
  • Is Anything Too Hard For The LORD? 75 (If I Have Found FavorIn Your Eyes, My Lord!) [Gen 18:1:15] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2022. 2. 16. 14:14

    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru


    Is Anything Too Hard 

    For The LORD? 75

    (If I Have Found Favor

    In Your Eyes, My Lord!)

    [Gen 18:1:15]

     / Anne's Faith Column 



    / By Priscilla 


    There is nothing that

    God cannot do, and He 

    is the One who  always

    fulfills His purpose

     according to His will.




    We must wait for God's timing,

    believing and trusting in the

    faithfulness of His promises,

    even though something

    we want to do looks




    Reading today's  scripture,

    the confession of 'Abraham'

    is truly amazing.



    "If I have found favor

    in your eyes, my lord,

    do not pass your

    servant by...


    you can be refreshed

    and then go on your way

    --now that you have come

    to your servant." 



    Abraham was also human,

    and there were times

    when he stumbled

    and he was shaken

    by the environment.



    There must have been

    many passersby at that time,



    however he recognized 

    the angels of God among

    the passers-by, and he

    confessed: 'My lord!' 



    His attitude of inviting

    them in and obeying them

    with sincere joy is indeed the

    father of faith with spiritual




    The attitude of waiting for God!

    - If we are not prepared, we will

     miss the opportunity to meet God.



    But he immediately

    recognized that the three

    men standing nearby

    were the angels of

    God he had been

    waiting for.



    Seeing that Abraham

    was watchful spiritually

    in today's scripture,



    I too must

    'beat my body and

    make it my slave'



    every day and become

    more humble before God,

    asking the Lord to come

    to me in secret.



    First of all, I need a spiritual

    eye and an watchful

    consciousness for this.



    There were times

    when I turned away from

    the Lord who came to me

    and wanted to be with me,

    andI acted as if I was

    the owner.



    Even though, with my mouth,

    I have acknowledged, received,

    and welcomed the Holy Spirit;



    how many times I have

    also rushed ahead

    of the Holy Spirit!



    Therefore, we need to

    realize that we need to

    concentrate in the spiritual

    world, letting go of the

    attitude of unbelief.



    Walking with the Lord

    can never be accomplished

    without relying on the Lord.



    Today we must imitate

    Abraham's attitude of

    receiving the Lord



    Also, in today's scripture

    the Lord told Abraham

    that at the appointed

    time He would come

    to him, and his wife 

    would be pregnant. 



    "Is anything too

    hard for the LORD?



    I will return to you at

    the appointed time next 

    year and Sarah will

    have a son."

    (Gen 18:14)



    Through the Word of promises

    like this, God continues to

    encourage each of  us today.



    There is no way to repay

     that favor with any words.



    All we can do is only sacrifice

    thank offerings to God who

    constantly comforts us.



    Now that we are chosen

    as children of the father of faith,

    Abraham, we must not doubt

    that God will give each of us

    the authority to be His




    Then, what attitude should

    we have in our religious life?



    1) We must ask the Holy

    Spirit for discernment.



    We must become discerners

    of the Lord's times so that

    we can become faithful

    servants who can humbly

    receive Him when He comes.



    So at the moment the

    Lord passes by, we must

    become children who

    recognize the Lord

    and give joy to Him.



    2) We must become those

    who long for the world

    of the spirit with an

    open mind.



    We must hope that

    we can become those who

    long for the heavenly blessings,

    and who the Lord wants us to be.






    Faithful Lord!

    Thank you so muxh.



    We hope to become those

    who live like Abraham,

    confessing as follows. 



    "If I have found favor

    in your eyes, my lord,

    do not pass your 

    servant by.



    ...you can be refreshed

    and then go on your way-

    -now that you have come

    to your servant." 





    - To Be Continue - 



    2010/ 05/03



    / By Priscilla 














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