
  • Paul's Conversion4 [Acts 9:1-9] / Paul's Bible Characters
    G'PEOPLE 2022. 11. 14. 18:33

    New Zealand / West Side                                      Priscilla


    Paul's Conversion4

     [Acts 9:1-9]


    / Paul's Bible Characters 


    / By Paul

    1. Personal information

    -'Paul' was called ''

    (the little one), and his real name

    was 'Saul', meaning 'to

    pray to the LORD'.


    -He was

    from the tribe of Benjamin,

    was born in Tarsus of Cilicia,

    and born a Roman citizen.

    (Act. 22 : 28) 


    -He was a member of the

    Pharisees, from an upper


    -class family, and was educated

    under the scholar of the time,

    Gameliel. (Act. 22 : 3)


    -He converted from Judaism

    to Christianity after meeting

    Jesus on his way to Damascus.

    (Act. 9 : 18) 


    -He was a tentmaker and

    had conducted  evangelism tours

    three times as a single person.

    (Act 18 : 3) 


    -His sister lived in Jerusalem

    and escaped the crisis in Jerusalem

    with the help of his nephew.

    (Act. 23 : 16)


    -He was a person who had

    many signs of Christ, and had

    physical diseases with his

    external and internal pains.

    (2 Co.12 : 7)


    -He is the main author of the Bible,

    which recorded 13 books

    of the New Testament.


    51 A.D. : 

      1 Thessalonians and


      2 Thessalonians

    55 A.D. : 1 Corinthians

    56 A.D. : 2 Corinthians, 



    57 A.D. : Romans

    61 A.D. : Ephesians

    62 A.D. : Philemon


    63 A.D. : Colossians, 



    65 A.D. : 1 Timothy

    66 A.D. : Titus

    67 A.D. : 2 Timothy


    2. Major Life


    It was said that Paul's parents

    had moved from  of Galilee to

    Tarsus of Cilicia, Asia Minor

    around 4 B.C.


    At that time, in Rome,

    it was a time when

    'Roman citizenship'


    was granted to many people

    in the late republican politics,

    so his family easily received



    It seemed that

    'Paul' was born in 1 A.D. 


    Until the age of 30, he was raised

    under a thorough Jewish education.


    -He took the lead in full-scale

    persecution of Christians

    by participating in 'the scene

    of Stephen's martyrdom'.



    around the age of 34 (34 A.D.),

    after meeting the Lord near

    Damascus on his journey,


    he was baptized by 'Ananias'

    and converted to Christianity.


    He went into the   'Arabian Desert'

    and stayed there for three years,

    and he had a one-on-one

    fellowship with the Lord.


    After that, he went back to

    his hometown and stayed there.


    In 44 A.D. (his age 44), after receiving

    a visit from Barnabas, he went to

    the Antioch Church with him and 

    taught the gospel together there.


    Three years later, under the 

    direction of the Holy Spirit,

    around 47 A.D. (his age 47),


    the first evangelism  tour was

    set out, and he departed with

    Barnabas and Mark.


    During their first evangelism

    tour, because Mark gave it up

    halfway, Paul had a quarrel

    with Barnabas.


    And they separated from

    each other, In 49 A.D.,


    Paul left for the second

     evangelism tour with Silas.


    During this period, with the

    strong guidance of the Holy Spirit,

    the ministry of evangelism was

    expanded from outside Asia

    Minor to Philippi in Europe.


    After completing three years of ministry,

    he returned to Jerusalem around 52 A.D.,


    reporting to the church, he went back

    to Antioch of Suria to prepare for

    the third evangelism ministry.


    In 53 A.D., he conducted the 

    3rd evangelism tour centering 

    on Asia and Ephesus,


    and after completing his ministry

    until 57 A.D, he was arrested

    while visiting Jerusalem.


    He was

    sent to Caesarea in 58 A.D.,

    and stayed in confinement

    for two years,


    and then was sent

    to Rome and he was

    imprisoned until 62 A.D. 


