
  • Leave Me! / Quarrels 69 [Gen 13:1-9] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2022. 1. 13. 13:50

    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru


    Leave Me!

    / Quarrels 69

    [Gen 13:1-9]

    / Anne's Faith Column 



    /  By Priscilla


    "So Abram went up from

    Egypt to the Negev,

    with his wife and everything

    he had, and Lot went with him.




    Abram had become

    very wealthy in livestock

    and in silver and gold.




    From the Negev he went

    from place to place until

    he came to Bethel,




    to the place between

    Bethel and Ai where

    his tent had been earlier




    and where he had first

    built an altar.




    There Abram called on

    the name of the LORD.




    Now Lot, who was moving

    about with Abram, also had

    flocks and herds and tents.




    But the land could not

    support them while they

    stayed together, for their

    possessions were so great

    that they were not able

    to stay together.




    And quarreling arose

    between Abram's herdsmen

    and the herdsmen of Lot.




    The Canaanites and

    Perizzites were also living

     in the land at that time.




    So Abram said to Lot,

    "Let's not have any quarreling

    between you and me,




    or between your herdsmen

    and mine, for we are brothers.




    Is not the whole land

    before you?




    Let's part company.

    If you go to the left,

    I'll go to the right;




    if you go to the right,

    I'll go to the left."

    (Gen 13:1-9)




    Heavenly Father

    had said to Abram,




    '"Leave your country, your people

    and your father's household

    and go to the land I will show you." 

    So Abram left Haran for Canaan. 




    At that time, God asked

    Abram to leave his country

    with his wife alone.




    However, since he

    considered his nephew Lot

    to be his son and he could not

    get rid of his human

    ties with him,




    Abram led him and Lot's

    household to the land that

    God had commanded.




    As a result, Abram,

    who could not completely

    leave his people and his

    father's household, faced 

     various problems.




    Abram went down

    to Egypt to live there

    for a while because the

      famine was severe.




    Afterward Abram

    returned to Canaan

    from Egypt with Lot




    but he finally ended up

    breaking up with Lot 

    due to quarrels





    Lot's herdsmen

    and Abram's.




    Sometimes we know

    God's will, but not being

    able to cut off our

    relationship with people





    how many times

    do we each easily act

    according to our own will,

    and come into difficulties

    we don't need to go through?




    Today, God commands us

    to deny ourselves, take up

    the cross that is given to us, 




    and do the Lord's work,

    boldly leave the thoughts

    bound in various things.




    We should sow seed of faith

    even if there is famine

    and drought in our lives.




    God wants to train us

    in many different situations. 




    Abram firmly told his

    beloved nephew Lot to leave,

    and from this, we can only

    guess how difficult it must

    been for them to stay together. 




    Where there is quarreling

    there can be no peace.




    Their staying  together

    came out of the humanistic

    thought, and it resulted in 

    quarreling and separating

    from each other. 




    When we are satisfied with

    and settling for something

    that we are in charge of

    with a lot of affection,



    there are times when God

    suddenly tells us to leave

    our hands off that.




    Also, there are times 

    when He makes us abandon

    even the close ties of

    flesh and blood.




    In the end, the path

    we walk while crying! 




    That is the way of thorns

    that Jesus walked alone

    in obedience



    - the narrow way

    outside the camp. 




    When we disobey Him,

    God completely isolates us,

    keeps things from going

    our own will,




    and even ignores our

    thoughts and intentions.




    Therefore, we should pray to

    fully understand the love of God.




    So what attitude should we

    have in our religious life?




    1) We should submit to God!




    When wrong ideas come out

    of the old paradigm, we 

    should kneel down to 

    pray in front of God 

     honestly and boldly.




    We should always pray

    so that it may not lead to

    quarrels or disputes.




    4) We should obey God's will!

    We should focus on and obey

    God's will, not our own.












    I admit my own





    According to the power

    of God, help me to stay

    away from quarrels among

    the saints and become

    holy saints.









    /  By Priscilla






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