
  • The LORD Who Will Save Humans InTrouble And Fulfill His Purpose For Them 28 [Psa 138:1-8] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2021. 5. 22. 10:36

    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru



    The LORD Who Will 

    Save Humans In

    Trouble And Fulfill His

    Purpose For Them 28

    [Psa 138:1-8] 


    / Anne's Faith




    / By Priscilla



    In today's scriptures,

    David confesses

    that God is

    Sovereign LORD




    who is in control

    of the whole world,

    and at the same time,




    God is in charge

    of all human affairs




    and has a close

    relationship with





    "Though I walk

    in the midst of trouble,

    you preserve my life;




    you stretch out

    your hand against

    the anger of my foes,

    with your right hand

    you save me.




    The LORD will fulfill

    his purpose for me;

    your love, O LORD,

    endures forever-




    -do not abandon

    the works of

    your hands."

    (Psalm 138 : 7-8)




    "The LORD will

    fulfill his purpose

    for me"




    In the above scriptures,

    David acknowledges

    and trusts God

    as the greatest one,




    not limiting Him

    to small one, and

    we can see his right

    understanding of God,




    and his inner self in 

     his psalms containing

    prayers and confessions

    of his heart.




    He confesses

    that he loves God

    faithfully who is

    close to him.




    We must not forget

    that the Lord planned




    the salvation of

     fallen man from

    the eternity,




    and sent his one

    and only Son

    'Jesus Christ'

    to this earth,




    and fully showed

    God's love through

    his death as a ransome

      for sinners on the cross.  





    he loves me,"

    says the LORD,




    "I will rescue him;

    I will protect him,

    for he acknowledges

    my name.




    He will call upon me,

    and I will answer him;

    I will be with him

    in trouble,




    I will deliver him

    and honor him.




    With long life

    will I satisfy him




    and show him

    my salvation."

    (Psalm 91 : 14-16)





    The Most High God

    came to this earth

    as the Word and

    became flesh




    and then paid 

     the penalty for our

     sins through His

    death on the cross

    on the behalf of us.




    Jesus' amazing

    devotion and

    sacrifice represent 

    God's greatest love,




    and Jesus, who came

    in lowly and lowly,




    and showed the

    greatest love through

    obedience and service,

    is truly sublime

    and beautiful.




    We feel his loving

    touch and affection

    so strongly that




    we can not but

    be impressed

    in any situation.




    Why does

    Heavenly Father

    love us so much

    who are so lowly




    and  have sinful

    natures that are

    easy to fall?




    This is because

    God the Father,

    who created the

    heavens and

    the earth,




    loved man so much

    that He created man

    out of dust in His

    own image




    and God saw that

    it was good after

    creation as well.




    However, the fallen

    sins of humans

    made it impossible




    to have a  fellowship

    with the holy God

    anymore in the

    'Garden of Eden'. 




    In addition,




    the wall of sin

    prevented man from

    having communication

    with God and made it




    impossible to maintain

    a state of reconciliation

    with God.




    God, who wanted


    with humans,




    have achieved


    between God and

    humans in return

    for the sacrifice




    and great love that

    God gave his one

    and only Son freely

    as a fellowship






    we can now

    communicate with

    our Heavenly Father

    through prayer




    as a righteous person

    who is not slandered

    by the devil.




    Jesus shed all of

    His Blood without

    leaving a drop of

      blood on the cross.




    Let's think about

    his deep meaning

    when he said,

    "It is finished!"  




    How can we,

    humans with dark

    spiritual eyes realize

    and understand

    God's sublime will?




    If God opens our

    spiritual eyes and gives

    us understanding,




    we will be able to

    love God more like

    David and move

    forward, being





    That is why we need

    to pray in order to

    understand God's will

    toward us, sinful beings,




    and at this moment

    I am so thrilled with

    the love of God who

    will fulfill his purpose

      for me.





    what attitude should

     we go toward God?




    1) We must sacrifice

    thank offerings

     to God.




    God is

    Sovereign LORD

    who is in control

    of the whole world




    and had a salvation

    plan for humans

    who sinned in

    the beginning.




    So we must sacrifice

    thank offerings to God

    and offer thanksgiving

    to His administration




    and  providence

    fulfilled at the time

    of God's worthy time.




    2) We must welcome, 

    acknowledge, and

    bring the Holy Spirit

    to our heart.




    3) We must have

    zeal for God.




    When we open

    our hearts futher




    and receive,


    and welcome 

    the Holy Spirit,





    we, who live

    with God's help,




    can have in the center

    of our hearts the zeal

    to come closer to




    and meet God

    every day.















    Nothing happens

    when I depend on

    my strength and will.




    But, give me the

    heart of David that

    I've sought while

    longing for you,




    and let me love

    and serve

    only you! 








    23/02/ 2009



    / By Priscilla

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