
  • Abraham6... The Father of Faith [Gen 12:1-9] / Paul's Bible Characters
    G'PEOPLE 2023. 3. 7. 10:00

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    The Father of Faith 

    [Gen 12:1-9]


    / Paul's Bible Characters 


    / By Paul


    The Call of Abram



    "The Lord had

    said to Abram,


    “Go from your country,

    your people and your

    father’s household to the land

    I will show you.


    “I will make you into a great nation,

    and I will bless you; I will make

    your name great, and you

    will be a blessing. 



    I will bless those who bless you,

    and whoever curses you

    I will curse; and all peoples

    on earth will be blessed

    through you.”



    So Abram went, as the Lord

    had told him; and Lot went

    with him.



    Abram was seventy-five years old

    when he set out from Harran.



    He took his wife Sarai,

    his nephew Lot,



    all the possessions they had

    accumulated and the people


    they had acquired in Harran,

    and they set out for the land

    of Canaan, and they arrived there.



    Abram traveled through the land

    as far as the site of the great tree

    of Moreh at Shechem.



    At that time the Canaanites

    were in the land.



    The Lord appeared to Abram

    and said, “To your offspring

    I will give this land.”



    So he built an altar there

    to the Lord, who had

    appeared to him.



     From there he went on toward

    the hills east of Bethel and

    pitched his tent, with Bethel

    on the west and Ai on the east.



    There he built an altar to the

    Lord and called on the name

    of the Lord.



    Then Abram set out and

    continued toward the Negev.’ 



    1. Personal information 



    Abraham was born

    in Ur of the Chaldeans

    (Mesopotamia region)



    around 300 years a

    fter the flood, with Noah's

    12th generation.



    His father was Terah,

    who worshiped other gods. 

    (Joshua 24:2)



    Abraham’s name

    in those days was 'Abram',

    which means 'great father',



    but God changed the name

    to 'Abraham', which means

    - 'Father of the nations’. 


    When Abram was

    ninety-nine years old, the

    Lord appeared to Abram

    and said to him,


    He married his half-sister,

    Sarah, and had his legitimate son,

    Isaac and many illegitimate




    Until the age of 75,

    he had no children, and lived

    with his nephew Lot,



    but after arriving in Canaan,

    he came out of Egypt to

    separate him. 



    Then, at the age of 85,

    Sarah's maidservant, Hagar

    bore Ishmael to Abraham.



    However, when Ishmael

    was 17 years old, when he

    persecuted Isaac, who

    was 3 years old,



    Abraham sent him and his

    mother out. 



    Abraham had taken another wife,

    whose name was Keturah.



    2. Major Life 



    Ur of the Chaldeans, where

    Abraham lived, was occupied

    by the descendants of Ham,

    and idolatry was prevalent.



    In that area,

    he lived with his parents

    until the age of 75,



    but left his hometown of

    Ur of the Chaldeans,

    due to God's call. 



    At this time, he departed

    with his father, Terah,

    and his nephew Lot,



    but his father, exhausted

    from his aging body, stayed

    in Haran on the way to Canaan,



    and Abraham arrived in Canaan

    with his nephew, Lot. 



    However, when he arrived

    in a land flowing with milk

    and honey, a land where

    his offspring would prosper



    and his name would be

    prosperous, there was a

      severe famine swept away. 



    When his livestock and

    servants died, Abraham

    left this land, Canaan and

    moved to Egypt. 



    At this time, due to

    Sarah's beauty, he was

    deprived of his wife by the

    Pharaoh king of Egypt.



    Considering that she died

    at the age of 127, at the age

    of 65 Sarah must have

    been a middle-aged

    woman in beauty. 



    Considering that Abraham

    also died at the age of 175,

    it can be seen that his age



    of 75 was also the time

    for him to be very active

    in the middle of his life. 



    However, soon after God's

    intervention, the king sent

    Sarah back to Abraham,



    and the king let Abraham

    return to the land of Canaan

    with gold, silver and livestock. 



