
  • Hear My Voice When I Call To You 31 [Psalm 141:1-10]
    COLUMNS 2021. 6. 14. 06:52


    New Zealand / West Side                            Moru



    Hear My Voice

    When I Call To You 31

    [Psa 141:1-10] 


    / Anne’s Faith





    / By Priscilla




    "A psalm of

    David. O LORD,




    I call to you; come

    quickly to me.




    Hear my voice

    when I call to you.




    May my prayer

    be set before you

    like incense;




    may the lifting up

    of my hands be like

    the evening sacrifice.




    Set a guard over

    my mouth, O LORD;

    keep watch over the

    door of my lips.




    Let not my heart

    be drawn to what is evil,

    to take part in wicked

    deeds with men




    who are evildoers;

    let me not eat of

    their delicacies."

    (Psalm 141 : 1-4)




    From David's prayer

    posture and the

    contents of his




    we can see his

    earnest heart

    and honest heart

      toward the Lord.




    Above all else,

    praying to the Lord

    and earnestly asking

    for an answer




    to his cry will be

    the same not only

    for David, but also

    for each of us.




    The Lord wants us

    to have pure hearts. 




    God wants us to be

     pure and unpolluted

    in our souls.





    each of us needs

    to wake up from our

    spiritual hibernation,




    abandon our usual

    forms of prayer,




    and be more sincere

    and honest with God.




    Like David's great

    confession, we must

    beg the LORD to set a

    guard over our mouths




    and watch over us

    day and night, and

    keep us from the traps

    set by evildoers.




    And also we must

    strongly ask for

    desperate wish for

    God not to give us

    over to death.




    How should we

     pray for that, then?




    We need to empty

    our minds toward

    God faithfully and




    sincerely and raise

    our hands.




    It is very important

    to protect ourselves

    and our hearts by

    asking the Holy Spirit




    so that we may

    not unwittingly be

     stained with evil.




    God always tells us

    to put off the mask

    of hypocrisy




    and lies that afflict

    God's heart and

    be honest.




    In fact, even if

    we are in very difficult

    and stressful situation,




    we must pray earnestly

    in order to experience

    the miracle of crying

    out to God




    and receiving 





    Although we walk

    through the narrow

    path of life, we will

    bear more beautiful




    and richer fruits

    of faith in our close

    fellowship with

    the Holy Spirit




    when we go forward

    serving the Lord in joy.





    no matter what

    situation we are in,




    we are required

    to have a religious

    attitude in which

    we feel truly satisfied

    with God's grace.




    Also, we must

    earnestly pray at

    this time that the

    roots of our faith




    will be strengthened

    through constant prayer

    even during disasters




    and that the unshaken

    resolutions of faith

    will go on like David's






    as David went through

    a night of terrible

     hardship, he looked

    to the Lord more,




    praised God, and

    glorified God,




    The Lord tells us

    to imitate David's

    attitude of faith

    during disasters




    and go forward,

    depending on the

    Lord more.




    1) Therefore, let's not

    try to wrap ourselves

    up in front of God,




    but first, let's be honest

    believers who talk openly.




    2) Let's increase our

    trust in God who listens

    to our faint groans

     and answers our cries.




    3) Let's empty our heart,

    put the word of the

    Lord in it, take root

    in faith




    and keep the

    heart that the Lord

    has given us purely.












    O LORD! 

    Hear my earnest cry,

    and answer my plea, 

    O LORD, quickly!











    / By Priscilla








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