The God Who Sees Us (The LORD Has Heard Of Our Misery 72 [Gen 16:7-15] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2022. 2. 1. 14:18
New Zealand / West Side Moru
The God Who Sees Us
(The LORD Has Heard
Of Our Misery 72
[Gen 16:7-15]
/ Anne's Faith Column
/ By Priscilla
"The angel of the LORD
found Hagar near a spring
in the desert; it was the
spring that is beside the
road to Shur.
And he said,
"Hagar, servant of Sarai,
where have you come from,
and where are you going?"
"I'm running away from
my mistress Sarai,"
she answered.
Then the angel of the LORD
told her, "Go back to your
mistress and submit to her."
The angel added,
"I will so increase your
descendants that they will
be too numerous to count."
The angel of the LORD
also said to her:
"You are now with child
and you will have a son.
You shall name him Ishmael,
for the LORD has heard
of your misery.
He will be a wild donkey
of a man; his hand will be
against everyone and
everyone's hand
against him,
and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers."
She gave this name to the
LORD who spoke to her:
"You are the God who
sees me," for she said,
"I have now seen the
One who sees me."
That is why the well
was called Beer Lahai Roi ;
it is still there, between
Kadesh and Bered.
So Hagar bore Abram a son,
and Abram gave the name
Ishmael to the son
she had borne."
(Gen 16:7-15)
In today's scripture,
the angel of the LORD
appeared to Hagar,
who ran away from her
mistress Sarah, and comforted
her and gave her about her
a covenant descendants.
God also promised Abram
that He would make his
descendants numerous
and blessed.
Here's something we
should definitely check.
Abraham, the father of faith,
could be chosen by God even
though he hadn't met the
conditions of a righteous man
who was exceptional at
the time, living in the world
and doing righteous deeds.
In the Scriptures it is written:
"There is no one righteous,
not even one."
(Romans 3:10)
Abram was blessed with
the favor that was available
for the elect only by the
total sovereignty of God.
Abram completely believed
the covenant God had
given him,
and God regarded it as
righteousness and gave
him the title of righteous
man with His free grace.
In the Scriptures it is written:
"Abram believed the LORD,
and he credited it to him
as righteousness."
(Gen 15:6)
However, Abram could
not understand the will
of God and had to go through
many difficulties by using
a humanistic method.
God knew Abram's mistakes
and his weaknesses,
which had caused the
source of discord,
and covered his shame,
and examined him.
I can't imagine how
endless God's grace is!
God, who knew human
weakness and its motives,
not only rebuked Abram,
but also gave him comfort
although some of the ways
he took in his life were not
exactly what God had
wanted him to do.
Hagar, who was once
Sarah's maidservant,
suffered the penalty of her
arrogance and, unable
to bear the humiliation,
fled to the desert.
However, God knew
that she was pregnant
with Abram's baby and, with
mercy, rescued Hagar
and her son.
The actions she took
came out of her strong ego,
nevertheless, the Lord
wrapped her in love
and saved her life
dramatically from
her misery.
No matter how much
we deny ourselves before
the Lord, we are just like
Abram or Hagar.
Even though we are
servants not masters,
we try to judge everything
rationally, acting like masters
with pride and arrogance
like Hagar.
However, when we face
the reality, repent, and come
before the Lord quietly,
God makes us realize
the right sense of ownership
of ourselves, who lived with
devious passion and
This is the moment when
God's grace toward Hagar
is a great comfort to us.
God gave
Hagar a helping hand
and told her to go back
to her mistress and
submit to her.
Today, God tells us to
turn away from evil
and obey Him, just trust
Him and serve Him
We should realize that
God is so fair in doing good
by giving a helping hand
to the little ones and
the lowly like this.
If we are sure that the
'LORD has heard of
our misery,'
what shall we fear? -
we fear the power
of the world,
extreme poverty,
nakedness, or sword?
No power will dare to cut off
our relationship with God.
Therefore, we should not
hide from the Lord, and
not wander in wickedness
any longer, as the Lord
And also we should give up
our life in the wilderness,
return to the Lord,
live in obedience,
and devote ourselves
to glorifying God.
May I live with an attitude
of faith that I submit to
the Lord all the time!
All the gifts and talents
God has given me belong
to the Lord. In fact, nothing
belongs to me.
So Lord!
Please use me as You wish.
So let me be Your child
who never reveals my ego!
As a Gentile, the light of
salvation has come upon me
through Your great grace.
I only long for and praise
You who see me.
I praise You with all my
heart because You have
heard of my misery.
I praise and glorify You.
/ By Priscilla
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