
  • Ruth7... When There's A Famine In My Life! [Ruth 1:16] / Paul's Bible Characters
    G'PEOPLE 2023. 3. 14. 20:36


    New Zealand / West Side                                      Priscilla


    Ruth 7...

    When There's A

    Famine In My Life! 

    [Ruth 1:16]  


    / Paul's Bible Characters 


    / By Paul


    1. Personal information



    The Hebrew word for

    'Ruth' is indicated as



    'Rut', which means 

    'a descendant' or 'a friend'.



    Her husband died early,

    and married Boaz, a relative

       of her mother-in-law, Naomi. 



    As the name 'Ruth' implies,

    she, a Moabite woman, 

    gave birth to descendants

    of Israel.



    Her husband Boaz was the

    father of Obed, Obed the father

    of Jesse, and Jesse, who

    gave birth to David,



    became the ancestor

    of the line of David.



    2. Her Major Life



    Ruth was a figure of the t

    ime when the judges ruled Israel.




    She was a woman who lived

    in a time when Israel and

    Moab were in peace.



    During a famine,

    Elimelech's family left Bethlehem

    in Judah and moved to Moab,

    a foreign land.



    There, Elimelech received Ruth

    as his second daughter-in-law,



    and Ruth received Jehovah

    through her mother-in-law,

    Naomi, and gained faith.



    After the death of her husband,

    when her mother-in-law told

    her to return to her hometown,



    Ruth, based on this faith,

    refused it, and rather, she

    came to Bethlehem with her

    mother-in-law Naomi. 



    Ruth confessed:



    "Where you go I will go,

    and where you stay I will stay.



    Your people will be my

    people and your God

    my God." (Ruth. 1:16) 



    The confession above shows

    that she became a true believer.



    At that time, she was

    20 years old, and she could

    have returned to her

    hometown to remarry



    and could

    have had a happy life,

    but she gave up the choice

    and decided to follow

    God's guidance.



    God, who regarded Ruth's

    filial piety highly, led her

    to the field of Naomi's

    relative Boaz.



    God guided Boaz to marry her

    through the matrimonial 

    custom to a young widow

    without children. 



    Her extreme filial piety made

    her praised as a daughter-in-law,

    more precious than seven sons.

         (Ruth 4 : 15)



    She became

    one of  the two women

    (Esther and Ruth) recorded

    in the Bible



    and her name

    can be found in the titles

    of the Old Testament.



    3. What to receive

    from her life of faith.



    The famine of life comes

    in many forms, but when

    we fully return to God,

    we can escape this famine.



    The famine of life given to

    Ruth's mother-in-law, Naomi,

    are still given to us who are

    living today in four forms.



    1) Economic famine

    called drought.



    2) Relational famine

    called bereavement.



    3) Physical famine that became

    an incompetent widow in

    the economy



    and in all fields when her

    husband passed away due 

    to illness and weakness.



    4) Spiritual famine like the state

    of Moab which was extremely




    When these extreme forms

    of sufferings approach us,

    usually we tend to just give up



    or abandon and escape

    the situations we face.



    However, in this kind

    of situation, we Christians

    need a posture not to lose

    faith but to face reality in

    the Lord like “Ruth."



    Then, what is the correct

    posture to overcome

    the famine?



    1) We need the right

    religious choice.



    Some people,

    like Ruth's mother-in-law-Naomi,

    make humanitarian choices

    based on justification and reason.



    Others, like Ruth's husband's

    brother's wife -"Orpha" make

    realistic choices based on

    their own interests and




    And still others, like Ruth,

    make religious choices based

    on word of God and faith.



    See her amazing confession

    recorded in the Bible!



    "Where you die I will die,

    and there I will be buried.


    May the LORD deal with me,

    be it ever so severely,

    if anything but death

    separates you and me."

         (Ruth 1:17)



    In the end, -"Ruth" decided

    to make a religious choice



    and  completely overcame

    her famine of life through

    her right actions.



    Although she was a Gentile

    woman, God was pleased

    with her choice, and God

    allowed her to meet Boaz



    while she was picking up

    the leftover grain,



    and her to enjoy the

    amazing spiritual blessings

    of David's ancestors.



    2) No matter how trivial it

    may be, it is important to

    consider it as God's grace

    and to work hard.



    The opportunity to receive

    God's guidance comes from

    being grateful for a trivial thing. 




    And the opportunity

    is a coincidence from

    a human point of view,



    but from God's point of

    view, it is providence.

              (Boaz's field)




    God's blessing begins

    with guarantees.



    So Boaz said to Ruth,

    "My daughter, listen to me.

    Don't go and glean in another

    field and don't go away

    from here.



    Stay here with

    my servant girls.

        (Ruth 2:8)



    3) If we show good deeds

    even during  hardships,

    He allows us to receive

    his favor plus his grace.



    Grace is given to those

    who love God, and favor is

    a blessing given to those

    who do good deeds.



    We can learn what life is

    through the book of Ruth.



    We can seriously learn

    that life begins with pain

    but ends with hymn.



    Is there anyone who

    suffers from the famine

    of life at this moment

    like Ruth?



    In times of difficulty,

    I hope that we will all 

    choose faith, believing

    in God like Ruth. 



    Also even if we are in

    a difficult situation,



    we should do good with

    a mind to look after our

    neighbors like Ruth.



    Therefore, when there's

    a famine in our life,



    please consider that

    is an opportunity to

    receive God's favor.



    Following Ruth's example,

    we should make a decision

    by faith only, and should not

     resent our environment



    or fall away from our faith

    in any matter and we

    should thank God more

    and do good.




    in the favor of God,

    we should live as a person



    who can fully overcome the

    famine of life in the grace

    of God by serving hard

    even in a trivial thing.






    - To Be Continue - 





    / By Paul







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