    Ten years after he returned

    from Egypt, at the advice of

    his wife Sarah, who was

    exhausted from waiting

    for a child,



    he was asked to take Hagar,

    a maidservant of her at the time,

    as a concubine, and finally

    Hagar bore a son, Ishmael

    to Abraham. 



         At that time, he was 85 years old,

    and he was just relaxing in life.

    However, when he was

    99 years old,



    God appeared again and

    promised to give him a son, Isaac,

    who was his legitimate son. 



    Abraham first thought

    of his nephew Lot as his

    successor, but eventually

    let him go,



    then he thought

    of -Eliezer' (Gen. 15:2), a

    faithful manager at the time

    as his successor,



    but later when Ishmael

    appeared in his lineage,

    finally, he lived in peace and

    satisfaction, considering the

    son as his successor. 

    (Gen 15:2)




    after waiting for 24 years,

    God allowed Abraham's faith

    to grow, and when he was

    100 years old, 'Isaac' was born. 



    And through Isaac, God

    commanded Abraham to keep

    two important signs of faith

    and conduct. 



    One thing is -'circumcision

    ceremony'. (Gen17:10, 21:4)



    and God made Abraham

    give it to Isaac, his legitimate son,

    and told him to offer his only

    son Isaac as a burnt offering



    so that he could have true

    faith that follows obedience. 

    (Gen 17:10)



    This is my covenant with you

    and your descendants after you,

    the covenant you are to 

    keep: Every male among you

    shall be circumcised. 

    (Gen 21:4)



    When his son Isaac was

    eight days old, Abraham

    circumcised him, as God

    commanded him. 



    At that time, while he was

    heading for Mount Moriah

    for three days with a lot

    of distress, he realized that

    God was the Almighty.



    That's because God gave

    Isaac to him and his wife who

     were too old to have a baby. 



    He came to have the faith

    of resurrection that even

    if Isaac died, he would bring

    him back to life.



    God, who saw his faith,

    rejoiced in this and called

    him “my friend.” 


    (James 2:23)



    And the scripture was

    fulfilled that says,



    “Abraham believed God,

    and it was credited to 

    him as righteousness,”



    and he was called God’s friend. 

    He established Abraham

    as the “father of the faith.” 

    (Rom 4:11)



    And he received circumcision

    as a sign, a seal of the righteousness

    that he had by faith while he was

    still uncircumcised.



    So then, he is the father of all

    who believe but have not been

    circumcised, in order that

    righteousness might be

    credited to them. 



    Later, his beloved wife,

    Sarah died when Abraham

    was 137 years old, and

    she was buried in Hebron,

    and he felt lonely.



    At the age of 140, he was

    comforted by marrying

    Isaac to Rebekah

    (a daughter of Buduel). 



    After that, Abraham

    took another wife, whose name

    was Keturah (meaning fragrance).



    And she bore six sons to him,

    and his six sons became

    the ancestors of the Aram

    people at that time. 



    Abraham walked with God

    for 75 years after the birth

    of his son Isaac and for 38 years

    after his wife Sarah died,



    and he died at the age

    of 175 and was buried

    next to his wife Sarah,

      a burial site in Hebron. 



    3. Abraham's three religious trials

    until he had become the

    ancestor of faith. 



    There are three people to

    reveal origins of human

    ancestors through Genesis. 



    [1] We can find the first ancestor

    at the period from the creation

    of the heavens and the earth

    to the time of Noah,



    and Adam was established

    as the ancestor of humanity. 



    [2] We can find the second

    ancestor at the period from

    the time of Noah to Abraham,



    and Noah was established

    as the ancestor of the world. 



    [3] We can find the third

    ancestor at the period from

    Abraham to Moses,



    and Abraham was established

    as the 'father of faith'. 



    Therefore, the three great

    ancestors of humans were Adam,

    Noah, and Abraham, and God

    Himself guided them.



    Adam and Noah's descendants

    were destroyed after all.

    That was because they sinned. 



    So in order to

    obtain God's children

    He established Abraham, the

    ancestor of faith, and opened



    the way to salvation with the

    descendants of Abraham. 