    In 63 A.D., he was released

    and ministered again, and lastly,

    he wrote 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.


    During Nero's persecution,

    he was beheaded and martyred.


    The areas of Paul's evangelism

    tours (A.D.47-A.D.57) :


    1st tour : 

    Antioch- Cyprus- Derbe-Attalia- Antioch 

    (Acts 13:1-14:28)


    2nd tour : 

    Suria- Cilicia- Phrygia- Galatia-

    Macedonia- Philippi- Thessalonica

    - Berea- Athens- Corinth-Ephesus- Antioch

    (Acts 15: 41 – 18: 22)


    3rd tour : 

    Galatia- Phrygia-Ephesus-

    the seven churches in

    the province of Asia 


    (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,

    Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia

    and Laodicea)


    - Macedonia-Greece-Troas-

    Miletus-Tyre- Caesarea Jerusalem

    (Acts 18: 23 – 21: 17)


    3. The peculiarities that Paul

    experienced during his ministry


    When we live a life of faith, it means

    that we live a life of walking

    with the Lord.


    When we meet the Lord,

    our lives get changed, miracles 

    take place, and eventually we

     live a life that fulfills God's will.


    Unfortunately, however,

    it is a pity that the experience

    of God's working that was

    revealed to the apostles


    or saints of the early churches

    rarely appears in our

    religious life today.


    Today's figure, the apostle Paul,

    lived the life of the most intimate

    companionship with the resurrected

    Jesus than anyone else,


    and is a person of great faith who 

    established the kingdom of God

    while living in the fulfillment

    of the Lord's will, performing

    numerous miracles and wonders.


    How could he have

    been chosen by the Lord?


    Furthermore, how was he able

    to live a powerful life of faith?


    I hope that through his life of faith,

    we can walk with the Lord and receive

    the same grace so that we can

    live a more powerful life in Christ. 


    There were three groundbreaking

    events of faith in the life

    of the apostle Paul.


    First, the experience of meeting

    the Lord on the way to Damascus.


    second, the experience of being

    caught up to the Third Heavens,

    and third, experience of


    overcoming the pain of thorns

    in his body through grace.


    1. The experience of meeting

    the Lord on his way to Damascus

    opened his spiritual eyes.


    The eye is an organ

    given for its discovery role.


    Therefore, depending on the type

    and performance of the eyes,


    we can discover more worlds that

    we do not know, and participate

    in that world to experience and 

    enjoy all that God has made,

    and live a blessed life.


    However, there are two types

    of eyes: the general eyes

    and the spiritual eyes.


    The eyes of life can expand

    our scope with our efforts.


    Spiritual eyes can only be opened

    only when the Holy Spirit opens them,

    and can only be opened through

    the Lord's special grace.


    1) The Lord opens spiritual

    eyes to his chosen ones.


    It is important that we first become

    the chosen ones of the Lord so that

    we may have spiritual eyes.


    "But the Lord said to Ananias,

    "Go! This man is my chosen

    instrument to carry my name

    before the Gentiles and their kings

    and before the people of Israel."

              (Act 9:15)


    It is because of his loyal heart

    and perfect character that the

    apostle  Paul became the

    predestined chosen

    one of the Lord.


    "My eyes will be on the faithful

    in the land, that they may dwell

    with me; he whose walk is

    blameless will minister to me."

              (Psa 101 : 6)


    2) We can know the spirit world

    when our spiritual eyes are opened.


    If we can understand the

    resurrection and ascension,

    heaven and hell, or revelation,

    through the eyes of faith,


    we can see and hear the

    working of the spirit world

    directly through our spiritual eyes.


    When the apostle Paul met

    Jesus, he saw a strong light,


    heard a clear voice, and had

    the experience of meeting the

    resurrected Jesus. 


    In this way, in the life of faith,

    we can lead a spiritual life of faith

    only when the reality of the spirit

    is confirmed through experience

    in the eyes of faith.


    And it is the purpose and

    direction of our life that the Lord

    has planned for us to realize

    when we experience it.


