
  • Your Name Will Be Abraham 73 (You Will Be The Father Of Many Nations) [Gen 17:1-14] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2022. 2. 8. 11:18

    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru


    Your Name Will Be Abraham 73

    (You Will Be The Father

    Of Many Nations)

    [Gen 17:1-14]

    / Anne's Faith Column 



    / By Priscilla 



    "When Abram was

    ninety-nine years old,

    the LORD appeared

    to him and said,




    "I am God Almighty ;

    walk before me and

    be blameless.




    I will confirm my covenant

    between me and you and

    will greatly increase

    your numbers."




    Abram fell facedown,

    and God said to him,




    "As for me, this is my

    covenant with you:

    You will be the father

     of many nations.




    No longer will you be

    called Abram ; your name

    will be Abraham, for I 

    have made you a father 

    of many nations.




    I will make you very fruitful;

    I will make nations of you,

    and kings will come from you.




    I will establish my covenant

    as an everlasting covenant

    between me and you

    and your descendants




    after you for the generations

    to come, to be your God

    and the God of your

    descendants after you.




    The whole land of Canaan,

    where you are now an alien,

    I will give as an everlasting

    possession to you




    and your descendants

    after you; and I will

    be their God. 




    Then God said to Abraham,

    "As for you, you must keep

    my covenant, you and 

    your descendants




    after you for the

    generations to come.




    This is my covenant with 

    you and your descendants

    after you, the covenant

    you are to keep:




    Every male among you

    shall be circumcised.




    You are to undergo

    circumcision, and it will

    be the sign of the covenant

    between me and you.




    For the generations to

    come every male among you

    who is eight days old must

    be circumcised, including




    those born in your household

    or bought with money

    from a foreigner--




    those who are not your offspring.

    Whether born in your household

    or bought with your money,

    they must be circumcised.




    My covenant in your flesh

    is to be an everlasting





    Any uncircumcised male,

    who has not been circumcised

    in the flesh, will be cut off

    from his people; he has

    broken my covenant."

    (Gen 17:1-14)



    God made a covenant

    with Abram, changed

    his name to 'Abraham',




    and commanded that

    all males be circumcised

    and live according to that

     covenant as God's people.




    With God's free grace,

    Abram finally got the

    blessing of becoming the

    'father of the nations'.




    In particular, through

    God's word,




    'Walk before me

    and be blameless,'





    Abram experienced

    a moment of becoming

    a precious being by falling

    facedown and acting





    By the free grace of God,

    the gospel has reached us

    as Gentiles through the

    Apostle Paul.




    What a wonderful

     blessing of God is this!




    All I can do is fall facedown

    in humility before

    Almighty God. 




    How dare I be proud of

    myself in front of God?




    "You will be the father

    of many nations.




    No longer will you be

     called Abram; your name

    will be Abraham."

    (Gen 17 : 4-5)




    We, who have already

    accepted the Lord as

    our Savior




    and become children 

    of God the Father,

    must live by imitating

    his faith like Abraham,




    who became the father

    of faith by the grace

    of the Lord.




    On the other hand,

    we need to examine

    what God's will is when

    He changed his name.




    God wants our faith to

    grow day by day as

    His children




    and He also expects us

    to be more and more





    "Therefore, if anyone

    is in Christ, he is a

    new creation;




    the old has gone,

    the new has come!"

    (2 Corin 5 : 17)




    God wants us to become

    born-again believers,

     and as mature Christians,




    He wants us to never

    lack anything as heirs

     of God's inheritance.




    That is why He earnestly

    wants us to live the lives

    of children of God.




    So, how should we live?




    1) We must live without

    doubting that each of us

    has become a new creation

    created by the Lord by

    receiving the Lord



    and being born again

    as a new being.




    2) As promised, we must live

    the life God wants us to be,

    joyfully and obediently.




    3) As God's children who

    became new creations,

    we must live by practicing the

    word of the Lord with good

    deeds like children of light.











    I look to the Almighty Lord.




    Make me Walk before the

    Lord and make me blameless!




    I can't do that, but your

    powers and authorities

    can make it possible.




    Please change me into a

    new being in Christ!  Amen.











    / By Priscilla 






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