
  • God Searching Me 30 [Psalm 139:1-12] / Anne’s Faithcolumn
    COLUMNS 2021. 6. 7. 11:44


    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru




    God Searching Me 30

     [Psalm 139:1-12]


    / Anne’s Faith





    / By Priscilla



    "For the director

    of music of David.

    A psalm.




    O LORD,  you have

    searched me and

    you know me.




    You know when I sit

    and when I rise;

    you perceive my

    thoughts from afar.




    You discern my

    going out and

    my lying down;




    you are familiar

     with all my ways.




    Before a word is

    on my tongue you

    know it completely,

    O LORD."

    (Psa 139 : 1-4)




    I am comforted

    by the fact that

    the Father,




    who is

    Sovereign God




    and knows all

    my situations,

    walks with me





    Look at today's





    "Where can I go

    from your Spirit?

    Where can I flee from

    your presence?




    If I go up to the

    heavens, you are





    if I make my bed

    in the depths,

    you are there."

    (Psa 139 : 7-8)




    God who truly

    searches each

    one of us




    and perceive

    our thoughts

    and our actions

    as well!




    Our faithful God

    who spreads out

    his hands over

    each one of us




    and fulfills the work

    of salvation, whether

    we are in joy

    or sadness,




    and keeps the

    promises he has 

     made to the end!




    However, on the

    other hand, a God

    of justice




    and a fearful God

    who is impartial

    and who governs

    good and evil!




    Thus, we can

    sincerely say:




    Our good Father

    is the only one




    who we absolutely

    fear but who always

    exists right by our side.




    How grateful

    it is to each one of us

    when we think of God




    who never leaves us

    and always watches

    over us!




    Furthermore, we

    must not absolutely

    forget that




    God was already

     making each one 

     of us from our

     mothers' wombs. 




    There are many

    twists and turns

    that we go through

    in our lives,




    but it is a blessing

    that we can meet

    the living God through

    various experiences




    that we have from

    time to time.




    Also, how grateful

    we are to be able to

    praise the Lord with

    the hope that we

    will meet the Lord

    some day,




    eye-to-eye contact,

    thinking of the Lord

    even in any situation,




    in the midst of

    tribulation and






    because of this,

    even if our hope does

    not come true

    on this earth




    and we live a life

    like pilgrims,

    we should not be





    and have courage 

     again to look forward 

    to God and live

    a happy life.




    'You have

    searched me and 

     you know me.'




    We must take the 

     scripture above

    to heart.




    It is so precious to us,

    who have received

    Jesus as our Savior




    and have been

    transformed into the

    status of children of

    Heavenly Father.




    At this moment,

    come to mind

    all of sudden.




    "How precious to me

    are your thoughts,

    O God!"

    (Psa139 : 17)




    Think of David,

    who professed like

    this all the time,




    and the

    heart of David,

    who recorded

    his pure love for God

    in the psalms.




    So, what attitude

    should we take?




    1) With thanksgiving 

    we need to profess

    that the Father of

    Spirit faithfully loves




    and embraces me

    when I am weak. 




    Like David, we must

    constantly strive to

    turn our hearts

    to the Lord.




    2) We must rely

    on Him absolutely,

    surrender everything

    humbly, and trust

    Him completely.




    3) Because we 

    love God, we will be

    willing to follow

    His guidance




    and obey His Word

    while we live on

    this earth.

















    Please grant each

    one of us a heart of David,

    who is a man after

    your own heart!




    You put each one of us

    in your unfailing love

    and constantly search

    the center of our hearts.




    All the time help us

    to serve you, our faithful

    Heavenly Father.









    / By Priscilla








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