
  • Now Is The Time To Worship In One Accord! / True Worship Need To One Accord In Christ!
    FAVORITE 2021. 4. 10. 08:45


    Now Is The Time

    To Worship In

    One Accord!


    True Worship Need

    To One Accord In Christ!




    / By Priscilla



    As Christians,

    and as God's

    chosen children,




    we are blessed

    and privileged spiritually,

    physically, and financially. 





    as children of God,

    we must never forget,




    and neglect the grace

     of God that he has granted.




    Also, as children of God,

    we must live a life




    in which the Lord is

    centered as true





    Worship is such

    a great blessing and

    a natural mission for us,

    so we should not

    neglect worship.




    Therefore, unlike those

    who give up meeting





    we must become active

    worshipers who strive

    to gather at the church

    like the early church.




    This is because the church

    is a unique and special

    meeting community




    where each person must

    gather and maintain

    unity in diversity.





    the most important thing

    at this time is that




    the church governed by God

    must be one in Jesus Christ

    under the same Holy Spirit

    due to the nature of

    the meeting.




     In one God

     In one Spirit

     With  one heart



     With one mind

     With one soul

     With one blood




     With one accord

     With one band

     With one unity




     With one voice

     For one purpose

     With one Harmony




     With one color

     For one goal, aim,

    and  in one target




     For one direction

     With one theme

     For one destination




    Therefore, we should 

    bring our hearts together

    and worship the Lord!




    Rely on Him!

    Look up to Him!




    Think about Him!

    Follow Him!

    Exalt His name!




    First of all,

    I sincerely hope that

    we will become

    true worshipers




    who fully worship

    and exalt God,




    and that complete

    worship centered

    on God,




    who is the object

    of true worship, will be

    fulfilled in the church




    and practiced in our

    lives as it is.





    let's live a life of

    abundant worship




    with which we can

    give glory to God




    through many graces,

    blessings, and powers!








    / By Priscilla








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