    For example, the Lord led

    the Apostle Paul into a life of

    light for the gospel ministry

    of the Gentiles.


    2. Through the experience

    of going to the third heaven,

    he came to live a life of

    owning heaven.


    The scripture Corinthians

    12: 2 says as below.


    'I know a man in Christ who

    fourteen years ago was caught 

    up to the third heaven.


    Whether it was in the body

    or out of the body I do not

    know--God knows.'


    -'The kingdom of heaven'

    refers to' a place where the will

    of God is fully implemented'.


    In other words, it means that

    everything promised in

    the Scriptures,


    for example, the living water,

    the tree of life, eternal life,

    strength, spiritual body,

    resurrection, the bride,

    the heir,


    and the wedding

    supper of the Lamb are

    realities in the heaven. 


    The word 'heaven' means

    'paradise' in Persian, which refers

    to 'a garden surrounded by a wall'.


    It is said that when the king

    wanted to give special benefits

    to a person he valued, he had

    the garden equipped with

    the best facilities, 


    and the king let him be there

    and had a wonderful time

    there together.


    As recorded in the Bible,

    Paul was the only person

    who had been to heaven,


    to which the dead can go,

    by participating in the

    sufferings of the Lord. 


    This is an example of showing

    that a person who owns heaven

    in his heart is truly a Christian.


    He was caught up to paradise

    and heard inexpressible things.


    We may guess that they were

    God's plan and judgment for

    the end of God,


    the New Jerusalem, the New

    Heaven, the New People, and so on.


    In addition, 'things that man

    is not permitted to tell' may

    refer to amazing phenomena

    such as ecstasy, enormousness,


    and shining glory and fullness

    that cannot be expressed in

     human language expressions,


    as well as the dwelling

    housings of the saints.


    Therefore, if the 'Garden of Eden'

    was the 'shadow of heaven,'


    we may guess that 'Paul'

    experienced greater

     realities than 'Adam'.


    So, imagine what the feeling

    of Paul was, who had such

    an amazing experience that

    he would not envy Adam 

    and Eve's life at all ?


    He must have felt a joy

    that we cannot imagine.


    3. Paul came to live a life in

    which the pain of thorns shows

    power through grace.


    9. But he said to me,

    "My grace is sufficient for you,

    for my power is made

    perfect in weakness."


    Therefore, I will boast all the

    more gladly about my



    so that Christ's powe

    r may rest on me.


    In many cases, the ability

    we speak of means strength,

    but actually it means  having the

    grace to cope with any situation.


    And when that grace is compared

    to the sufferings Jesus had,

    the power that the Lord

    overcame is as much as grace.


    -If 'the apostle Paul's

    thorn' was to give him pain,


    -'Jesus was wearing the crown

    of thorns until death, who had

    to endure the pain of a greater

    stab caused with the same thorn.


    In this way, the pain Jesus

    personally was whipped for us

    has conquered our disease,


    his pain on the cross has conquered

    our death, and the agony before

    walking the way of the cross has

    conquered the troubles of our lives. 


    The apostle Paul's great life of faith

    was, in short, a life of loving

    the Lord to death.


    The reason is that Jesus gave

    forgiveness and mission to

    Paul who persecuted him.


    13. "I am ready not only to be bound,

    but also to die in Jerusalem for

    the name of the Lord Jesus."



    In Paul's heart, the real image

    of Jesus in heaven must have

    been engraved in his heart.


    He would have wanted to meet

    the Lord who was waiting for

    him as soon as possible.


    He believed that the way to get

    to him quickly is to quickly

    accomplish the salvation of 

    the souls entrusted to him.


    When his neck was cut off on

    a Roman guillotine, and when

    his head bounced three times,


    he would have died with Stephen's

    martyrdom in his heart.


    Love is completed with payment. 

    Now, like the “Apostle Paul,”


    we also have a “debt of love”

    to the Lord that must be

    completed while living

    on this earth.


    How many debts

    are left to the Lord?



    -The End-





    / By Paul








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