Life Of A Disciple5 [Lk 14:26-27] / Paul's Special Lecture On The BibleE. C. D.T.C 2022. 3. 16. 14:16
Calling Moru
Life Of A Disciple5
[Lk 14:26-27]
/ Paul's Special
Lecture On The
/ By Paul
3) Living in Jesus every day
is living the life of a disciple.
"Jesus said,
"If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
(Jn 8:31-32)
Most of the time we read the Bible
to find the promises that can
comfort us,
and then to find the words of
power that will give us courage.
This is usually when we are
dominated by difficult
if we have the Word as our
daily bread and meditate
and keep the Word,
our faith will rule over our
circumstances and we will
live a life of peace beyond
our circumstances.
Just as 'food' is not
a matter of choice
but of necessity
in order to sustain life,
for a born-again life,
we must read the Word
every day as our daily
bread and cherish the
Word through meditation.
Obedience is an expression
of when the Word is
completely mine,
and then we can hear
Jesus saying to us,
"Go and make disciples
of all nations."
The ultimate mission
of the believer is to make
disciples of all nations.
This is because it is to
keep the last command
of the Lord. (Matt 28:19)
3. The Life of discipleship
promises us a life of
eternal glory.
"Whoever serves me must
follow me; and where I am,
my servant also will be.
My Father will honor the
one who serves me."
(Jn 12:26)
1) The privilege of discipleship
is that the Lord is always
with you.
It is a world where we live
apart from the Lord now,
but the opportunity to live
in this world with the Lord
once again will surely come.
That period is the
"millennial kingdom".
It is written in the Scriptures
that we shall reign with
the Lord then.
This is the opportunity
only true disciples
can receive.
The present life is a period
of preparation for the
future life with the Lord.
Our lives do not end with
the lives of this world.
Think of the Lord who is
waiting in heaven, and will
come back to this earth.
As a disciple look forward
to the joy of establishing
and ruling the Lord's
kingdom with the Lord.
The years that have passed
are not wasted, the years
remaining are precious,
and soon we will go to heaven
and enjoy the joy of living
a completely happy life
with the Lord.
2) The joy of a disciple is
that God values me.
Humans do not become
the beings that God
will cherish.
It is because they betray God,
they love sin more, they
prefer the world to heaven.
Even if we
receive forgiveness,
we cannot be recognized
as righteous through
our efforts.
However, God says that
he values us because
of the Lord.
In other words,
God treats us the way
he treats the Lord.
It is more precious than
the grace bestowed
upon Abraham,
David, and Daniel.
It means that He
entrusts the kingdom
of heaven to us as
an inheritance.
After the
Millennium Kingdom,
we will become heirs of God
and live in a new heaven
and a new earth.
The life of faith is for the future.
The life of true faith
determines the future.
That is the life as
a disciple.
- The End -
/ By Paul
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