Reasons To Learn God's Word 49 [2 Tim 3:14-17] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2021. 10. 27. 23:27
New Zealand / West Side Moru
Reasons To Learn
God's Word 49
[2 Tim 3:14-17]
/ Anne's Faith Column
/ By Priscilla
When the foundation
of the Word is established
by learning the Scripture,
that is, the word of God,
we can definitely
find the truth
of salvation
and ethical
standards in it.
"Where there is no
revelation, the people
cast off restraint."
(Pro 29:18)
It means that if we
don't know God well,
we distort God's will
and run in a different
direction with a false
devious passion,
or we do everything
according to our own ways,
or disobey or disregard God.
We God's chosen people
should always meditate
on the word of God
day and night,
write it on the tablet
of our hearts, preach the
Word in season or
out of season,
and abide in what
we are sure of.
We must not turn aside
to the right or to the left
and do nothing out
of favoritism.
Examining the word
of God, we must
eradicate the elements,
which hurt God's heart,
in our lives.
The important thing
is that the knowledge
of the truth, which is
the word of God, is
never to be learned
for our own benefit
by being led by greed,
but to be learned
to see the Lord's will
and put the word of God
into practice by faith.
If we are in the arms
of the Lord and
experience being
born again,
but live without enjoying
peace in the abundance
of grace, it can only be
said to be a tragic life.
When we truly want
to have pure and
deep communion
with God,
the Lord sees through
our hearts, grants us
peace with fruits worthy
of repentance, and
comforts us with the Word.
When we do not have
inner peace, the Lord says:
"Then you will know
the truth, and the truth
will set you free."
(John 8 : 32)
Those who have come
to know the Lord from
a young age and come
into contact with the Word
can come back to the Lord
even if they temporarily
This is because the words
of the Lord, which
they have learned,
have already settled
in their hearts
and are guiding the
direction of their
lives like a lamp.
We must live a life that
truly gives thanks to
the Lord for giving us
a new life that allows us
to overcome the sorrows
of the past when we were
hurt and bitter, and to
start anew and be
That's why we absolutely
need to learn more about
the word of God.
So, what should we do
to hear the voice of God?
1) We should read the
word of God regularly.
2) We should spend more
time in fellowship
with the Lord.
3) We should be willing to
welcome, acknowledge,
and receive the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for helping me
realize that God's wisdom
comes only from the one
Father through the Word.
Please lead us to meet
the Lord, who has come
to us as a flash of light
in the Word,
not as a written
Word, that is, 'Logos',
but as a
'Rhema' that will
always change our
lives strongly!
/ By Priscilla
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