
  • The Only Savior118 [Hos 13:1-8] / Anne's Faith Column
    COLUMNS 2023. 4. 29. 20:36


    New Zealand / West Side                                                              Moru


    The Only Savior118 

    [Hos 13:1-8] 


     / Anne's Faith Column 


    / By Priscilla 



    Due to their satisfaction

    and abundance of their lives,

    the Israelites became

    proud and arrogant,



    and God lamented

    that they had already

    forgotten God, the Savior,



    and immersed themselves

    in worshiping idols.



    In any situation,

    we God's children must

    only believe in



    and serve God and be

    convinced that He is

    our only savior.



    Why is God our savior?



    1. God dramatically

    rescued us from the brink

    of death in the dry




    with the mighty arm

    of the Lord and continues

    to counsel each of us.



    2. Ever since we came

    out of the land of Egypt,



    which symbolizes the world,

    there has been a covenantal

    relationship established



    between God and us,

    his children.



    In other words, since we

    set apart  for a new identity

    from physical children



    to spiritual children

    (2 Corinthians 5:17),



    we must remember that

    the blessing of Abraham,

    the ancestor of faith, has

    finally come upon us.



    Therefore, we must not

    forget that if we do not

    confess our sins every day,



    our sinful nature will grow

    and lead to rebellion

    against God.



    If there is anything selfish

    or deceiving God in our

    actions and thoughts,



    we must immediately repent,

    humble our arrogant heart

    before God, and pray

    to the Holy Spirit.



    When Ephraim became

    satisfied and abundant

    in his life, he became




    and quickly fell

    into idolatry.



    When King Saul felt that

    he had become strong,

    he became arrogant and



    committed the sin of

    usurping the place of God,

    and the Spirit of God

    left him finally.



    Sin, no matter how little,

    keeps us away from
    God's side. 



    That means that we are

    exactly in the state of sin.



    Therefore, we must not

    overlook any sin.



    It does not happen in an

    instant for us to distance

    ourselves from God and

    become arrogant.



    It is when our sinful nature

    gradually builds up that

    it comes out naturally.



    As we commit many sins,

    we become spiritually

    dull and arrogant. 



    We must ask

    the Holy Spirit to keep

    us from committing sins,



    and once we commit

    sins, we must confess our

    sins immediately.



    God knows the scars,

    sufferings, and hardships

    we have suffered so far.




    as children of God,



    there is something  we

    must remember:



    we must not live

    according to the sinful

    nature, but according 

    to  the  Holy Spirit.



    We must not exchange

    the blessings God has

    bestowed on us for vain

    things such as idolatry,



    and we must be alert

    so that God's valuable

    grace may not be turned

    into valueless grace.



    This is because He is

    my only Savior and

    Almighty God.




    how should we live?



    1) Let's not harass others

    for our temporary benefit.



    2) We should keep in mind

    that God is our only

    savior every day.



    3) Let's keep awake and

    pray so that we may not

    become arrogant.






    God is my only savior.



    Lord, grant me the spirit

    of repentance and accept

    me as I confess my sins!




    - To Be Continue - 





    / By Priscilla






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