    Abraham had to undergo

    special training in order to

    become the ancestor of faith,



    and the training can be divided

    into three main categories. 



    1) Training of obedience 

    (Gen 12:1)


    Proper obedience means

    the deeds of relying on and

    following only the Word

    without any intervention

    other than God. 



    There were two people

    accompanying Abraham: his father,

    Terah and his nephew Lot, but

    their obedience was different. 



    Abraham's father, Terah,

    was a person who relied on

    the environment, looking to

    only God's blessings that



    God would make His

    people prosperous. 



    Lot was the person who

    relied his uncle Abraham,

    and he needed someone

     to depend on like his parents. 



    [1] The one who has faith

    that is affected by the

    environment has a beginning,

    but doesn't have an end.



    That's because the environment

    is changeable according to

    the situation. 



    [2] The one who relies on a person

    is ultimately only for achieving

    his or her purpose.



    So this is also changeable

    according to the situation. 



    [3] However, the one who

    has faith in the Word depends

    on the promises of the Word

    and is guided through his life.



    That is because the Word

    is a promise and a fulfillment. 

    The Word that demands



    obedience must be accompanied

    by a promise, and that promise

    will lead us to the object of

    pursuit beyond both people 

    and circumstances. 



    In other words, the form

    of obedience appears as

    semi-obedience, partial




    and complete obedience,

    depending on how much we

    will depend on the Word. 



    2) Training of patience 

    (Gen 17:1)


    The purpose of patience

    training is to achieve the

    perfection of faith. 



    Through that training,

    we will learn to live a life

    based only on the Word by

    throwing away our egos

    and will. 



    Abraham waited for

    24 years to get children,

    and eventually,



    Abraham and Sarah

    became elderly people

    who was not able to

    produce children. 



    They gave up producing

    their children, and that was

    because there was no

    expectation for it. 

    (Gen 17:17)



    Expectation is a representative

    will of faith that only works within

    the limits of reason.



    It is built on reason, knowledge,

    rational science, experience,

    and common sense. 



    In other words, waiting for

    something you want with

    a possibility in it is an expectation,



    whereas patience is to wait for

    something you want with

    the faith in the Word,



    so even if the possibility

    disappears, you can wait

    without being disappointed.



    That is the beginning of

    true patience. 



    After his expectations turned

    into faith, enduring for a year,

    at last he was able to

    receive an answer

    to get Isaac. 



    You can become a perfect

    person only when you have

    the faith to change the

    patience in your expectations

    into the patience in the Word. 



    3) Training of determination 

    (Gen 22:12)


    Abandonment is a language

    used when giving up something

    higher than the limit of our




    while a decision

    is a language used when

    choosing an important thing

    within an allowed range. 



    God wanted Abraham

    to become a person to make

    a decision by faith from a person

    to have a heart of choice

    and giving up. 



    The choice is to keep

    the status quo but to decide to

    get a better one, and a decision

    means to give up one regardless

    of profit or loss for something




    God let Abraham have

    the opportunity to make

    three decisions. 



    [1] Decision to leave his

    hometown and relatives



    - A life to abandon the world.

    (decision in the first step) 



    [2] Decision to leave

    Hagar and Ishmael



    - A life to abandon his desires.

    (decision in the second step) 



    [3] Decision to give up his

    only son, Isaac



    - A life to abandon ego and will.

    (decision in the third step) 



    Why does God ask us to decide

    to follow the Word alone?



    That's because there is much

    greater to be entrusted for us.



    In other words, it is to give things

    that can be accomplished by

    God's power rather than

    by our ability. 



    When Moses gave up the

    throne of Egypt, God entrusted

    him with the position

    of leader in Israel.



    And when Joseph gave up

    the patriarch's inheritance,

    God made him the prime

    minister of Egypt 



    When we, like Abraham,

    follow the example by the choice

    of faith rather than our own choice,



    God will personally guide us

    like Abraham, the father of faith,

    to entrust this earth to us,

    who are descendants

    of faith today.






    / EPHPHATHA Bible Study 







    - To Be Continue - 





    / By Paul









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