With Faith And Love In Christ Jesus 45 [2 Tim 1:13-18] / Anne's Faith ColumnCOLUMNS 2021. 10. 3. 19:30
New Zealand / West Side Moru
With Faith And Love
In Christ Jesus 45
[2 Tim 1:13-18]
/ Anne's Faith Column
/ By Priscilla
Paul personally had
nurtured Timothy spiritually
by teaching the word
of God with the right
attitude of faith.
In particular, today,
Paul is conveying
his heart to Timothy,
the son of the spirit,
about how to put faith
and the Word into practice
and fully keep it in his life
through a brief letter.
"What you heard from me,
keep as the pattern
of sound teaching,
with faith and love
in Christ Jesus.
Guard the good deposit
that was entrusted to you
--guard it with the help
of the Holy Spirit
who lives in us."
[2 Tim 1:13-14]
The above scriptures
are essential for us,
as well.
In fact, I think it necessary
for us to step away
from the daily sermons
or formal prayers
and understanding,
and apply and practice
the Word with intuition
in our lives.
If so, as 'indebted to
the love of Jesus Christ,'
there are what the Lord
asked us to do.
What are those?
We must keep the
written Word according
to the principle based
on 'With faith and love
in Christ Jesus.'
We should also do good
with silence and
prudence in secret,
rather than revealing
ourselves and announcing
it with trumpets for
what we have done.
Sometimes, when
we are doing good
in the practice of giving
to the needy with love,
we cannot hide our
desire to let others
know, so there are
many times
when we are anxious
to show our goodness
to others.
We really need to check
whether this is from
the urge to reveal
or whether it is from
the hidden achievements
or righteousness
or passion that are
still hidden within
ourselves without
being exposed.
Then how do we put
the Word into practice
in our lives?
As 'indebted to the
love of Jesus Christ,'
we must keep our faith
purely for the rest
of our lives, become
faithful servants
of Christ,
take his heart
and practice it fully.
We ourselves must be
his hands and feet,
and his body to comfort
and serve others
willingly with love,
and proclaim the
salvation of Jesus
to many.
This is exactly what
we must practice as
believers today.
There can never be
anything to brag about,
and there is no reason
for our personal feelings
to get involved.
That is, while doing
the Lord's work for
His glory, even when
faced with unfairness
and injustice,
we must endure it to
the end quietly without
standing up against
it directly, because
each of us loves Jesus.
Therefore, once again
we need to reflect
on ourselves.
1) After doing good,
we should not talk
about self-praise.
2) We should push
ahead with work
quietly and steadily.
3) At this time, we
should not reveal
ourselves, but receive
the Lord's love,
not our own
and strive for giving,
sharing, love and
good deeds.
'With faith and love
in Christ Jesus....'
These words and
guidelines for life
delivered by
'Apostle Paul' today
apply not only to
'Timothy' but
also to us.
Therefore, I hope
that you will become
wonderful believers
to open a new chapter
to fully practice
this in your lives.
Please help us to keep
as the pattern of sound
teaching, with faith
and love in Christ
Jesus with humility.
Please grant us
the ability to be
considerate of others,
and lead us to freely
distribute each
of the various talents
that you have already
planted in us to
those in need.
With faith and love
in Christ Jesus....
/ By Priscilla
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