked him.



    In the case of (1) and (2),

    God tolerated them,

    but in the case of



    (3) above, we must pay

    attention to that God

    disciplined Moses.



    In other words, for the sins

    we have committed ourselves,

    God can take a closer look at

    them and forgive them.






    we must know that

    it can be a great sin if we do

    what God has commanded



    us to do according to our

    will and cover the

    glory of God.



    "Listen, you rebels,

    must we bring you water

    out of this rock?"



    In this way, Moses replaced

    the glory of God with 'we'.




    was clearly a man of faith,

    so he produced numerous

    miracles by faith,



    such as dividing the Red Sea

    and healing the bitter

    water of Marah.



    As a result, he regarded

    the miracles God performed

    through him as if he had

    done them himself.



    It was this kind of spiritual

    arrogance that ultimately

    kept Moses from entering

    the land of Canaan he

    longed for.



    He must have repented

    of his sins until he died at

    Mount Nebo according

    to God's command.



    And what he finally realized

    was that he was just a

    servant in God's all house.



    It is God who saved

    Moses' life from the water.  



    It is also God who saved him

    from thirst in the desert. 



    It is also God who dramatically

    saved him, who was about to

    die from Pharaoh's pursuit.



    It is also God who divided

    the Red Sea and led him.



    In the end, Moses came to

    realize that he was only a servant

    in all God's house, that is, in

    the entire congregation of Israel.



    Although Moses did not

    enter Canaan, his repentance

    could reach God, and he could

    be taken up to heaven.



    When Jesus was transfigured

    on the mountain, Elijah

    and Moses appeared

    and talked with the Lord.



    This might prove

    the ascension of Moses.

    (The Ascension of Moses:




    2) Faithfulness in faith

    (Num 12:7)



    Faithfulness is 'pistos' in Greek,

    which means faith.



    In other words, faithfulness

    to God is possible only through faith.



    God is invisible being,

    not visible being.




    faithfulness to God

    is based on faith, and faith

    already implies faithfulness.



    God called Moses a faithful

    man because he revealed

    the most words to Moses,



    and he obeyed God with faith.

    (law, decrees, ten commandments)

    And because he saw God's back

    and heard God's name.



    Through this, Moses realized

    that grace rather than ability,

    revelation than knowledge,

    supply than effort,



    and healing

    than pain are the much

    greater grace of God.



    That is, Moses realized that

    relying only on God was the

    beginning of life.



    That's what

    made him faithful.



    A person of true faith is one

    whose life is in God's control



    and who entrusts all of

    his life to His grace

    and lives with joy.



    Moses was a man of God

    who showed success and

    failure in his life of faith.




    at the moment of his final

    death on Mount Nebo,



    he became a servant who

    ascended to heaven after

    being acknowledged by God

    through repentance and




    Human status and ability

    are never what we can rely

    on completely.



    These are what God allows

    us from time to time.



    Therefore, like Moses,

    we should serve God with

    humility and faithfulness.




    - To Be Continue - 






    / By Paul










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